ワインバー スズナリ・ヴィーニュ

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ワインバー スズナリ・ヴィーニュ

住所 :

Higashiyama Ward, 〒605-0078 Kyoto,Japan

街 : Kyoto

Higashiyama Ward, 〒605-0078 Kyoto,Japan
ひがしだかずひさ on Google

We have a good sommelier and delicious wine.
へっぽこ丸 on Google

I had a very favorite wine and forgot the flow of time.
宮木康 on Google

店主が気さくだけど、距離感が良い。 ワインも色々とあり、ワインを知らなくても好きなお酒を言えば、自分に合ったのを選んでくれる。(本当に自分が好きなのを探すなら、一杯目から好みを伝えて微調整するべきかもしれない) 他のお客さんも嫌な人に会ったことが無い。 葡萄ジュースも美味しい。本当に美味しい。
The shopkeeper is friendly, but the sense of distance is good. There are various kinds of wine, and even if you don't know the wine, if you say your favorite sake, it will choose the one that suits you. (If you really want to find what you like, you may have to tell your taste from the first drink and make fine adjustments.) Other customers have never met an unpleasant person. The grape juice is also delicious. It ’s really delicious.
take google on Google

うわさに高いワインバーなかなか行けなくて、昨日バー巡りで行かせていただきました。紹介者がいないと入れないので紹介してもらってくださいね。ワインはさすがに飲んだことがないし、いろんなパフォーマンスがあるワインばかり、美味ですね。シャンパーニュ騎士団のマスターのトークでワイン勉強。 さすがなワイン、シャンパンあります!
I couldn't go to the expensive wine bar, so I went to the bar yesterday. If you don't have an introducer, you can't enter, so please ask for an introduction. I have never drank wine, and all the wines with various performances are delicious. Study wine with a talk by the Master of the Knights of Champagne. As expected, we have wine and champagne!
Kevin C on Google

Owner is not as friendly as the other reviews say. Try somewhere else
Annelise Yee on Google

Amazing selection of wines. Very friendly staff! I highly recommend stopping by.
Michael Henderson on Google

Excellent selection of wines & champagnes. Suzukie is incredibly knowledgeable and recommended us some superb champagnes to try.
Anoop Koshy on Google

Incredible experience at this understated wine bar! Suzukie the manager was such a legend and gave us some excellent dinner recommendations. And the champagne... oishii!!!

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