Honnoji Incident ruins monument - Kyoto

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Contact Honnoji Incident ruins monument

住所 :

Motohonnoji Minamicho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8231, Japan

Postal code : 604-8231

Motohonnoji Minamicho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8231, Japan
Hiro on Google

日本の歴史至上最大の事件の場。 いつかこの地に立ってみたいと思っていたら、たまたま泊まったホテルの近くだったので、自転車でフラッと行ってみました。 今は石碑だけしかなく、住宅街ですが、目をつぶると映画やドラマで描かれている誰もが知るあの光景が浮かびます。 戦国好きな人は必ず訪れるべきですよ。
The place of the greatest incident in Japanese history. When I wanted to stand here someday, I happened to be near the hotel where I stayed, so I went by bicycle. Nowadays, there are only stone monuments and it is a residential area, but when you close your eyes, you can see the sight that everyone knows in movies and dramas. People who like Sengoku should definitely visit.
kazuyo902 on Google

This is the place where the "Honnoji Incident" actually happened. The Honnoji Temple, which is currently in front of the city hall, was relocated by Hideyoshi. It is attracting attention for "Kirin coming", but unfortunately there is only a stone monument. But when I think that Nobunaga really died here, I'm deeply moved.
風雲児織田信長 on Google

Akechi Mitsuhide used his servants to assassinate Nobunaga in both double and triple directions, and used about 100 servants who remembered his arms from the north and south gates of Honnoji. It is famous for the place where Nobunaga was assassinated by assassinating his servants, but when there was a change in Honnoji, Mitsuhide was not in this place and made his son-in-law the leader of Nobunaga's assassination and made him fight at Honnoji. He was waiting for the result report by setting up a camp at Shichijo Ohashi. It is said that Mitsuhide, who succeeded in assassinating Nobunaga, went to Azuchi Castle, took out the treasures in the castle, and offered a considerable amount of money to the public house. I think Nobunaga himself had the feeling that he might be assassinated by someone someday from a young age. .. There was a time when he was actually assassinated many times, and he was shot twice from the mountain with a gun, but the book says that he was saved just by scratching his face and body. Nobunaga-san was always prepared to be assassinated, so I think he wasn't too upset at the time of the Honnoji Incident. By the way, Mitsuhide often used it in historical drama as "the enemy is in Honnoji", but in reality, he didn't say that, and the words written in the period drama books of the Meiji era became famous. Just like that.
masahiro maeda on Google

There are only stone monuments on the northeast and west sides of the instinct nursing home. The current Honnoji Temple is near Kyoto Shiyakusho-mae Station, but as the name of Motohonnoji Town suggests, this is the place where Honnoji was originally located, and it is also this place where Nobunaga was struck. It is accessible within a 10-minute walk from Shijo Subway Station.
Hiroshi Kyoto on Google

本能寺は,法華宗本門流の本山で応永22(1415)年妙本寺(現在の妙顕寺)の日隆が創建した。創建時は油小路高辻にあって本応寺と号した。永享5(1433)年四条坊門大宮に移り,本能寺と改めた。天正10(1582)年6月2日の本能寺の変の時には,北は六角,南は蛸薬師,東は西洞院,西は油小路に囲まれた寺域を持っていた。のち豊臣秀吉(1536~98)の命により寺町御池に移転した。この石標は本能寺の変当時の所在地を示すものである。なお,この附近を元本能寺南町というのは,本能寺に因むものである。(京都市) 立年 1994年 建立者 本能寺 寸 法 高138×幅152×奥行41cm [東] 平成六年四月建之 宗祖日蓮大聖人開宗七百五十年記念 大本山本寺第百三十六世日攝代 [西] 本能寺跡  本能寺跡記 碑文:「本能寺跡記」 応永二十二年(一四一五)御開山日隆聖人は、本門八品の正義を弘通せんがため、油小路高辻と五条坊門の間に一寺を建立して「本応寺」と号されたが、後に破却されたので、永享元年(一四二九)小袖屋宗句の外護により町端に再建、次いで永享五年(一四三三)如意王丸の発願により、六角大宮に広大な寺地を得て移転再建、本門八品能弘の大霊場として「本能寺」と改称された。 その後、天文五年(一五三六)天文法乱によって焼失。天文十四年(一五四五)第八世伏見宮日承王上人によって旧地より四条西洞院の此の地に移転、壮大な堂宇の再興を見た。然るに天正十年(一五八二)彼の「本能寺の変」によって織田信長とともに炎上、天正十七年 (一五八九)この地に再建せんとし、上棟式の当日、豊臣秀吉より鴨川村(現在の寺町御池)の地に移転を命ぜらる。一山の大衆声を放って号涙すと、因みに本能寺は度々火災に罹りたるをもって「ヒヒ」と重なるを忌み、能の字を特に「能」と書くのが慣しである。 大本山 本能寺 Hokke-ji Temple was founded by Nichiryu of Myohon-ji Temple (now Myoken-ji Temple) in 1415, the head temple of the Hokke-shu main gate. When it was built, it was located in Takatsuji, Yukoji, and was called Honoji. In 1433, he moved to Shijobomon Omiya and changed it to Honnoji. At the time of the Honnoji Incident on June 2, 1582, it had a temple area surrounded by hexagons in the north, Takoyakushi in the south, Nishinotoin in the east, and Aburanokoji in the west. Later, he moved to Teramachi Oike at the behest of Hideyoshi Toyotomi (1536-98). This stone marker shows the location of Honnoji Temple at the time of the change. Motohonnoji Minamimachi is named after Motohonnoji Temple. (Kyoto City) Standing year 1994 Founder Honnoji Cun height 138 x width 152 x depth 41 cm [East] April 1994 Tateyuki 750th anniversary of the founding of the founder Nichiren Daishonin Omotoyama Honji 136th Sekai Nippo [West] Ruins of Honnoji Temple Ruins of Honnoji Temple Inscription: "Honnouji Remains" In the 22nd year of Oei (1415), the saint Hitaka Mikaiyama built a temple between Takatsuji Yukoji and Gojobomon in order to promote the justice of the eight main gates, and called it "Honoji". However, it was later destroyed, so it was rebuilt on the town edge in the first year of Eikyo (1429) under the protection of the Kosodeya Sect. , Obtained a vast temple ground in Rokkakuomiya, relocated and rebuilt, and was renamed "Honnouji" as the great sacred place of Honmon Hachishin Nohhiro. After that, it was burnt down due to the astronomical disturbance in the 5th year of Astronomy (1536). In the 14th year of Astronomy (1545), he moved from the old land to this place in Shijo Nishinotoin by the 8th Fushimi-no-miya Nissho King, and saw the magnificent revival of Dou. However, in the 10th year of the Tensho era (1582), he and Nobunaga Oda burned up due to his "Honnoji Incident", and in the 17th year of the Tensho era. (1589) On the day of the topping-out ceremony, Hideyoshi Toyotomi ordered the relocation to the land of Kamogawa Village (currently Oike, Teramachi). When I cried with a mountain of popular voices, Honnoji often suffered from fire and hated to overlap with "baboon", and it is customary to write the character of Noh as "Noh" in particular. Omotoyama Honnoji Temple
Hokke-ji Temple was founded by Nichiryu of Myohon-ji Temple (now Myoken-ji Temple) in 1415, the head temple of the Hokke-shu main gate. When it was built, it was located in Takatsuji, Yukoji, and was called Honoji. In 1433, he moved to Shijobomon Omiya and changed it to Honnoji. At the time of the Honnoji Incident on June 2, 1582, it had a temple area surrounded by hexagons in the north, Takoyakushi in the south, Nishinotoin in the east, and Aburanokoji in the west. Later, he moved to Teramachi Oike at the behest of Hideyoshi Toyotomi (1536-98). This stone marker shows the location of Honnoji Temple at the time of the change. Motohonnoji Minamimachi is named after Motohonnoji Temple. (Kyoto City) Standing year 1994 Founder Honnoji Cun height 138 x width 152 x depth 41 cm [East] April 1994 Tateyuki Nichiren Daishonin, the 750th anniversary of the founding of the sect Omotoyama Honji 136th Sekai Nippo [West] Ruins of Honnoji Temple Ruins of Honnoji Temple Inscription: "Honnouji Remains" In the 22nd year of Oei (1415), the saint Hitaka Mikaiyama built a temple between Takatsuji Yukoji and Gojobomon in order to promote the justice of the eight main gates, and called it "Honoji". However, it was later destroyed, so it was rebuilt on the town edge in the first year of Eikyo (1429) under the protection of the Kosodeya Sect. , Obtained a vast temple ground in Rokkakuomiya, relocated and rebuilt, and was renamed "Honnouji" as the great sacred place of Honmon Hachishin Nohhiro. After that, it was burnt down in the 5th year of Astronomy (1536) due to the astronomical disturbance. In the 14th year of Astronomy (1545), he moved from the old land to this place in Shijo Nishinotoin by the 8th Fushimi-no-miya Nissho King, and saw the magnificent revival of Dou. However, in the 10th year of the Tensho era (1582), he and Nobunaga Oda burned up due to his "Honnoji Incident", and in the 17th year of the Tensho era. (1589) On the day of the topping-out ceremony, Hideyoshi Toyotomi ordered the relocation to the land of Kamogawa Village (currently Oike, Teramachi). When I cried with a mountain of popular voices, Honnoji often suffered from fire and hated to overlap with "baboon", and it is customary to write the character of Noh as "Noh" in particular. Omotoyama Honnoji Temple Hokke-ji Temple was founded by Nichiryu of Myohon-ji Temple (now Myoken-ji Temple) in 1415, the head temple of the Hokke-shu main gate. When it was built, it was located in Takatsuji, Yukoji, and was called Honoji. In 1433, he moved to Shijobomon Omiya and changed it to Honnoji. At the time of the Honnoji Incident on June 2, 1582, it had a temple area surrounded by hexagons in the north, Takoyakushi in the south, Nishinotoin in the east , and Aburanokoji in the west. Later, he moved to Teramachi Oike at the behest of Hideyoshi Toyotomi (1536-98). This stone marker shows the location of Honnoji Temple at the time of the change. Motohonnoji Minamimachi is named after Motohonnoji Temple. (Kyoto City) Standing year 1994 Founder Honnoji Cun height 138 x width 152 x depth 41 cm [East] April 1994 Tateyuki 750th anniversary of the founding of the founder Nichiren Daishonin Omotoyama Honji 136th Sekai Nippo [West] Ruins of Honnoji Temple Ruins of Honnoji Temple Inscription: "Honnouji Remains" In the 22nd year of Oei (1415), the saint Hitaka Mikaiyama built a temple between Takatsuji Yukoji and Gojobomon in order to promote the justice of the eight main gates, and called it "Honoji". However, it was later destroyed, so it was rebuilt on the town edge in the first year of Eikyo (1429) under the protection of the Kosodeya Sect., Obtained a vast temple ground in Rokkakuomiya, relocated and rebuilt, and was renamed "Honnouji" as the great sacred place of Honmon Hachishin Nohhiro. After that, it was burnt down due to the astronomical disturbance in the 5th year of Astronomy (1536). In the 14th year of Astronomy (1545), he moved from the old land to this place in Shijo Nishinotoin by the 8th Fushimi-no -miya Nissho King, and saw the magnificent revival of Dou. However, in the 10th year of the Tensho era (1582), he and Nobunaga Oda burned up due to his "Honnoji Incident", and in the 17th year of the Tensho era .. (1589) On the day of the topping-out ceremony, Hideyoshi Toyotomi ordered the relocation to the land of Kamogawa Village (currently Oike, Teramachi). When I cried with a mountain of popular voices, Honnoji often suffered from fire and hated to overlap with "baboon", and it is customary to write the character of Noh as "Noh" in particular. Omotoyama Honnoji Temple
白ベイ on Google

油小路蛸薬師交差点を南に行った東側の本能特養老人ホームの敷地内に「本能寺跡石碑」があります。 また、この石碑とは別に同じ並びの京都市立堀川高校本能学舎の敷地に入った北側の壁に本能寺跡の駒札が掲示されています。 更にこの石碑と駒札とは別に、小川通蛸薬師南西角に「此付近本能寺跡石碑」があります。 本能寺跡として至近距離3つあります。 本能寺変で織田信長とともに炎上した本能寺があった場所がここになります。 本能寺は、同地に再建されるところであったが直前に豊臣秀吉の命で御池寺町に再建されたとのことでした。 本能寺より東側の方が高くなっており本能寺変時に明智軍より本能寺境内がまる見えだったようなことを以前のテレビ番組で聞いた覚えがあり、確かにこの辺りを歩いてみると東側にいくと道がのぼっているのが分かります。当時は、マンション等の高い建物もないので地形で高いところになると丸見えというのも納得出来ます。
There is a "Honnoji Ruins Stone Monument" on the premises of the instinct special elderly nursing home on the east side of the Aburanokoji Takoyakushi intersection to the south. In addition to this stone monument, a piece tag of the remains of Honnoji Temple is posted on the north wall of the site of Kyoto Municipal Horikawa High School Instinct School. In addition to this stone monument and Komafuda, there is a "Honnoji Ruins Stone Monument near here" at the southwest corner of Ogawa Takoyakushi. There are three close-up distances as the remains of Honnoji. This is the place where the Honnoji Temple, which burned up with Nobunaga Oda during the Honnoji Incident, was located here. Honnoji was about to be rebuilt there, but it was said that it was rebuilt in Oike-dori-cho at the behest of Toyotomi Hideyoshi just before. I remember hearing on a previous TV program that the eastern side was higher than Honnoji, and the precincts of Honnoji were more visible than the Akechi army at the time of the Honnoji Incident. You can see that the road is climbing. At that time, there were no tall buildings such as condominiums, so it is understandable that you can see the whole view when the terrain is high.
Takayuki Shouji on Google

Maybe almost Japanese know this temple, as the historical event Honmoku Incident. But there is not so large and not so may things to see, just saw the grave of ODA Nobunaga, famous samurai load and victim of the incident.
gradhito on Google

A historical Honnoji temple ruins landmark back from Nobunaga Oda era.

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