
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

ぶどうの蔵 | 飲み頃の熟成したワインリスト800種をお勧めする京都祇園のワインバー ぶどうの蔵 - Vinfin.jp


Contact ぶどうの蔵ヴァンファン

住所 :

Higashiyama Ward, 〒605-0073 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://vinfin.jp/
街 : Kyoto

Higashiyama Ward, 〒605-0073 Kyoto,Japan
溝川豊 on Google

大槻裕樹 on Google

山口尚人 on Google

I won't go back again
孝直篠原 on Google

The best wine bar ?
kramlgjcki julmigoj on Google

自分の利益しか考えてない。 何も言わずに客の金でお酒を呑むのはどうかなと思います。
I only think about my own interests. I don't think you should drink alcohol with your customers' money without saying anything.
虚遊人 on Google

他の人も言ってる通り、ここの男は勝手に客の入れたボトルを平気で飲む輩。 散々自分で飲んで、もうなくなりますよと言えるハートの男。 ストックもいいものあるし、場所も良いから多分アホな太客抱えてるのかな? 普通の感覚の人は行かない方が賢明。 驚きたい人には是非。 ちゃんと当たり前な商売すればいいのに。
As others have said, the man here is a man who drinks bottles filled with customers without hesitation. A man with a heart who can drink himself and say that he will be gone. The stock is good and the location is good, so maybe I have a stupid big customer? It is wise not to go if you have a normal feeling. Come to those who want to be surprised. I wish I could do business properly.
take google on Google

5階から京都タワーも見える、かなり通なワインバー‼️ ビンテージもかなりあり、ワイン専門店としてかなりレベルが高い。 ワイン通なら一度は行くべきバーですね。 ワインのアテもなかなかパワーがあるいい感じのメニューがあります。
A pretty common wine bar where you can see Kyoto Tower from the 5th floor! ️ There are quite a few vintages, and the level is high as a wine specialty store. If you're a wine connoisseur, it's a bar you should visit at least once. There is also a nice menu with great power for wine.
Rob walsh on Google

We had just visited two of the nearby temples and were looking for a place to sit.Vin Fin seemed like a pretty unlikely name for a Japanese wine bar, but it was just what the doctor ordered. An intimate wine bar on the 5th floor overlooking the busy Gai neighborhood of E Kyoto, it has an extensive selection of French wines. Although it might seat 8, we were the only customers that night, and enjoyed a 2003 Two Hands Australian Granache blend and a French Burgundy from Charles Noellet Saantenay, along with a fruit and cheese plate. A gem of a find in old Kyoto! Not very obvious or easy to find. But, Highly recommended.

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