センチュリー21 ファーストホーム

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact センチュリー21 ファーストホーム

住所 :

Sugawaracho, Kawagoe, 〒350-0046 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.1-home.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Saitama

Sugawaracho, Kawagoe, 〒350-0046 Saitama,Japan
あめふらし on Google

I met a terrible eye. I do not recommend it.
村田功 on Google

Thank you for your quick response
TKG合同会社 on Google

I had various consultations
Ryu Kodama on Google

ネットで欲しい土地調べて、この土地くーださい♪っと現金で即購入しました(笑) 今、その土地で新築中です!
I searched for the land that I wanted on the net, and purchased this land at the moment ♪ at the present site (laughs) Now, new construction is in progress on that land!
佐々木大志 on Google

We received a lot of information about properties with desired conditions. Thank you for your immediate support.
紫央0719 on Google

星1もつけたくない ペットと住める物件を紹介してくれと言ったら無理矢理ここに住まわせられた 先程も下の階の人にうるさいのよ何してるんだ!と言われた こっちは布団を取り込んでいただけだ センチュリーは辞めといた方がいいと母に言われていたがここまでとは思わなかった 壊れればいいのに 住んで2年ほどになるが
I don't want to have a star 1 I was forced to live here if I asked me to introduce a pet-friendly property What are you doing so loud to the people on the lower floor just before! Was told This is just a futon My mother told me that I should quit the Century, but I didn't think so It should be broken I have been living for about 2 years
Junichi Kogure on Google

When I moved in, I was put in a room that was full of mud and had no cleaning, and when I moved out, I was charged for all tatami mats and cleaning. You should definitely stop such a real estate agent.
はっすんゆう on Google

I was able to find a property comfortably with a polite explanation. The response was quick and it was saved.

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