ラーメン橘 - Nisshin

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ラーメン橘

住所 :

Akaikecho, Nisshin, 〒470-0126 Aichi,Japan

Postal code : 470-0126
Webサイト : http://tachibanaramen.com/
街 : Aichi

Akaikecho, Nisshin, 〒470-0126 Aichi,Japan

こぢんまりしたラーメン屋さん。 美味しいです。 私はあっさり系の塩ネギチャーシュー麺と辛さの調整をしてもらえる肉味噌ラーメンが好き。
A small ramen shop. Is delicious. I like lightly salted onion char siu noodles and meat miso ramen that can be adjusted for spiciness.
風小僧 on Google

名古屋市農業センターに梅を見に行った帰りに平針駅近辺でちょいと一杯(^^♪ 以前から気になっていた橘ラーメンさんに伺ってみた。 店内は独特な雰囲気で以前はスナック?的な感じ。 ラーメンはちょっと高めだが悪くはない。 常連のお客さんが2名みえたが、品は悪くない。 家から歩いて行ける範囲にあれば、私も常連になるかも。 また機会があれば立ち寄りたい。
I went to Nagoya City Agricultural Center to see plum and a little cup near Hiraniri station (^ ^ ♪ I asked Mr. Tachibana who was interested before. Snack inside before in a unique atmosphere in the shop? Feeling like that. Ramen is slightly expensive, but not bad. We saw two regular customers, but goods are not bad. If it is in the area that I can walk from home, I may become regular person. I would like to stop by if there is another chance.
emiria mimi on Google

醤油ラーメン食べました。あっさりで食べやすかった!塩ラーメンはバターのってる! 次は辛いのに挑戦したいです。 マスターが色々説明してくれるよ! 座席は10席あるかないか 店内はラーメン屋さんというか、スナックみたいな感じ 夜中にラーメン食べたくなったら行くといいね!
I ate soy sauce ramen. It was easy to eat! Shio ramen has butter! Next time I want to try it though it is painful. Master will explain various things! Whether there are 10 seats The inside of the store is like a ramen shop, or something like a snack If you want to eat ramen at night, go!
にんにくさん on Google

お店の立地、外見、内装から「穴場見つけた!」「隠れ家みたい!」とテンションは上がるが、ラーメンの味は普通。 店主の人柄が良いのか常連さんが多い印象です。
From the location, appearance, and interior of the shop, the tension goes up, saying "I found a little-known spot!" And "It looks like a hideaway!", But the ramen taste is normal. I have the impression that there are many regulars, perhaps because the owner has a good personality.
河辺祐貴 on Google

ここが好きすぎてコロナ前は家に帰るように通わせていただいておりました。 お酒もご飯ももちろんラーメンも美味しく、マスターも魅力ある方で素晴らしいお店です。 ここを知ることができて僕の人生に大きな影響を与えていただきました。 これからもお世話になります。
I liked this place so much that I used to go home before Corona. The restaurant is wonderful because the ramen is delicious as well as the sake and rice, and the master is also attractive. Being able to know this has had a great impact on my life. Thank you for your continued support.
たまこ on Google

I wanted to eat ramen in the middle of the night in a hurry, so I went to this highly rated place. I don't want to go to the conclusion again. The dirty beef tendon was cooked in the microwave and the hands were not washed. It wasn't eaten badly. Certainly the master felt very good, but I'm sorry.
かえる on Google

0時過ぎに営業してるラーメン屋を探して辿り着きました。 外観は喫茶店かBARのような見た目。 店内はフィギュアが飾ってあったり、アニメのポスターが貼ってあったり、 the男の店と言う感じです 席はカウンターのみ。 味噌おでんうまい! ラーメンは担々麺。 シャキシャキのもやしと ごま油の甘い香りが印象的なラーメンでした。 春巻きもごま油の香り。 あと水は頼まないと出てきませんでした。 ラーメン単品で来店する人よりも ラーメンと飲みで、来店する人が多いためでしょう。 総合的に面白い店でした。
I arrived after searching for a ramen restaurant that was open after midnight. The appearance looks like a coffee shop or BAR. Inside the store, there are figures, anime posters, etc. It ’s like the man ’s store. Only seats are available at the counter. Miso oden is delicious! Ramen is Dantan noodles. With crispy sprouts The ramen with the sweet scent of sesame oil was impressive. Spring rolls also have the scent of sesame oil. Also, I didn't come out unless I asked for water. Than people who come to the ramen shop alone This is probably because there are many people who visit the store with ramen and drinks. It was a totally interesting store.
TK Johnson on Google

Ramen, drinks, a friendly atmosphere and all the manga/anime memorabilia you need at your fingertips! There are only about 10 seats, but that just helps with the friendly atmosphere. The food menu is awesome and the drinks are full-strength, not like the watered down stuff they serve at most izakayas. Give the Super Highball a try! This is a great place to learn about local activities and maybe even connect with others who can help you get into a new hobby.

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