Nagoya Memorial Hospital - Nagoya

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nagoya Memorial Hospital

住所 :

4 Chome-305 Hirabari, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 468-8520, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 468-8520
Webサイト :

4 Chome-305 Hirabari, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 468-8520, Japan
sano masaji (shouchan) on Google

It's written in various ways, but I personally think it's a good general hospital. I was injured in a rural area and was introduced to this hospital for treatment, but my doctor, especially the nurse, was very polite and kind.
YACCHAN Y on Google

I called at night because I had a high fever and it took me to the emergency outpatient department, but it was good that I was very kind. It was a pity that it took a long time to see the doctor, and I told him that the PCR test was negative from the beginning, but he was isolated even though he had a fever of 40 degrees. It may be unavoidable, but ...
Ritchie on Google

コロナ禍で大変なのは、理解できますが、高齢の身内が、入院して途中経過の説明を求めたところ、先生が不在だったので、後ほど連絡すると言って連絡してきません。こちらの希望は、一切通りません。 何があっても来院したら駄目ですよ。
I understand that Corona's illness is difficult, but when an elderly relative was hospitalized and asked for an explanation of the progress, the teacher was absent, so he said he would contact me later. This hope does not pass at all. No matter what happens, you can't come to the hospital.
さばねこのしっぽ on Google

子供が救急搬送された際に受診したが、緊急性がない限りは絶対に利用したくないと思った。 医師の診断は悪くないけど良くもない。 救急の若手医師はしっかりしていたが、小児科の年取った医師や女医は何言ってるかわからない。 話し方が分かりづらく不親切。 患者にそもそも説明する気がなさそう。 入院時は看護師が薬剤の使用方法を間違えるというあり得ない医療ミスをされた。 また、夜間の見回りで無駄に大きい音を立てて起こされたりして「この病院大丈夫か?」と不安になった。 退院してから仕方なく何度か通院したが、予約しているにも関わらず(予約の用紙も手元にある)予約が入っていないと言われたり、受診後に処方箋を20分近く待っていても名前が呼ばれないので受付に聞きに行くと(他に患者は居なかった)、レセプトの事務がボーッとしていて処理をしていないままだったりと本当にクソ。 普通の民間企業や街のかかりつけ病院とかだと風評で潰れてるレベル。 総合病院ということにあぐらをかいているとしか思えない。 選択肢があるのなら別の病院にかかることをお勧めします。
I had a medical examination when my child was transported by emergency, but I definitely didn't want to use it unless there was an urgency. The doctor's diagnosis is not bad, but not good. The young emergency doctors were solid, but older pediatric doctors and female doctors don't know what to say. Unfriendly because it is difficult to understand how to speak. I don't feel like explaining it to the patient in the first place. At the time of admission, a nurse made an impossible medical error, making a mistake in using the drug. In addition, I was worried, "Is this hospital okay?" I had no choice but to go to the hospital several times after I was discharged, but I was told that I had no reservation (I have the reservation form at hand) even though I had made a reservation, or I was waiting for a prescription for nearly 20 minutes after the consultation. However, my name wasn't called, so when I went to the reception desk (there was no other patient), the reception office was terrified and I wasn't processing it. It is a level that is crushed by rumors that it is an ordinary private company or a family hospital in the city. I can only think that I am cross-legged because it is a general hospital. If you have a choice, we recommend that you go to another hospital.
みいみい on Google

産婦人科、小児科は先生も看護師さんも皆いい人です。 ですが、救急外来を主人が喘息の息苦しさを受診した際、眼鏡をかけた医者なのか研修医?の若い女の先生の態度が最悪!! 呼び出しの時点で名前を間違える。謝りもしない。 診察の時は足組み(-.-) 態度も高圧的かつ、ダルそうな…問診票に書いてあることを繰り返し聞くだけ。 主人の鼻詰まりが辛そうだったので、楽にする方法があればと聞いたら、 ここは救急外来なのでそうゆう処置は出来ませんの一言。もう少し言い方があるんじゃないですか? 最後には、お薬手帳を返し忘れるという…謝りもしない。。 私らも気付くの遅かったですが、診察終わって他の患者さんの診察の後に返されるという。。お薬手帳も患者の個人情報アイテムの1つでせ。忘れることは百歩譲ったとしても、謝罪も出来ない。 無理矢理、再診の予約を強引に進められたが、こんな人に信頼、安心して見てもらいたいって気持ちにならないので他の病院でしっかりと診てもらうことにしました。 もう小児科と産婦人科以外でお世話になることはないかな。、
Obstetrics and gynecology and pediatrics are all good teachers and nurses. However, when the husband visited the emergency outpatient department for asthma, was he a doctor wearing glasses or a trainee? The attitude of the young female teacher is the worst !! Wrong name at the time of calling. I don't apologize. At the time of medical examination, legs crossed (-.-) The attitude is also high-pressure and seems to be dull ... Just listen to what is written on the questionnaire repeatedly. My husband's stuffy nose seemed to be painful, so when I asked if there was a way to make it easier, This is an emergency outpatient department, so I can't do that. Isn't there a little more way to say it? At the end, he forgets to return the medicine notebook ... I don't apologize. .. It was too late for us to notice, but it is said that we will be returned after the examination of other patients after the examination. .. The medicine notebook is also one of the patient's personal information items. Even if I give up a hundred steps to forget, I cannot apologize. I was forced to make an appointment for a re-examination, but I didn't feel like I wanted such a person to look at me with confidence and peace of mind, so I decided to have him see me at another hospital. I wonder if I will be taken care of outside of pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology. ,
Mahmud Dwi Sulistiyo on Google

I got my baby hospitalized here. The services, doctors, and facilities are very good. Satisfied.
shannon lucas on Google

This is the only hospital available on weekends or late night emergency in the area I live right now. They are extremely foreigner unfriendly and actually quite rude. I had a severe ear infection and was turned away because they didn't have any one who knew about ears. Yes, a hospital with doctors who are unable to treat ear infections. And apparently having a busted open weeping swollen bloody shin and ankle, as well as bruised from ankle to knee isn't a good enough reason to be seen here with out getting chastised by a young doctor. This emergency room is useless if you want actual help. Go to a bigger hospital that actually has doctors.
fauzan ahdan on Google

My 2 years old daughter got a surgery here. The doctors, nurses, and staffs are excellent and very welcome even though I am a foreigner. Not only about the physical facilties which are excellent, they also fully understand and take care parents condition. Since I am a muslim, they also tried their best to provide special food for my daughter during the hospitalizations. From the deepest of my heart, thank you very much.

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