Tamashii no Ippin - Okayama

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tamashii no Ippin

住所 :

2 Chome-2-6 Omotecho, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0822, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 700-0822

2 Chome-2-6 Omotecho, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0822, Japan
と金 on Google

カウンターのみの油そば店 名前のイメージでベッタベタのギトギトを想像するかもですが 汁の無い混ぜ麺なのでどうぞご安心に訪問下さい 食後の残り汁にスープを入れてシメにするのが一連の動作のようです
Abura soba shop with counter only You might imagine a sticky gitogito with the image of the name. Since it is a mixed noodle without soup, please feel free to visit us. It seems that a series of actions is to add soup to the remaining juice after eating and make it squeaky.
らーらー on Google

前から気になってたので、行ってみました。 (無料で中盛りにしてもらえたんですけど、たぶん普通はそれより少ない並盛りなんだと思います) せっかくなので、極め全乗せ魂っていう油そばに。 最初は味が濃すぎてキツイと思ったけど、マヨネーズをかけると味がクリーミーに激変して、美味しゅう食べられました。 若い男子の多いお店です ??
I've been interested in it for a long time, so I went there. (I was given a middle serving for free, but I think it's usually less than that.) Because it's a big deal, it's an abura soba called the soul with all the souls. At first, the taste was too strong and I thought it was tough, but when I added mayonnaise, the taste changed drastically to creamy and I was able to eat it deliciously. It's a shop with many young boys ??
Yoshiaki Yamanishi on Google

The taste, customer service and cleanliness are all wonderful. The addictive taste sometimes makes me want to eat it asexually. It is recommended to eat with mayonnaise on the desk. Finally, there is 〆 soup, which is also delicious.
Volis Cordly on Google

たまたま通り掛かった時に目に止まったので入ってみました。 初めての油そばてどないなもんじゃいと。 空腹やったので取り敢えず全乗せを。 タレは濃いめ、麺は太麺の縮れ麺、魚介系ラーメン好きなんで追い魚粉しました。 男性なら中盛がお勧めですね。ペロッとイケます。 最後に追いスープで温かく締めるのがエエみたいですが…これは好みなんてしょうけど、私にはちと塩辛い感じ(−☆1)、これなら最初からスープ掛けてもエエと思います。 また通り掛かったら入ってみよう。
When I happened to pass by, I caught my eye, so I went in. It's the first time I've had abura soba. I was hungry, so I'll put it all on. The sauce is thick, the noodles are thick curly noodles, and I like seafood ramen, so I used fishmeal. If you're a man, I recommend Nakamori. It's cool. At the end, it seems to be eh to tighten it warmly with chasing soup ... I don't like this, but it feels a bit salty to me (-☆ 1), so I think it's eh to sprinkle soup from the beginning. Let's go in when we pass by again.
名前をミスった(ガンサム) on Google

味はしっかりしていてさっぱり食べやすい❗ 自分好みにカスタマイズ出来ることも好印象で初めて油そばを食べたけど1ヶ月に1回は通いたいって思える味 進んでオススメします❗
The taste is solid and easy to eat ❗ I had a good impression that I could customize it to my liking, so I ate abura soba for the first time, but it tastes like I want to go there once a month. Willing to recommend ❗
ずーみん on Google

ジョリー東宝に映画を見に行った際、当店を発見して立ち寄りました。 時間がなかったので油そば単品にしましたが、一般男性だと少し物足りないと思います。麺を大盛りにするか、サイドメニューを頼んだ方が良かったかも。 ラー油やマヨネーズ等、色々トッピングを楽しむことができ、〆のスープも美味しかったです。 店員さんの接客態度も良かったので、また来させて頂きたいです。
When I went to see a movie at Jolly Toho, I found our shop and stopped by. I didn't have much time, so I made abura soba separately, but I think it's a little unsatisfactory for general men. It might have been better to have a large serving of noodles or order a side menu. You can enjoy various toppings such as chili oil and mayonnaise, and the soup was delicious. The clerk's customer service was also good, so I would like to come back again.
YasoO! on Google

Today's lunch was abura soba, I asked for abura soba for 840 yen plus a large serving of 100 yen It seems that it is a little difficult to eat due to the height of the counter (^-^; Mix the bottom oil and the sauce and mix the noodles first. The noodles that are swelled with thick noodles are satisfying to eat. I was wondering which one to shake, but first of all, the taste changed to a refreshing type with fish flour, vinegar, and soba, I wonder if I prefer this one (^. ^) I know what kind of taste I have after eating soba It was delicious
テイクイットイージー on Google

久しぶりの油そば。 場所柄駐車場はなし。10席くらいです。 とりあえず全部乗せを注文。無料で中盛に変更可能。店員さんが聞いてくれます。大盛は当然有料。 卓上の調味料を使って自分好みにアレンジ可能。にんにく、唐辛子、魚粉、岩塩、胡椒、マヨネーズ、酢、ラーメンタレがあった気がする。器にでも名称を記しておいてほしい。 味はかなり濃い目のタレでトッピングしなくても十分美味しい。途中で適当に味変して食べ終えました。食べ終えたらスープ割りを頼むとスープまでしっかり飲み干せます。 持ち帰りも対応しているようです。
Abura soba after a long absence. There is no parking lot. There are about 10 seats. For the time being, I ordered all of them. Can be changed to medium for free. The clerk will ask. Of course, there is a charge for Omori. You can arrange it to your liking using the seasoning on the table. I think there were garlic, chili, fishmeal, rock salt, pepper, mayonnaise, vinegar, and ramen sauce. I want you to write the name on the vessel. The taste is quite strong and delicious enough without toppings. I changed the taste properly on the way and finished eating. When you finish eating, ask for a soup split and you can drink the soup well. It seems that take-out is also supported.

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