上七軒 ふた葉

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 上七軒 ふた葉

住所 :

Kamigyo Ward, 〒602-8381 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://www.futaba-kami7ken.com/
街 : Kyoto

Kamigyo Ward, 〒602-8381 Kyoto,Japan
kasabura akasa on Google

It was a very relaxing shop. The warm soba made my mind and body warm.
tommy _ym on Google

出汁の味が秀逸で何を食べても美味しい。 けいらんうどんはぜひ!
The taste of the soup stock is excellent and it is delicious no matter what you eat. Don't miss Keiran Udon!
Yu M on Google

美味しい和食屋さん。 衣笠丼、美味しいし安い。他のメニューも安くてボリューミーで良さそう。
A delicious Japanese restaurant. Kinugasadon is delicious and cheap. Other menus are also cheap and look good with volume.
寺村次郎 on Google

前回は定休日で伺えなかったのでリベンジ訪問です? 北野天満宮は?紅葉狩り目当てで多くの方が参拝の中、ピークを外して11:00ごろ伺いました。 最初なので人気の「けいらんうどん」を頂きましたが、想像通りの味で大満足。 京都の餡掛けの奥深さをまた知りました☺️ ご馳走様でしたΨ( 'ч' ☆)
Last time I couldn't visit because it was a regular holiday, so I visited Revenge ? Kitano Tenmangu was ? many people worshiped for autumn leaves hunting, and I visited around 11:00 after removing the peak. Since it was the first time, I received the popular "Keiran Udon", but I was very satisfied with the taste as I imagined. I also learned about the depth of Kyoto's ankake ☺️ It was a treat Ψ ('ч' ☆)
Acchan u on Google

けいらんうどんを頂きました。 ふわふわのうどんに、おいしい出汁の温かいあんかけと卵、そしてすりおろしたしょうがで、食べ終わったらお腹の底からポカポカしました。寒い雨の日だったので、その後の行程の良い活力になりました。 おひとり様でしたが気兼ねせず入れて貰えて良かったです、接客も心地よいものでした。 平日だったせいか遅めのお昼で入ってもすぐに入店出来ました。 おうどんとても美味しかったです、ご馳走様でした。
I got Keiran Udon. With fluffy udon noodles, warm soup stock and eggs, and grated ginger, I felt warm from the bottom of my stomach when I finished eating. It was a cold and rainy day, so it was a good vitality for the rest of the process. Although I was alone, I am glad that I was able to enter without hesitation, and the customer service was also comfortable. Because it was a weekday, I was able to enter the store immediately even if I entered late at noon. Udon was very delicious, it was a treat.
三谷操 on Google

京都の花街のひとつ上七軒。入口を上がったところに【ふた葉】がある。予てから何度も伺ったが、縁がなくはいれなかった。 今日やっと伺い、【鍋焼きうどん】をいただく。熱い!解っていながら関東育ちには熱いうどんは危険だ!? 昆布出汁が優しく甘さをあたえてくれる。美味しい! うどんは柔らかいが、味わいはしっかりしていてこころに残る。 メニューも豊富で、別にためしてみたいので又伺いたい。
Kamishichiken, one of the flower districts in Kyoto. There is a [lid leaf] at the top of the entrance. I've visited many times in advance, but I couldn't help without a connection. I will finally visit you today and have [Nabeyaki Udon]. It's hot! I know it's dangerous to grow up in Kanto! The kelp soup stock gives a gentle sweetness. delicious! Udon is soft, but the taste is strong and remains in the heart. The menu is abundant and I would like to try it separately, so I would like to ask again.
Trans-word plus TGM on Google

** Kamishichiken Futaba ふた葉 Donburi & Udon Restaurant : Futaba in Japanese stands for " Double Leaves ". This is why the restaurant has a symbol of double leaves of Aoi on its noren curtain. Futaba is a Japanese style of Udon & Donburi restaurant. They offer very reasonable price for the food prepared into quality meals. The price on the menu surprisingly range from 650 yen to 800 yen at most. This place has a large capacity of dining section to seats around 50 people. the highlight is their Zashiki style of dining section built with tatami mats and wooden Ozen tables on the left side of the restaurant. ( Trans-word; : TGM Kyoto Guide )
Monica Arciga on Google

Nice, quiet noodle restaurant. We went for dinner and were the only customers as they close very early. There are regular tables as well as tables where you sit on the floor. Our kids (2 and 4 years old liked sitting on the floor. They had the children's rice and chicken dish which was easy for them to eat. This restaurant is walking distance to the Kitano Tenmangū temple.

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