House Mate Kawagoe - Kawagoe

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact House Mate Kawagoe

住所 :

第一コーポレーションビル 1階 14-12 Wakitahoncho, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-1123, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 350-1123
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM

第一コーポレーションビル 1階 14-12 Wakitahoncho, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-1123, Japan
中村幸 on Google

娘の進学の際の住まい探しでお世話になりました。 駅近くのマンションを提案していただきました。話しやすく優しい対応に安心しました。
I was taken care of by looking for a place to live when my daughter went on to school. I had you propose an apartment near the station. I was relieved to be able to talk easily and kindly.
Miwa Ando on Google

Thanks to the professional staff who responded promptly and accurately, I was very satisfied with the move-in. Thank you, Mr. Miyazaki! If you have a connection next time, I would like to ask your housemate.
山下直也 on Google

担当の方の感じが良く、丁寧に説明して頂けて大満足でした。引越しは人生でそう何度もするものではないので不安も大きかったですが、そういった所も説明がしっかりしていたので安心でした。 大満足です!ありがとうございます!
The person in charge felt good and was very satisfied with the polite explanation. I was worried about moving because I don't do it so many times in my life, but I was relieved because the explanation was solid. I'm very satisfied! Thank you!
youtube toru on Google

女性、田○さんの対応が素っ気なく、こちらの質問にも適当な返答で、無駄な時間を費やしました。 二度とここの不動産は利用しません。 仕事やる気が無いなら、他の担当に回したらどうですか。 とても不快に感じました。
Mr. Tao, a woman, wasn't very responsive, and I wasted time answering this question appropriately. I will never use the real estate here again. If you are not motivated to work, why not send it to another person in charge? I felt very uncomfortable.
山本ひろき on Google

内見や契約の際にこちらから迷惑をかけてしまう場面もあったのですが、終始笑顔で対応してくれて本当に感謝しかありませんでした。 急な質問時の対応もはっきりしていて良かったです。 ほんまおすすめ
There were occasions when I was inconvenienced from here during the preview and contract, but I was really grateful for responding with a smile from beginning to end. I'm glad that the response to sudden questions was clear. Really recommended
小松香(かお) on Google

不動産屋さんに行くのが初めてで、分からないことだらけでドキドキしていましたが、担当してくださった方がとても親切丁寧に対応してくれました。 気さくな方で話しがしやすく、自分の希望もたくさん聞いていただきました。 分からないことだらけで、ん?と思うような質問にも笑顔で答えていただき、お部屋を決めることができました。 少しの間でしたが、本当にありがとうございました(​*´꒳`*​)
It was my first time to go to a real estate agent, and I was thrilled with all the things I didn't understand, but the person in charge responded very kindly and politely. He was a friendly person and easy to talk to, and he asked me a lot about his wishes. There are so many things I don't understand, huh? I was able to decide on a room by answering questions that I thought with a smile. It was a short time, but thank you very much (* ´꒳` *)
三上萌 on Google

女性の方の電話対応が最悪でもう二度と利用したくないと思った。 質問に対しての返答がなく、一方的に喋られて不快に思い、もういいですと電話を切ってしまった。 他の方のクチコミを見ると対応がいいスタッフさんもいるような感じだが、一度このような経験があると担当を変えられても無理と思ってしまったのでオススメできません。
The telephone response of the female was the worst and I didn't want to use it again. There was no answer to the question, and I was uncomfortable with being spoken unilaterally, and I hung up when it was okay. Looking at the reviews of other people, it seems that some staff members are very responsive, but once I have this kind of experience, I thought it would be impossible to change the person in charge, so I can't recommend it.
Sharif Hossen on Google

Worst experience with this shop. I have made a reservation to take a look on a apartment which I have seen on the web. I was in a necessity to have an apartment for a foreign student. When I went there from Tsukuba, Ibaraki. They couldn’t recognise the reservation at the first place, I explain it again and I have been asked for my mobile number, eventually they've agreed about it. We were standing there for long, they didn’t even bother to offer a seat. And the house renting process ended with a failure.

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