Town Housing - Kawagoe

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Town Housing

住所 :

石川ビル 1階 6-6 Wakitahoncho, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-1123, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 350-1123
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM

石川ビル 1階 6-6 Wakitahoncho, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-1123, Japan
荒井美紅 on Google

丁寧にご対応頂きありがとうございます。 中々いい物件に巡りあえずに落ち込んでいましたが、村上さんの真摯な対応頂き納得のいく部屋を見つけることができました。ありがとうございます。
Thank you for your polite response. I was depressed because I couldn't find a good property, but I was able to find a room that I was satisfied with with Mr. Murakami's sincere response. Thank you very much.
金子愛 on Google

村上珠美さんにご担当いただきました。 なかなかいい物件が埋まっている中、親身になって探して下さり、無事に決まりました。ありがとうございました。
Mr. Tamami Murakami was in charge. While the good properties were filled up, I was kind enough to look for them, and it was decided safely. Thank you very much.
伊藤大輝 on Google

村上珠美さんにご対応頂きました。 かなり急ぎの引越しでしたが、迅速な対応をして頂けました。 ありがとうございます。
Thank you to Tamami Murakami. It was a very urgent move, but we were able to respond promptly. thank you.
キツネ on Google

On the day of the preview, I went from home for an hour and a half one way, but the staff was not in charge of guidance, and when I got home, I had to wait for more than an hour because there was no key even if I opened the key box, and after all there was no key I couldn't put it in and turned it over. I wasted precious holiday time and money just by apologizing and not reimbursing transportation expenses. I was only available on that day, so I had no choice but to ask my family to take a look at it on another day. The property itself was introduced to me as a good one, but the response was the worst.
菅沼麗美 on Google

村上 珠美さんに自分の条件に合うおすすめの物件を詳しく説明していただきました。 そして、とても話しやすい雰囲気で気軽に相談することができました。 いい物件を契約できたので、よかったです。
We asked Tamami Murakami to explain in detail the recommended properties that meet her requirements. And I was able to feel free to consult in a very easy-to-speak atmosphere. I'm glad I was able to sign a good property.
小鹿野沙織 on Google

Thank you to Tamami Murakami. Thank you for your prompt response to our request. Thank you for finding the best property.
チャウヌ on Google

初期費用などの書類ができているので、期日を提示してきて送付しますと言われたものの、書類等は1週間以上何も来ず。 電話かけて確認したところ、 管理会社による初期費用書類の作成を待っている状況だと言われました。先ず、できてるんじゃないの?って言う気持ち。^_^ 意味がわかりません。言っていることとやっていることが違います。 また、初期費用の参考額のような写真が来ましたが、会社名もナシ。普通は、会社名や名前と印鑑などがされてあるものでは?と思い不審に思いました。 実に悪質。気分が悪くなり、審査も通っていましたが、ここの不動産屋に仲介料を払いたくないと思いました。 そして、頼んでもいないのに勝手に、引越し業者や電気屋に、私の番号を教えていたようで、電話やメールが沢山来ました。普通は、メールや電話1本いれるなりして、こちらにこういう電気屋や、引越し業者があるのですが紹介しましょうか?など一言あるものではないでしょうか。 実の所星ひとつも付けたくないし、上記の件についての謝罪の一言も受けていません。 マジ最悪。
I was told that I would send the documents such as the initial cost by presenting the due date, but the documents did not come for more than a week. When I called and confirmed, I was told that I was waiting for the management company to prepare the initial cost documents. First of all, isn't it made? Feelings to say. ^ _ ^ I do not understand. What you are saying is different from what you are doing. Also, I got a picture like the reference amount of the initial cost, but the company name is also pear. Isn't it usually the company name, name, and seal? I thought it was suspicious. Really malicious. I felt sick and passed the examination, but I didn't want to pay the brokerage fee to the real estate agent here. And even though I didn't ask for it, I seemed to have given my number to the moving company and the electrician, and I received a lot of phone calls and emails. Normally, there is such an electric shop or a moving company here as if you just put in an email or a phone call. Would you like to introduce it? Isn't there a word like that? In fact, I don't want to give a single star, and I haven't received a single apology for the above. Seriously the worst.
ほくと on Google

まず対応が悪い 店に行っても隣の人は足組んで電話対応してたり、 お店で契約します!って言ってから1週間以上何も書類が届かなくて、そのまま契約確認の電話をする3日前の夜に今から送りますとか電話きた。 まじで仕事できなすぎ! あと、いろんな所に情報渡しすぎて、引越しやとか電気屋とかめちゃくちゃ電話かかってくるし、こっちに一言言えよって思う 書類の金額と聞いてた話と違ったり、 請求書の説明もなくてこっちから聞いたし、 とりあえず、本当に仕事できない人たちだから、ここに仲介してもらうの本当やめた方がいい!
First of all, the correspondence is bad Even if you go to the store, the next person will cross your legs and answer the phone, Make a contract at the store! I didn't receive any documents for more than a week after saying that, and I called to send it from now on the night three days before I called to confirm the contract. I can't really work too much! Also, I passed too much information to various places, and I got a messed up phone call with a moving house or an electric shop, so I think I can say a word here. It ’s different from what I heard about the amount of documents, I heard from here without the explanation of the invoice, For the time being, people who can't really work, so it's better to really stop having them mediate here!

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