来楽軒 赤池店 - Nisshin

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 来楽軒 赤池店

住所 :

Asadacho, Nisshin, 〒470-0124 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 470-0124
Webサイト : https://www.rairakuken.co.jp/
街 : Aichi

Asadacho, Nisshin, 〒470-0124 Aichi,Japan
kazz kleenexw (kazz) on Google

初往訪なので、普通の手揉みラーメンを食べたけど、美味しかった。 麺にもっとコシがあるかと思ってたので、次回は硬麺を頼んでみたい。 2度目以降は硬麺を頼んでますが、美味しいです。 スープは数少ない飲み干せる味の店だと思います。 塩ラーメンも美味しかった。、 他にも色んなメニューがありますが、醤油ラーメンが旨すぎて、他のメニュー、殆ど食べてません(笑) 最初のクチコミを書いてからほぼ月に一回は行ってます。最近は何も言わなくても堅麺を出してくれます。 2022年になって久しぶりに醤油以外の柚子塩ラーメンも食べました。やや細麺ですが、硬めに茹でてくれて美味しかった。このスープ、夏に冷麺でも美味しいと思った(期待) 今月は2回行くことができたので、普通の塩ラーメンを食べてみた。トッピングで入ってる玉ねぎがほんのり甘く、スープをより美味しくしてると思った。持論ですが、醤油ラーメンの美味しい店は塩ラーメンも美味しいと思います。逆は知らんけどね笑 3/17 初めて味噌ラーメンを食べた。辛い味噌を勝手に想像しとったけど、ほんのり甘く自分好み。味噌の味を野菜のスープが優しく包んだ濃厚な感じ。白味噌ベースだそうな。 これも嵌りそうでヤバい (^▽^;) 4/1実はずっと前にチャーハンを食べたことはあったけど、その時は普通のチャーハンやと思って食べた。今日は久しぶりに半チャーハンと柚子塩ラーメンを食べたんやけど、チャーハンの香りがヤバい。こんないい香りのチャーハンは初めて食べた。店主に訊いたら「特にかわったものは入れてない」とのこと。「強いて言えば、ネギを多めに入れたかな?」と、ネギ好きの店主のエイプリルフール発言とも取れるような答えが帰って来た (^▽^;) 凸守香りが良かったのは事実でした。ラーメン一杯と半チャーハンはジジイのお腹にはちょっと多くて苦しい笑
It was my first visit, so I ate ordinary hand-kneaded ramen, but it was delicious. I was wondering if the noodles would be more chewy, so next time I would like to order hard noodles. I ordered hard noodles from the second time onwards, but they are delicious. I think soup is one of the few restaurants where you can drink it. The salt ramen was also delicious. , There are various other menus, but the soy sauce ramen is so delicious that I rarely eat other menus (laughs). I go there almost once a month since I wrote the first review. These days, they serve hard noodles without saying anything. In 2022, I ate yuzu shio ramen other than soy sauce for the first time in a long time. It's a little thin noodles, but it was delicious because it was boiled hard. I thought this soup was delicious even with cold noodles in the summer (expected) I was able to go there twice this month, so I tried regular shio ramen. I thought the onions in the toppings were a little sweet and made the soup more delicious. I have a theory, but I think that salt ramen is also delicious at a delicious soy sauce ramen shop. I don't know the opposite, but lol 3/17 I ate miso ramen for the first time. I imagined spicy miso, but it was a little sweet and I liked it. A rich feeling that the taste of miso is gently wrapped in vegetable soup. It seems to be based on white miso. This also seems to fit and is dangerous (^ ▽ ^;) 4/1 Actually, I had eaten fried rice long ago, but at that time I thought it was normal fried rice and ate it. I ate half fried rice and yuzu shio ramen for the first time in a long time today, but the scent of fried rice is dangerous. I ate fried rice with such a nice scent for the first time. When I asked the shop owner, he said, "I haven't put anything in particular." "Speaking of force, did you put a lot of green onions?", The answer that can be taken as April Fool's remark of the shop owner who likes green onions came back (^ ▽ ^;) It was a fact that the scent was good. A cup of ramen and half fried rice are a bit too much on Jijii's stomach and it's painful lol
norn196 on Google

ここのアタリは「台湾まぜそば」 ポイントは具が多いこと! まぜそばあるあるの「具がもう少しあったらなぁ、、、」を感じないサービスの良さ 残った少ない汁を付けて食べるなんて、貧乏なことしないで済みます。 一つの注文で、台湾まぜそばと台湾飯2つ味わえます。 注文したことない人も是非一度
Atari here is "Taiwan Mazesoba" The point is that there are many ingredients! The goodness of the service that you don't feel "I wish I had a little more ingredients ..." You don't have to be poor to eat with the little juice left. With one order, you can enjoy Taiwan Mazesoba and Taiwanese rice. Even if you have never ordered it, please do not miss it.
秋山幸枝 on Google

カウンターのみのお席で今はソーシャルディスタンスの関係で合間が広めにとってあります。食券を買って注文するスタイル。 暑くてつい夏限定の冷し担々麺食べましたがとってもおいしかったです。 次回は普通の看板ラーメン食べたいです。 駐車場も店前に何台かあります。
The seats are only at the counter, and now there is a lot of space due to the social distance. A style of buying and ordering meal tickets. It was hot and I ate cold noodles only in the summer, but it was very delicious. Next time I want to eat ordinary sign ramen. There are several parking lots in front of the store.
super sonic on Google

麺はモチモチでスープは醤油ベースであっさりして美味しいです。 後日まぜそばでも利用。 無料の追飯があって非常にうれしい。 また、利用します。
The noodles are chewy and the soup is based on soy sauce and is light and delicious. Also used at a later date for mixed soba. I am very happy to have a free meal. I will also use it.
Nezumi Y on Google

季節限定のゆず塩はあっさりだがそこそこ塩分が効いていて、食べながら少し喉が渇く。チャーシューは柔らかい煮豚タイプを炙ったものと、低温調理系のものが一枚ずつ。煮卵も半熟でよい。メンマはほどけるような柔らかさ。味が少し薄いか?とは言え、まとまりの良い一杯。 煮干しラーメンは、煮干し濃い目のスープにいわゆる全粒粉系の麺を合わせたもの。美味しいと思うが、トッピングの水菜はいらない。口当たりも悪いし、味的にもなんもプラスにはなってないような。 入り口が自動ドアなので入り口付近は客の出入りのたびに寒い。寒い時期は自動ドアやめて(笑)
The seasonal yuzu salt is light, but the salt is moderately effective, and I feel a little thirsty while eating. There is one char siu roasted soft boiled pork type and one low-temperature cooking type. Boiled eggs may also be soft-boiled. Menma is so soft that it can be unraveled. Is the taste a little light? However, a cohesive cup. Niboshi ramen is a combination of soup with thick sardines and so-called whole grain noodles. I think it's delicious, but I don't need the toppings of Mizuna. It doesn't taste good, and it doesn't seem to be a plus. Since the entrance is an automatic door, it is cold near the entrance every time customers come and go. Stop automatic doors in cold weather (laughs)
ふくろのこうじ on Google

何度も来店してます。 どのレギュラーメニューもシーズンメニューも美味! ただ初めての方は「手もみラーメン(醤油)」を味わってほしい。 豚骨、家系、味噌が流行っているが「味わう」と表現するに相応しい看板メニュー。 実はチャーハンも美味しいが調理担当がほぼ独りなので、混雑時には時間が掛かることがある。客席、提供具合を見て判断してほしい。 夜だけ注文出来る"にんにくチャーハン"はとっても美味しいが、「にんにく頼んだのアンタでしょ?」ってくらいにたっぷり入ってる。翌日に影響出すこと必至。気をつけてね(笑)
I have visited the store many times. All regular menus and season menus are delicious! However, if you are new to this, please try "Temomi Ramen (soy sauce)". Pork bones, family lineage, and miso are popular, but a signboard menu suitable for expressing "taste". Actually, fried rice is delicious, but since the person in charge of cooking is almost alone, it may take some time when it is crowded. I want you to judge by looking at the audience seats and the condition of provision. "Garlic fried rice", which can be ordered only at night, is very delicious, but it contains plenty of "You asked for garlic, right?" It is inevitable that it will affect the next day. Be careful (laughs)
タロー on Google

金曜の11:00すぐにお邪魔しました。 入ってすぐに店内の席が埋まって行きました。 きっと人気店なのでしょう? 駐車場は共有のものが目の前に広々と?³₃ お店はとても綺麗✨ 清掃行き届いていて気持ちいいです✨ ラーメンも色々種類がありますが、今回は黒ごま坦々麺を頂きました? ちょっと塩っ辛いけど、弾力のある細麺で歯ごたえがよくバランス取れていました! が、やはりスープ単品で考えると塩っ辛くて量飲めない? とてもいいお店だと思いますがスープの感じで星4つ✩.*˚ 以上、参考になれば幸いです?‍♂️
I visited you immediately at 11:00 on Friday. Immediately after entering, the seats in the store were filled. I'm sure it's a popular store ? The shared parking lot is spacious in front of you ?³₃ The shop is very beautiful ✨ It's clean and comfortable ✨ There are various types of ramen, but this time I got black sesame dandan noodles ? It's a little salty, but the thin, elastic noodles are chewy and well-balanced! However, when I think of the soup alone, it's too salty to drink in large quantities ? I think it's a very nice restaurant, but it feels like soup and has 4 stars ✩. * ˚ I hope you find this helpful ?‍♂️
速島騎緒 on Google

マンボーのこのご時世、20時が近づくと、夕飯が食えるか怪しくなる。そんな時は、日進の『俺の豚骨』に行く。マンボーも緊急事態も関係無く、夕飯難民に温かい食糧を供給してくれる。考えることは皆同じ様で、駐車場が空いていない。一旦通り過ぎると、最初の信号待ちで、『手もみラーメン』のデカい看板が光っていた。 入口入って左に券売機。『店内』を押さないとチケットは出てこない。イチ押しであろう、手もみラーメンを押す。醤油を選ぶ。 麺は手もみなのか、機械製なのかオレには分からないが、スープは優しい和風で、魚介の匂いがする(違うかも知れないが)。何度かすすって、白飯の必要性を感じる。券売機に戻り、100円なので買いだ。200円なら止めたかも(苦笑)。 1枚しかない貴重な海苔をスープに浸して白飯を巻く。チャーシューは薄くてデカいのが2枚あったから、同じくスープに浸して巻いて食う。白飯大正解。 オレより後に、同じく夕飯難民が3人も滑り込んで来た。コロナさえなければ、皆もっとゆっくり飯が食えるのに。何より、この店も、もっと繁盛しているだろう。 嗚呼、コロナが憎い。 店を出て、思いがけぬ良い出会いを誘ってくれた、デカい看板の写真を撮ろうとしたら、もう電気は消えていた。そうだった、オレもギリギリセーフだったのだ。 次回、違うラーメンも食ってみよう。その時までに、コロナが無くなっていますように。 追伸:マンボーが明けて、同じく20時頃再訪。 さすがに駆け込んでくる夕飯難民はいない。 塩ラーメンと白飯。違うかも知れないが魚介の香り。味玉が飯に合う。 今は22時までやっているそうだ。デカい看板の写真も撮れた。
At this time of Mambo, when 20:00 is approaching, I'm wondering if I can eat supper. At that time, I go to Nisshin's "My Pigbone". Regardless of Mambo or emergency, it provides hot food for supper refugees. Everyone thinks the same, parking is not available. Once I passed by, I was waiting for the first traffic light, and the big sign of "Temomi Ramen" was shining. Enter the entrance and the ticket vending machine is on the left. Tickets will not come out unless you press "Inside the store". Push the hand fir ramen, which is probably the best push. Choose soy sauce. I don't know if the noodles are made by hand or by machine, but the soup is a gentle Japanese style and smells of fish and shellfish (although it may be different). After squeezing several times, I feel the need for white rice. I went back to the ticket machine and bought it because it was 100 yen. I might have stopped it for 200 yen (bitter smile). Soak the precious seaweed, which is only one piece, in the soup and roll it with white rice. There were two thin and big char siu, so I dipped it in the soup and rolled it up to eat. White rice is the correct answer. After me, three refugees for dinner also slipped in. Without Corona, everyone could eat more slowly. Above all, this store will be more prosperous. I hate Corona. When I left the store and tried to take a picture of a big sign that invited me to an unexpectedly good encounter, the electricity was already off. That's right, I was just barely safe. Next time, let's try a different ramen. May the corona be gone by that time. PS: After Mambo, I visited again around 20:00. As expected, no supper refugees rush in. Shio ramen and white rice. It may be different, but the scent of seafood. Ajitama goes well with rice. It seems that he is doing it until 22:00 now. I also took a picture of a big signboard.

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