Yoshida Shōin’s Deathplace - Chuo City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yoshida Shōin’s Deathplace

住所 :

5-13 Nihonbashikodenmacho, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0001, Japan

Postal code : 103-0001

5-13 Nihonbashikodenmacho, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0001, Japan
taka2181 taka2181 on Google

日比谷線小伝馬町の駅からすぐの所にある公園内に石碑が建立されています!維新の志士たちの思想的なバックボーンを作りあげた功績は、現在の日本人として感謝の念を捧げるべきだなぁっと思います。 かつて世田谷線の松陰神社前の近所に住んでいたこともあって、この地も訪れてみたいと思っておりました。 残暑の中ではありましたが公園で休んでいる人の姿も垣間見えて都会のオアシスのように使われているんだなぁと、ふと感じました。松陰先生が現在の公園の姿をみたら喜んでくれると良いのですがね?
A stone monument is erected in the park just off the Hibiya Line Kodenmacho station! I think that the achievements that created the ideological backbone of the restoration scholars should be given gratitude as the current Japanese. I used to live in the neighborhood in front of Shoin Shrine on the Setagaya Line, so I wanted to visit this place as well. Although it was in the heat of the heat, I could see a glimpse of people resting in the park, and I suddenly felt that it was used like an oasis in the city. I hope Mr. Matsuin will be happy to see the current park ?
naby XX on Google

身はたとひ 武蔵の野辺に 朽ちぬとも 留め置かまし 大和魂
Body Even if it doesn't decay in Musashi's Nobe Detained Yamato soul
我ら大日本国大和民族同胞愛初代神武天皇陛下古墳時代から明治大正昭和 on Google

吉田松陰先生は、われら日本が 欧米列国から植民地されるわが国の危機を一歩早く指導してわれら日本を護った大功労者です。 松下村塾の塾生は、久坂玄瑞と高杉晋作 二人の活躍を中心にして 明治維新後は 初代総理大臣の伊藤博文公、明治で大活躍した山縣有朋公や 入江九一、前原一誠、品川弥二郎、山田顕義など門下生の活躍が明治維新大日本の繁栄につながりました。 明治維新の礎になり、長州からわれら祖国日本国のためにわれら日本人の誇りです。 わが国に貢献した尊敬されている先人がお札になるべきだとおもいます。 吉田松陰先生は靖国神社にも祭られていますし、自らの松陰神社もございます。
Mr. Shoin Yoshida, we are in Japan He is a great meritorious person who protected Japan by leading the crisis of Japan colonized by the Western countries as soon as possible. The students of Shokasonjuku are Genzui Kusaka and Shinsaku Takasugi. Focusing on the activities of the two After the Meiji Restoration Hirobumi Ito, the first Prime Minister, Aritomo Yamagata, who was a big success in the Meiji era The activities of students such as Irie Kuichi, Maebara Issei, Shinagawa Yajiro, and Yamada Akiyoshi led to the prosperity of Meiji Restoration Japan. It will be the cornerstone of the Meiji Restoration, and we are the pride of our Japanese people from Choshu for our homeland, Japan. I think that the respected ancestors who have contributed to Japan should be the bills. Mr. Shoin Yoshida is also enshrined at Yasukuni Shrine, and he also has his own Shoin Shrine.
直哉 on Google

A monument is built in the shade of Jushi Park, showing that Shoda Yoshida, who finished his life in Ansei's Great Prison in just 30 years, was executed here. There was a shogunate's prison in Kodenmacho, and many sinners ended their lives here.
山田万歳 on Google

安政の大獄で処刑された吉田松陰終焉の地。この石碑から歩いて20、30メートルのところに留置所があり、また、処刑場があったようだ。 石碑の材石は、松陰の出身地である萩の方からわざわざ取り寄せたらしい。
The land of the end of Shoin Yoshida, who was executed in the prison of Ansei. It seems that there was a detention center and an execution place 20 to 30 meters on foot from this stone monument. It seems that the stones for the stone monument were purposely ordered from Hagi, the birthplace of Shoin.
Kiyoshi Miyazawa (Kyo) on Google

安政6年(1859)小伝馬町牢屋敷内で処刑されました。 十思公園内の記念碑には、辞世の句が刻まれています。
In 1859, he was executed in a prison house in Kodenmacho. The monument in Jiushi Park is engraved with a phrase of resignation.
Yoshinobu Enomoto on Google

吉田松陰終焉之地(小伝馬町駅) 伝馬町牢屋敷跡(銅鐘石町時の鐘/十思公園) 感慨深い場所です。
Yoshida Shoin's End (Kodemmacho Station) Remains of the prison in Denma-cho (Bronze bell at the time of Ishimachi / Jisshi Park) It's a deeply moving place.
Seiichi Ota on Google

公園の一角にある石碑です。 吉田松陰は明治維新の精神的指導者・理論者・倒幕論者として知られ、私塾「松下村塾」で、後の明治維新で重要な働きをする多くの若者に思想的影響を与えた人です。 安政6年(1859年)、安政の大獄に連座し、江戸に檻送されて伝馬町牢屋敷に投獄されました。評定所で吉田松陰は老中暗殺計画である間部要撃策を自ら進んで告白してしまい、同年10月27日、伝馬町牢屋敷にて斬首刑に処されました。享年30(満29歳没)。
It is a stone monument in the corner of the park. Shoin Yoshida is known as a spiritual leader, theorist, and inversionist of the Meiji Restoration, and at the private school "Matsushitamura Juku", he was a person who had an ideological influence on many young people who played an important role in the Meiji Restoration. In 6th year of Ansei (1859), he continued to sit in the prison of Ansei, was sent to Edo and was imprisoned in the Denmacho prison. Shoin Yoshida voluntarily confessed to the middle-aged assassination plan at the rating office, and he was beheaded at Denma-cho prison residence on October 27 of the same year. 30 years old (29 years old died).

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