
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 麺や寵児

住所 :

1-chōme−34, Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : http://cho-ji.jp/
街 : Tokyo

1-chōme−34, Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0021 Tokyo,Japan
- on Google

塩油そば美味しかったです! もちもち麺を選びました。
The salted abura soba was delicious! I chose sticky noodles.
吉良村翼 on Google

I often go. The noodles were mochimochi and gowagowa. I personally liked the mochimochi noodles, which were smooth and rustic. It ’s also nice to see 3 types of free toppings. It ’s delicious with mayonnaise. And this will be charged, but you can't remove the hot spring cigarette. Feel free to make your own favorite soba noodles.
asa yama on Google

I could choose noodles. There is also a free topping. There were many abura soba restaurants that I always go to, so I tried using this one, but it was delicious.
keita tsu on Google

仕事の打ち合わせの後に空腹で駆け込んだこのお店。 たまーに油そばが食べたくなるんです。 このお店では、麺が二種類、ゴワゴワとモチモチから選べます。オススメはモチモチだと言うことなのでそちらをオーダー。 味は非常にスタンダードでクセのない油そばでした。 子どもでもスルリと食べられそう。 私個人の嗜好ですが、油そばにはパンチを求めますので、ちょいと物足りない味でした。 あと一つインパクトが加われば良い油そばなんですが。。
This shop was hungry after a meeting. Sometimes I want to eat soba noodles. In this shop, you can choose from two types of noodles, Gowagowa and Mochimochi. I recommend ordering it because it is recommended. The taste was very standard and no soba. Even children can eat it easily. It is my personal preference, but it was a bit unsatisfactory because I asked for a punch in soba. It ’s okay to add another impact. .
ロタ on Google

As I continued to eat, a piece of paper with the expiration date came out. I will never go again.
さにぽん on Google

いつもの駅前の油そばが並んでいたので、 こちらに来てみたんだけど、 普通においしかった♪
The usual abura soba in front of the station was lined up, so I came here, It was delicious normally ♪
いけのみやび on Google

First visit, abura soba (normal 180g, 720 yen), chewy noodles (using 100% domestic wheat that is also used for udon), onions, bean sprouts, cheese toppings for free. Donburi in about 10 minutes. There was a lot of volume even if it was average. The taste was safe and delicious. I was happy that I could change the taste if I had garlic on the table ... Would you like me to reduce the noodles a little next time? Thank you for the meal.
瘋癲のひろさん on Google

池袋にあるつけ麺、油そばのお店。 おおよそ1000円前後で並、大、特盛と麺の量は選べます。 特製油そばを注文しましたが、ねぎや海苔、メンマがもりもり入っており、カットした角切りチャーシューも充分過ぎるほど入っていて1枚チャーシューも入っています。 かなりよく混ぜても具材のボリュームがよくわかるほどに入っています。 全然くどくなく女性でもさっぱり食べられる味わいなので多彩なメニューに目移りしながら楽しめると思います。 店員もすこぶる対応がよく気持ちよくランチできました。 また行きます。
Tsukemen and abura soba shop in Ikebukuro. You can choose the amount of noodles, medium, large, special, and noodles for around 1000 yen. I ordered a special abura soba, but it contains onions, seaweed, and menma, and it also contains more than enough cut diced char siu, including one piece of char siu. Even if you mix it well, you can see the volume of the ingredients. It's not too bad at all and it's a taste that even women can eat refreshingly, so I think you can enjoy it while shifting to a variety of menus. The clerk was very friendly and I was able to have a pleasant lunch. I will go again.

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