Nisshin Orido Hospital - Nisshin

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nisshin Orido Hospital

住所 :

Nishidamen-110 Oridocho, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0115, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87777
Postal code : 470-0115
Webサイト :

Nishidamen-110 Oridocho, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0115, Japan
h s on Google

I came here because I was caught in a company health checkup, but I'm in trouble if I don't ask what data I want! I was sharpened because it could not be understood by an amateur. After that, when I went to another hospital, he said, "Let's take this kind of data and follow up." It's a few years ago, so it's just for your reference.
葉子春日 on Google

外来に予約を 入れるため、予約専用番号に電話をかけましたが、外来の看護師が出てその対応がひどかった。高齢の義母が具合が悪く動けないと言ってるのに、寄り添う姿勢が感じられなかったです。この病院はもともとあまり良い印象はなかったけど、ますます印象が悪くなりました。近いから仕方なく通っています。でも訪問診療やリハビリの方々は、良い方ばかりです。人によるのかな?
I called the reservation number to make an appointment for the outpatient department, but an outpatient nurse came out and the response was terrible. My elderly mother-in-law said she was sick and couldn't move, but I couldn't feel her cuddling. I didn't have a very good impression of this hospital, but it got worse and worse. I have no choice but to go because it is close. However, the people who visit the clinic and rehabilitate are all good people. Does it depend on the person?
ll6 mmm on Google

貧血で救急外来にかかりました。 医者も准看護師も最低な対応でした すごく感じが悪かったです ベッドに空きがないのはわかりますが、自分で立てない状態だったにも関わらず入院できず帰らされました。 付き添い人がいたからなんとか帰れたのですが、居なかったらどうしてくれるつもりだったのか教えてほしい すごくぐったりしているのに救急ベッドで寝ている私に「自分でスマホで家族に電話して」と言われました 次に何をすればいいかわからなかった時も「お会計です!!」と何故か怒鳴られました
I went to the emergency department because of anemia. Both the doctor and the associate nurse were the worst. It felt really bad I know there is no room in the bed, but I couldn't be hospitalized even though I couldn't stand by myself. I managed to get home because I had an attendant, but please tell me what I was going to do if I wasn't there. I was very tired but sleeping in the emergency bed, and I was told, "Call my family on my smartphone." Even when I didn't know what to do next, I was yelled at for some reason, "It's a checkout !!"
YUKIE K. on Google

母が心筋梗塞などの持病があるためこちらの循環器内科と心血管外科にかかっています。循環器内科外来は土曜日は医師が一年交代で毎年4月に他の病院からみえて交代します。なので主治医ということにはなりません。ただカルテがある、ということだけです。毎回変わるたびにまた、最初からか…と思いますが、今回は特に今までの医師とは違って患者への説明も大雑把で、耳の聞こえの良くない母にも寄り添った対応は全く見られません。ご自身の判断ばかり強調してみえる態度で患者の意見は二の次です。去年同じ時期に救急搬送された事もあるため、状態が心配できているのに、もう透析しかないのだから、そんなに頻繁に来なくていいとか、面倒くさいなぁと言う態度がありありでした。心血管外科の先生はとても親身に説明をしていただけるのに、循環器のこの医師はおりど病院の評判を落としかねません。 次回の診察の際に他の病院への紹介状を書いてもらうつもりです。
My mother has a chronic disease such as myocardial infarction, so I am undergoing cardiology and cardiovascular surgery here. In the outpatient department of cardiology, doctors change every Saturday for one year, and every April, they change from other hospitals. So I'm not my doctor. It just means that there is a medical record. Every time it changes, I think it's from the beginning again, but this time, unlike the doctors so far, the explanation to the patient was rough, and I could see the response that was close to my deaf mother. not. Patients' opinions are secondary with an attitude that seems to emphasize only their own judgment. Since I was transported by emergency at the same time last year, I was worried about my condition, but since I had only dialysis, I had an attitude that I didn't have to come so often or it was troublesome. Although the cardiovascular surgeon can explain very kindly, this cardiovascular doctor can damage the hospital's reputation. I will ask you to write a letter of introduction to another hospital at the next visit.
穂奈美鈴木 on Google

I am attending my parents' visit. At other hospitals, he didn't tell me what the test was for, and he returned without any explanation of the test results. I feel that this is a good explanation. I feel that it is a relatively gentle response because it is a regular visit, but if you look at the word of mouth, it seems that the emergency outpatient department does not have a good reputation ...? When I come to the emergency outpatient department in an emergency someday, I wish my teacher was on duty, but that doesn't work either.
六道圭司 on Google

会社の精密検査で引っ掛かり、何度か精密検査をしてもらった。 結構混んでいるが、先生、看護師などの対応はよかったと思う。 ただ、最新の病院と比較すると古いので、 新しい綺麗なところで見てもらいたい人にはおすすめできないかもしれない。
I was caught in a detailed inspection of the company and had several detailed inspections. It's quite crowded, but I think the teachers and nurses were very helpful. However, it is old compared to the latest hospitals, so It may not be recommended for those who want to see it in a new and beautiful place.
Nori O on Google

家族(祖母、母)が入院でお世話になりましたが、2階、3階、4階ともに看護師の対応に疑問を感じます。悪い方たちばかりではありませんが、どの階にも数人ずつ対応の悪い看護師さんがいらっしゃいます。 詳細を書くと長くなりますので控えますが、これでは、安心して大切な家族をお任せできません。 忙しくて不機嫌になることもあるでしょう、人間ですから。患者さんの中には、夜通し叫んでおられるような方もいらっしゃいますもんね。 でも、もう少し、患者や私たち家族の身にもなってください。 お願いします。
My family (grandmother, mother) was taken care of by hospitalization, but I have doubts about the nurses' response on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors. Not all the bad people, but there are several nurses on every floor who are not good at dealing with them. I will refrain from writing the details because it will be long, but with this, I can not leave my important family with confidence. You may be busy and in a bad mood, because you are human. Some patients are screaming all night long. But please be a little more patient and our family. Please.
S S on Google

This is my second hospitalization. I'm surprised that the chairman himself is the attending physician. I was impressed that I was able to see the scene properly even though I was busy. The nurses and cleaners on the 3rd floor were all nice. I felt that I was acting with care for the patient. Dietitians also took a questionnaire on their own, asked what was good, what was bad, and what they wanted to improve, and felt aspirations. I hope it will be even more delicious the next time I am hospitalized. Please do your best.

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