
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 無彩庵池田

住所 :

Nagakura, Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0111 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : http://www.musaian.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–1PM
Sunday 11:30AM–1PM
Monday 11:30AM–1PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–1PM
Thursday 11:30AM–1PM
Friday 11:30AM–1PM
街 : Nagano

Nagakura, Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0111 Nagano,Japan
信朝裕行 on Google

It is a restaurant where you can enjoy wonderful food that is full of love for ingredients and ingenuity, no matter when you visit us. Not only can you feel the rich greenery of Karuizawa even inside the store, but you can also take detailed measures for ventilation and infection control.
S i on Google

平日にランチで訪問。予約は必要ですが、カウンターがあるので、1人でも受け入れてくれました。 卒なく、全体的にまとまっていて、美味しかったです。
Visited for lunch on weekdays. Reservations are required, but there is a counter, so even one person accepted it. It was delicious as a whole without graduation.
Kazuko Takahara on Google

緑あふれるフレンチレストラン! 店内は、自然光を使っていて、 照明はほとんど使っていません。 カウンターに座ると、目の前の鏡に庭の木々が映り、 自然を楽しむことができます。 9,500円のランチコースに、 飲み物は、3種ワインセット4,000円にしました。 まずは、シャンパンを! う〜ん、酸味が少なく、爽やかな飲み心地! 私好みだわ! アミューズ トリュフの香り豊か! トリュフの下には、ジャガイモのワッフルが。 口に入れた瞬間に、クリームが溶けていく! 赤い花は、ビーツで作ってあり、 中にはチーズクリームが! 程よい酸味と苦みがあります。 前菜のプレート 子持ち鮎のコンフィ 頭から一気にパクッ! 卵の小刻み良い歯応えが良いね! キュウリの糠漬けの下には、葛切り。 その中には、鮎のパテが入っています。 ほのかな苦みがありますが、やさしいお味。 キュウリも爽やかで良いね! 2皿目のプレート 豚の自家製ハムは、とても滑らか! 香り高いポルチーニ茸のソースと 秋トリュフとともにいただきます! 絶品です! そして、フオァグラのブリュレ こちらもまろやかで絶品! スープは、天然茸のフラン 冷静の茶碗蒸しです。 茸の風味が優しく香ります。 秋を感じさせる一品ですね! ここから、白ワインへ。 ミネラルたっぷりのおいしいワイン。 魚のメイン料理は、オマール海老 炭火で香ばしく、肉厚でおいしい! 半身とのことですが、食べ応え十分! なんといっても、海老の肝で作ったソースがうまい! そして、小さな川海老がカリカリ! 良いアクセント! 肉に合わせて、赤ワインへ 重すぎず、軽すぎず、バランスが良い! ほのかな渋みが良い感じ! 肉のメインは、イチボ肉のロースト イチボは、お尻のお肉。 肉肉しくて、噛み締めるごとに、 肉の旨みがジュワーっと出て、おいしい! 赤ワインのソースも爽やかな酸味がいいね! 赤ワインが余っていることもあり、 追加でチーズをいただくことにしました。 クセの強いブルーチーズと 自然酵母で作ったライ麦パンとともにいただく。 チーズと赤ワインがまた合うね! デザートは、アップル ブラン マンジェ あふれんばかりの新生姜の香り! 甘さの中に、爽やかな新生姜! 素晴らしいマリアージュ! 追加で、デザートワインをいただきました! 甘いデザートワイン、大好きなの! 最後に、紅茶と焼き菓子。 塩ショコラのサブレは、サクッとした食感と、 ほのかな塩味がおいしい! ランチのコースでも大満足でした! 実は、2回目の訪問。 軽井沢に来るたびに、訪れたいレストランです。
French restaurant full of greenery! The inside of the store uses natural light, I rarely use lighting. When I sit at the counter, the trees in the garden are reflected in the mirror in front of me. You can enjoy nature. For a lunch course of 9,500 yen The drink was a set of 3 wines for 4,000 yen. First of all, champagne! Hmmm, it has less acidity and is refreshing to drink! I like it! Amuse Rich scent of truffles! Below the truffle is a potato waffle. The moment you put it in your mouth, the cream melts! The red flowers are made of beets, There is cheese cream inside! It has moderate acidity and bitterness. Appetizer plate Confit of sweetfish with children Paku at once from the head! Eggs are chopped and crunchy! Kuzukiri under the cucumber pickled in rice bran. It contains sweetfish pate. It has a slight bitterness, but it has a gentle taste. The cucumber is also refreshing and good! 2nd plate Homemade pork ham is very smooth! With a fragrant porcini mushroom sauce I will have it with autumn truffles! It's excellent! And the Brulee of Foagra This is also mellow and exquisite! The soup is a flan of natural mushrooms It is a calm chawanmushi. The flavor of mushrooms is gentle. It's a dish that makes you feel autumn! From here to white wine. A delicious wine with plenty of minerals. The main dish of fish is lobster It is fragrant with charcoal, thick and delicious! It's half-body, but it's enough to eat! After all, the sauce made from shrimp liver is delicious! And the small river shrimp is crunchy! Good accent! To red wine to match the meat Not too heavy, not too light, well-balanced! The faint astringency is good! The main meat is roasted Ichibo meat Ichibo is the meat of the buttocks. It ’s meaty, and every time I bite it, The taste of the meat comes out juicy and it is delicious! The red wine sauce also has a refreshing acidity! There may be a surplus of red wine, I decided to have additional cheese. With strong blue cheese Served with rye bread made from natural yeast. Cheese and red wine go well again! The dessert is Apple Blancmange The overflowing scent of new ginger! A refreshing new ginger in the sweetness! Great mariage! In addition, I had dessert wine! I love sweet dessert wine! Finally, tea and baked goods. The salt chocolate sable has a crispy texture and The faint saltiness is delicious! I was very satisfied with the lunch course! Actually, my second visit. This is a restaurant I want to visit every time I come to Karuizawa.
Manami Endo (まなごん) on Google

You can eat very high quality French food. It's fun to have fish, meat and separate appetizers. This is the shop I want to go to again.
ゆう on Google

平日19:30予約して3名で入店。 夜であまり街灯もないところだったのでよく見えなくて一回通り過ぎてしまいました。 車を駐車場に停めていたら女性の店員さんがお出迎えしてくれました。愛想はないです。 検温と消毒をしたら入店。 既に3組のお客さんがいました。 空席があったのできっとコロナの為お客さんを減らされているんですね。 隣の年配の方達が終始かなりのボリュームでお話しされていました。 税込10450円+別途サービス料10%のコースを注文。 お酒が飲めないので2人は水をお願いしたら水もお金がかかる様で炭酸水を注文。このレベルのお店だと最初は必ず全員1杯頼まないといけない様です。 どのお料理もとても凝っています。特にサーモンの低温コンフィが今まで食べたことがないくらい美味しくて本当に感動しました。初めての食感で浅利出汁との相性抜群でした。 残念だったのがお肉料理を選択する際、みすじが肩三角を選べたのですが興味本位で肩三角を頼んだのですがメニューにも「噛みしめて味わう」と書いてある通り本当に顎が疲れるくらいの弾力でした。汚い事して申し訳なかったのですが途中噛みきれなくて吐き出してしまいました。みすじを少しもらったらとても美味しかったので完全に選択をミスしてしまいました。 デザートはショコラのくずきりを選択。 カカオとうまいことマッチしていましたが珍しい味でした。 紅茶はティーバッグかな。薄く感じました。 女性と男性の店員さんが1名ずつ接客されていました。男性の店員さんは愛想もよく丁寧な接客でしたが女性の店員さんは疲れているのか丁寧なんですが怖い印象を受けました。 内装もスタイリッシュで植栽も綺麗にされていてとても優雅な時間を過ごさせて頂きました。 すごく凝ったお料理でしたが個人的にはあまりタイプの味付ではなく総合的にリピはないです。
Weekday 19:30 Book and enter with 3 people. It was a place where there weren't many street lights at night, so I couldn't see it well and passed by once. A female clerk welcomed me when I parked my car in the parking lot. There is no amiability. Enter the store after measuring and disinfecting. There were already 3 sets of customers. Since there were vacant seats, I'm sure the number of customers has been reduced because of Corona. The elderly people next door were talking in a considerable volume from beginning to end. Order a course of 10450 yen including tax + 10% service charge separately. Since they can't drink alcohol, they ordered carbonated water because it would cost money if they asked for water. At this level of shop, everyone seems to have to order one cup at first. Every dish is very elaborate. In particular, the low-temperature salmon confit was so delicious that I had never eaten it before, and I was really impressed. It was the first texture and it went well with Asari soup stock. Unfortunately, when choosing a meat dish, Misuji was able to choose the shoulder triangle, but I asked for the shoulder triangle because of my interest, but as the menu says "to chew and taste", it really is a chin. It was so elastic that I got tired. I'm sorry for being dirty, but I couldn't bite it on the way and spit it out. When I got a little misuji, it was so delicious that I made a complete mistake in the selection. For dessert, choose chocolate Kuzukiri. It was a good match with cacao, but it was a rare taste. I think tea is a tea bag. I felt thin. One female and one male clerk were serving customers. The male clerk was friendly and polite, but the female clerk was tired or polite, but I got a scary impression. The interior was stylish and the plants were beautiful, so I had a very elegant time. It was a very elaborate dish, but personally it is not very seasoned and there is no overall lipi.
高嶋友哉 on Google

Star without complaint 5. You can eat very delicious French food. The budget is 12,000 yen / person, which is quite reasonable. The popularity of the customers is high, and you can enjoy wonderful food. Many of the cars parked in the parking lot, which are believed to belong to customers, are rare foreign cars, which form part of the store's status. There are many restaurants in Karuizawa where you can eat delicious French food, but this is definitely one of the strongest. The shop is covered with trees and it's hard to find at a glance, but if you attach a google map, there is no problem at all. Among the dishes, I was amazed at the foie gras brulee. It's worth eating just once. I can't see you in Tokyo.
ro co on Google

Randy Mackay on Google

One of the appetizers included bear meat. I don't think it is acceptable to serve wild animals these days.

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