4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact TOEDA

住所 :

Nagakura, Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0111 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–1PM
Sunday 11:30AM–1PM
Monday 11:30AM–1PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–1PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–1PM
Thursday 11:30AM–1PM
Friday 11:30AM–1PM
街 : Nagano

Nagakura, Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0111 Nagano,Japan
55kazuharu on Google

軽井沢の名店の1つ「TOEDA」さん。 ドメーヌ・ド・ミクニさんで修行されていた戸枝シェフのお店です。 川の近くにあって緑が多く雰囲気のある場所にとてもオシャレな建物があり、それがこちらのお店です。 夕方の早い時間帯に予約が取れたので行ってきました。 席からの眺めは緑の風景。森の中でフレンチを食べる素敵なロケーションです。 料理はシェフのおまかせコースが1本のみ。 1万円のコースです。 ランチは6,000円。 ディナー全10品。 料理の特徴は地元の食材をメインに使っているので、とても新鮮で味の濃い食材をシェフの個性で生かした料理になります。 特に気に入ったのが、トマト。ガスパチョです。 トマトが層になってて不思議。 甘み・旨み・酸味がバランス良く口に広がっていきます。 信州サーモン。 香り高い海苔と野沢菜のジュレで、おいしいサーモンがよりおいしく! ビーツと信州豚。 ビーツのゼラチンシートでくるまれ、中は信州豚のパテみたいな感じ。 見た目に可愛く味は豚の旨みが美味しい一品。 真鯛とキノコの料理。 見た目がとても印象的。 きのこのペーストを固めたような緑のものと真鯛を一緒に。 真鯛の美味しさがとても引き立ってとても美味しいです。 肉料理は、短黒牛のグリル。 身が引き締まっている感じですが、ナイフを入れるととても柔らかい。 旨みもとてもあってペロッと食べれてしまう最高の一品! ヨーグルトのムースアイス。 フワッとさっぱり。 はちみつの香りと甘味が良いですね! ブルーベリーとカスタードとホワイトチョコレート。 とても手の込んだデザートです! どの料理もとても細かく丁寧に作られた料理ばかり。 これを1万円で食べられると思うと価格はちょっと安いのでは?と感じました。 軽井沢やその地域の食材も楽しめて大満足のお店です! また季節を変えて軽井沢に来たときにお伺いしたいと思います。
“TOEDA”, one of Karuizawa's famous stores. This is the restaurant of Chef Toeda, who was trained at Domaine de Mikuni. There is a very stylish building near the river and a lot of green atmosphere. I went there because a reservation was made early in the evening. The view from the seat is a green landscape. Nice location to eat French in the woods. Only one chef's recommended course is available. It is a 10,000 yen course. Lunch is 6,000 yen. All 10 dinners. The main feature of the cuisine is that it uses local ingredients, so it is a dish that makes use of the chef's personality with very fresh and rich ingredients. I especially liked tomatoes. This is Gazpacho. It is strange that tomatoes are layered. Sweetness, umami and sourness will spread in your mouth. Shinshu salmon. Delicious salmon is more delicious with fragrant nori and jelly from Nozawana! Beetroot and Shinshu pig. Wrapped with beetroot gelatin sheet, inside is like a Shinshu pork pate. It looks cute and tastes like a delicious pork. Mandarin and mushroom dishes. It looks very impressive. Combine green and mushroom paste together with mushroom paste. The deliciousness of the sweet potato is very good and very delicious. Meat dishes are grilled short black beef. It feels tight, but it's very soft with a knife. The best dish that you can eat with Perot! Yogurt mousse ice cream. Fresh and refreshing. The scent and sweetness of honey are good! Blueberry, custard and white chocolate. A very elaborate dessert! All the dishes are just finely and carefully prepared. If you think you can eat this for 10,000 yen, is the price a little cheaper? I felt that. You can enjoy Karuizawa and other local ingredients, and you will be satisfied! I would also like to ask you when you come to Karuizawa in different seasons.
Yasuhiro on Google

静かな一軒家で頂く和風フレンチ。 ひとつひとつが丁寧。そして、見た目、味の組み合わせに驚かされっぱなしでした。また、ノンアルコールの赤ワインやサングリアもあって車で来ても飲み物も楽しめました。 9,000円という価格は本当にお値打ちだと思います。
Japanese-style French cuisine served in a quiet house. Each one is polite. And I was surprised at the combination of appearance and taste. There was also non-alcoholic red wine and sangria, so I enjoyed drinking even if I came by car. I think the price of 9,000 yen is really good value.
N. Adachi on Google

My favorite French restaurant in Karuizawa. Run by a young chef and his wife who works as a sommelier. They serve only one fixed course which is carefully and beautifully prepared using locally grown materials. I prefer to visit this restaurant for lunch because bright colors of the interior looks nice in daytime. It's so lovey land cozy. The bright interior goes very well with light and delicate dishes. Reservation is required as only small number of tables are available. 開店から時間が立ち、料理のスタイルも段々と変化し、このお店らしさを確立しつつあるように思います。 基本シェフのおすすめコースなので、すべてを委ねて、どんなお料理が出てくるかワクワクワクしながら、先入観なしに楽しむのが良いでしょう。(2017/11) ----- バイパスから少し入ったところ、湯川のほとりにある小さなレストラン。キッチンは若手のシェフが、サービスはソムリエの奥様が担当。当然とても息があっています。 明るく適度にカジュアルな雰囲気の中で供されるのは、モダンで軽やかなフレンチ。ランチタイムに窓からの明るい光りを楽しみながらというのがとても似合います。 しかし単に今風というのではなく、ベースがしっかりしているので満足感があります。ワインもグラスでもいろいろ楽しめます。 場所のせいかまだまだ知られていませんが、知る人ぞ知る居心地の良い名店。個人的には軽井沢でもっとも好きなお店です。
My favorite French restaurant in Karuizawa. Run by a young chef and his wife who works as a sommelier. They serve only one fixed course which is carefully and beautifully prepared using locally grown materials. I prefer to visit this restaurant for lunch because bright colors of The interior looks nice in daytime. It's so lovey land cozy. The bright interior goes very well with light and delicate dishes. Reservation is required as only small number of tables are available. It's been a while since the restaurant opened, and the cooking style has gradually changed, and I think it's establishing the uniqueness of this restaurant. It's a recommended course for the basic chef, so it's a good idea to entrust everything and enjoy it without prejudice while being excited about what kind of dishes will come out. (2017/11) ----- A small restaurant on the banks of Yukawa, just a short walk from the bypass. The kitchen is handled by a young chef, and the service is handled by the sommelier's wife. Naturally, I am very breathtaking. Modern and light French is served in a bright and moderately casual atmosphere. It suits you to enjoy the bright light from the window at lunch time. However, it's not just modern, it's a solid base, so I'm satisfied. You can enjoy various kinds of wine and glasses. It is still unknown because of its location, but it is a well-known and cozy store known to those in the know. Personally, this is my favorite shop in Karuizawa.
Cort Emason on Google

一軒家のオシャレな空間✨ ご夫婦で営んでおられます。 お料理もどれも繊細で素晴らしい、とっても美味しいです‼️ 盛り付けもオシャレでセンスが良いです。 しかし、しかし、お料理を運ぶ奥さんが無愛想、笑顔ゼロ。 お料理の説明だけなら小学生でもできます。 接客のセンスが全くありません。 余裕が無いのか? 残念以外の何でもない。 せっかくの素晴らしい空間と美味して繊細なお料理が台無し。 数ある中からわざわざそこへお客様が来られます。 お店に来るお客様は非日常を感じに来ます。 笑顔、愛想、キャッチボールのできる愛嬌あるトークが最高であればお料理は更に引くたち、お客様はリピーターになります。 残念ながら二度と行くことは無いだろう。 素敵な空間の美味しくて繊細で素晴らしいお料理を奥さまの態度がすべて壊してしまっているお店です。
Fashionable space of a house ✨ It is run by a couple. All the dishes are delicate and wonderful, very delicious! ️ The arrangement is also fashionable and has a good taste. However, the wife who carries the food is unfriendly and has no smile. Even elementary school students can explain the dishes. There is no sense of customer service. Can't afford it? Nothing but regret. The wonderful space and delicious and delicate food are ruined. Customers come all the way from among the many. Customers who come to the store come to feel extraordinary. If the charming talk with a smile, amiability, and catch ball is the best, the food will be further drawn and the customer will be a repeater. Unfortunately I will never go again. It is a restaurant where the attitude of his wife has destroyed all the delicious, delicate and wonderful food in a wonderful space.
Mariko Kubo on Google

It looks artistic and is carefully crafted for surprise and fun. Some of the flavors are deeply seasoned, which is not the same as the taste of the ingredients, and they are not all delicious.
Hideaki Karita on Google

料理のオリンピックに出てらっしゃる日本代表の戸枝シェフによる一軒家レストラン。 絶品フレンチと奥様がセレクトする最高のワインのマリアージュが楽しめる。 予約は難しいが、頑張って連絡する価値あり。 季節ごとにに行くべきお店です。
Toshiaki N on Google

I think you should come and try their unique, artistic and brilliant dishes. Booking a table is required, but It might become harder if they get stars in near future.
Hiromi Yoneda on Google

I loved all the meals❤️

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