Hamanaika Shinkeinaika Clinics - 名古屋市天白区Tempaku Ward

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Contact Hamanaika Shinkeinaika Clinics

住所 :

名古屋市天白区Tempaku Ward, 〒468-0015 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 468-0015
Webサイト : http://hama-clinic.jp/
街 : Aichi

名古屋市天白区Tempaku Ward, 〒468-0015 Aichi,Japan
午後の珈琲 on Google

ほぼ1年前、尿酸値が高く人間ドックの再検査で通いました。最初にフェブリク錠10mgを処方されました。次の診察時に血液検査もせずに、「量を増やしましょう」といって20mgになりました。 「この薬は飲み続ける必要がありますか?量も増え続けますか?」と素朴な疑問を投げかけましたが、「どういう意味?」とそっけなく(小馬鹿にした言い方で)かえされました。(素人は俺の言うとおりにしろ 的な感じ) 信頼も信用もおけなくなり、別の医院に変えましたが、その病院の先生は「量は増やせば良いというものではない」と言って、血液検査しながら、10か月たった今でも10mgで尿酸値の数値も抑えられています。 はま内科を早々に見切りをつけて大正解でした。
Almost a year ago, my uric acid level was high, so I went to the health checkup again. He was first prescribed 10 mg of Fabriq tablets. At the next consultation, I did not do a blood test, and said, "Let's increase the amount." He asked the simple question, "Do I need to keep taking this medicine? Will it continue to grow in quantity?", But she was simply replied (in a foolish way) with "What does it mean?" (Amateurs feel like I am) I lost my trust and trust and switched to another clinic, but the doctor at that hospital said, "It is not enough to increase the amount", and while blood tests were done, 10 months still 10 mg uric acid level Is also suppressed. I gave up early on Hama Internal Medicine and was a great answer.
hihi kaka on Google

身体の不調で診察をしてもらいました。処方して頂いた薬は身体にあっていて、診断の見立は良かったですが、パソコンから目をはなさない。患者の目を見て話さない。 話しにくい先生です…身近な町医者にはならないかも、漢方薬扱ってるから行ってるけど…受付嬢もなかなかの個性的。色んな意味で見た目女子力高いが。病院にはいらない女子力です。
I had a medical examination due to physical problems. The prescription medicine was on my body and the diagnosis was good, but I did not look away from my computer. Do not talk in the eyes of the patient. It is a teacher who is difficult to talk about ... I may not become a familiar town doctor, I go because it deals with Chinese herbal medicine ... But the receptionist is also quite unique. In many ways, the appearance of the girl is high. It is a female power that does not require a hospital.
uga syo on Google

右腕の痺れでレントゲンを撮ってもらいましたが、特に異常ありませんとの説明で、ビタミン剤とロキソニンテープ(痛みは無い)で様子を見ましょうと処方してもらい、その場で二週間後に予約を取ることになりました。 初めての症状で不安になって調べてもらいたかっただけで大事になることはないならいいと伝えたつもりだったのですが、今は痛くないのにロキソニンテープを処方されるのもよくわからないし、さっき異常が無いと言われたのに様子を見る理由もわからないし、ビタミン剤とロキソニンテープで二週間様子を見て何が分かるのかも分からないし、結局何も分からなかったのに二週間後また来ることが前提だったかのように流れるように予約することになっていたのも不審で、翌日すぐ別の病院で診てもらうことにしました。 別の病院でレントゲンとMRIを撮ってもらったところ、すぐにストレートネックからの首の神経の圧迫があることがわかりました。 首の神経に疑いがあることは予測できていたことなので、MRI設備がある病院へ行けば明らかにできると教えて欲しかったということと、ストレートネックのことはレントゲンを撮ればわかったことのはずなので、首の正常な骨の状態との比較、姿勢等日常生活の中で気をつけることは教えてもらえても良かったのではないかなと思いました。
I had a roentgen taken due to numbness in my right arm, but he explained that there was nothing wrong with it, so I asked him to prescribe that I should take a look with vitamins and loxonin tape (no pain), and made a reservation on the spot two weeks later. It was decided to take. I was going to tell you that it wouldn't be important just because I was anxious about my first symptom and wanted to be examined, but now I'm not sure if I'm prescribed loxonin tape even though it doesn't hurt. I didn't know the reason for seeing the situation even though I was told that there was no abnormality, and I didn't know what I could understand after watching the situation for two weeks with vitamins and loxonin tape, and after two weeks I didn't understand anything. It was suspicious that I was supposed to make a reservation so that it would flow as if I was supposed to come again, so I decided to see him at another hospital the next day. When I had an X-ray and an MRI taken at another hospital, I soon found that there was pressure on the nerves in my neck from the straight neck. I could have predicted that there was a suspicion in the nerves of the neck, so I wanted to know that I could clarify it if I went to a hospital with MRI equipment, and I should have understood that the straight neck was taken by taking a roentgen. Therefore, I think it would have been good if you could teach me what to be careful about in daily life, such as comparison with the normal bone condition of the neck and posture.
うさ男 on Google

受付の人の感じが悪い。 病院に入った時、こちらから挨拶しないと何も言わない。会計が終わった後も、こっちが「ありがとうございました」と言ってから大分経ってからボソッと「お大事に」と言う。言い方、目線も上から。電話の対応も悪い。 患者を馬鹿にして笑ってる感じがする。 こっちは、切実な気持ちで病院にきてるのに、いつも、嫌な気持ちで病院を出る。 少し、他の病院を見て考えてほしい。
The receptionist feels bad. When I enter the hospital, I don't say anything unless I say hello. Even after the checkout is finished, it's been a long time since I said "Thank you" and then I said "Take care". In other words, from the top. The telephone response is also poor. I feel like I'm laughing at the patient. I come to the hospital with a desperate feeling, but I always leave the hospital with an unpleasant feeling. Look at other hospitals for a moment and think about it.
駒早太郎 on Google

「患者や患者の家族に寄り添う」という言葉を教えてあげたいです。 私達家族が患者に言っても、本人は言うことを聞いてくれないので、「先生の言葉で患者に伝えてほしい」と言ったのに。。。。 この先生は患者本人に、「・・・と、言って欲しいと、ご家族が言ってましたよ」って  !? 横で聞いていて、一瞬、目が点になってしまいました。
I would like to teach you the phrase "close to the patient and the patient's family." Even if our family tells the patient, he doesn't listen to what he says, so he said, "I want you to tell the patient in the teacher's words." .. .. .. This teacher told the patient himself, "My family told me to say ..."! ?? When I was listening sideways, my eyes became a point for a moment.
りるりる on Google

片頭痛が酷く、その日の夜に予約が取れるところを探したところここの病院しかなく初めて行きました。 座っているのが難しいほど体調が悪かったのですが、横になれるところに案内してほしいとお願いしてももうすぐ呼ばれるからと受付の人にはねられ、医師との面談の際にも片頭痛からくる吐き気で座っていられないのに寝かせてもらえず机に突っ伏した状態での診察でした。 そんな状態でほぼ口もきけない状態だったにもかかわらず、口コミでもあるように次回予約を無理矢理医者に取らされました。 後日キャンセルしましたが 口コミに受付の方のこともたくさん書かれていますが、確実にこの人だろうなという人に受付をされました。 一応客商売ですよね。全く人を労る気がないというか愛想がない人ですね 多分早く帰ることしか考えてないんだろうなと感じました こんな口コミでは人が寄り付かないでしょうね。 後から他の病院に変えたのでもう行くことはありませんが、薬は言えば出してもらえると思います。 CTで高い検査料金は取られますけどね
I had a severe migraine headache, and when I searched for a place where I could make an appointment that night, I went to the hospital for the first time because there was only this hospital. I was so sick that it was difficult to sit down, but the receptionist hit me because I was called soon even if I asked him to guide me to a place where I could lie down. I couldn't sit down because of the nausea caused by my headache, but I couldn't lie down and was struck down on the desk. Even though I was almost silent in such a state, I was forced to make the next reservation by the doctor as it was a word of mouth. I canceled it at a later date There are a lot of people who are the receptionists in the word of mouth, but the receptionist was surely this person. It's a customer business, isn't it? It ’s a person who does n’t want to work at all or is unfriendly. I felt that maybe I was only thinking about going home early People wouldn't get close to this word of mouth. I changed to another hospital later, so I won't go there anymore, but I think you can get the medicine. There is a high inspection fee for CT, though.
Y. sarang on Google

電話して質問したら 受付の対応最低。 口悪い。 こっちは普通に質問してるのに なんで逆ギレレベルに言われる必要がある? 潰れろ
If you call and ask a question The reception is the lowest. I have a bad mouth. I'm asking a normal question Why do you need to be told at the reverse level? Crush
Tatsu Kato on Google

少しフレンドリーな感じのしゃべり方が、上から目線に感じるかもしれませんが、積極的に話すことで、病状がよく伝わり、適切な治療にたどり着いたという経験をこの先生とは何度かしました。 患者から積極的に話すというのはどうかと思いますが、先生任せで納得のできない治療をするより、納得できるまで話うことできる先生なので、個人的には助かってます。 クリニックの医師はそれぞれ個性があるので、個性で隠れた名医を探すには、患者の努力も必要かもしれません。この先生はそういう先生です。優しいだけの、あたらさわりのない先生を探すなら、他の先生の方がいいと思います。
You may feel a little friendly speaking from the top, but I have had several experiences with this teacher that by speaking positively, the condition was well communicated and the appropriate treatment was reached. I don't think it's a good idea to talk positively from the patient, but I'm personally helpful because I'm a teacher who can talk until I'm satisfied, rather than leaving the treatment to the teacher. Each clinic doctor has his or her own personality, so it may take some patient effort to find a good doctor who is hidden by his or her personality. This teacher is such a teacher. If you are looking for a teacher who is only kind and has no touch, I think other teachers are better.

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