Site of the Daigokuden of the Chōdōin, Heian Palace - Kyoto

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Site of the Daigokuden of the Chōdōin, Heian Palace

住所 :

31-3 Jurakumawari Higashimachi, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8404, Japan

Postal code : 604-8404
Webサイト :

31-3 Jurakumawari Higashimachi, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8404, Japan
カ号観測機 on Google

It's a small park now. It looks like "Rujomon Ruins" on the west side of Toji Temple. If you have time, imagine observing "Asney" in the back of the library near "Marumachi Hospital" on the west side.
いい on Google

うんこしに行ったら紙がなく ケツ拭かずに1日を過ごした。
When I went to poop, there was no paper I spent the day without wiping my ass.
オレオレ俺だよぉ〜 on Google

位置は少しズレてるみたい。 誰かが俺に当時の建物を見せた? その後、『まろは』って言うてた?
The position seems to be a little off. Someone showed me the building at that time ? After that, he said "Maroha" ?
橋本康弘 on Google

千本丸太町の交差点近くで バス停直ぐの所にあります。 大きな碑がありますが、 大極殿跡の面影はありません。 でも、説明板があり当時を 知る事が出来ます。
Near the intersection of Senbon Marutacho It's right at the bus stop. There is a big monument, There is no feature of the large pole mark. But there is a description board I can know.
白ベイ on Google

Heiankyo is the center of politics. There is only a big stone monument and information board in a small park a little behind the Senbonmarutamachi bus stop of Senbondori.
まっちゃん on Google

1000年の都といっても、その間、政治の中心機能は京都盆地の中で移動し続けた。遷都直後はこの場所。しかし早い時期に西京は「幽墟」となり、東京極(現寺町通)から鴨川をこえて東へと人々は移動し、さらに院政の舞台として洛南・鳥羽に離宮が営まれ、平家の勃興とともに六波羅が栄えた。元々、長安の街割をそのままコピーすることに無理があった。 今は児童公園。2018年度にトイレが改修され、きれいになった。簡単なボルダリングの遊具も設置された。
In the meantime, the central function of politics continued to move within the Kyoto Basin. This place immediately after the change of capital. However, in the early days, Saikyo became a "yoyo", people moved from the Tokyo pole (currently Teramachi Dori) over the Kamogawa river to the east, and a rikyu was run in Shonan and Toba as a stage of hospital administration. The six parades prospered. Originally, it was impossible to copy the town discount of Chang'an as it is. Now it is a children's park. The toilet was renovated in 2018 and it became clean. A simple bouldering toy was also installed.
김효진 on Google

교토 천년수도 헤이안 궁의 중심 건물 터 입니다. 헤이죠쿄의 태극전, 조선 경복궁의 근정전과 같은 역할이라고 보면 됩니다. 지금은 놀이터와 공원으로 되어서 예전의 영화는 알 수 없습니다.
It is the ruins of the central building of the Kyoto Millennium Capital Heian Palace. It can be regarded as the same role as the Taegeukjeon in Heijo-kyo and Geunjeongjeon in Gyeongbokgung Palace in Joseon. Now it is a playground and a park, so the old movies are unknown.
Takayoshi T on Google

To get to know Kyoto, start here. Use your imagination to think about this place in the park now. Heiankyo is behind Ouchi. The inner palace is the residence of the emperor, and politics was done in the same place, so it's a place where the current Imperial Palace and Kasumigaseki are together. The place that corresponds to the main gate is this Taikyokuden. At the time of Heiankyo, this place was the center.

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