銅鐘 石町時の鐘【東京都指定有形文化財】

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Contact 銅鐘 石町時の鐘【東京都指定有形文化財】

住所 :

Nihonbashikodenmacho, Chuo City, 〒103-0001 Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

Nihonbashikodenmacho, Chuo City, 〒103-0001 Tokyo,Japan
下町の太陽 on Google

江戸時代にはこちらに小伝馬町の牢獄があり、同時に時の鐘がありました。 こちらには吉田松陰の終焉の地と言う石碑もありました。 江戸時代のこの鐘はまず江戸城内の鐘がなり江戸しないの鐘がある場所の鐘が叩かれます。 江戸幕府から時計のようなものが支給されていたみたいです。
During the Edo period, there was a prison in Kodenmacho, and at the same time there was a bell of time. There was also a monument called the end of Yoshida Shoin here. This bell in the Edo period is first the bell in Edo Castle and the bell in the place where there is no Edo bell. It seems that something like a clock was being supplied from the Edo Shogunate.
散歩大荒神 on Google

皆さんは夕方の定刻になると、どことなく「夕焼け小焼け」のメロディーが聞こえてくる経験がありませんか。地域によっては、そのメロディーが異なるようですが。これは、ある時刻を知らせるものでしょうか。もう子供たちはお家に帰りなさいのサインなのでしょうか。実は、防災行政無線といって、緊急時に使用できるために、試験放送を毎日しているのだそうです。こうして、毎日定刻に一定の音を聞いていますと、まるでパブロフの条件反射のように、生活サイクルに一つの区切りや意識が生じてきますね。 江戸時代、このような防災の意味ではありませんが、純粋に「時を知らせる」目的で、朝・昼・晩の三回を鐘で知らせていました。その事によって、長屋の門が定刻に開閉されたり、生活に規則正しいリズムの時間観念を持つようになったのです。その鐘は9ヶ所とも11ヵ所とも言われていますが、どちらにせよ、一番最初に撞かれるのは、日本橋石町(こくちょう)の鐘でした。セイコー社のブログによりますと、①本石町 ②上野寛永寺 ③市ヶ谷八幡 ④赤坂田町成瀬寺 ⑤芝増上寺 ⑥目白不動尊 ⑦浅草寺 ⑧本所横堀 ⑨四谷天龍寺で、この順番で前の鐘の音を聞いて順序よく鐘を鳴らしていたそうです。 現在、「石町の時の鐘」は小伝馬町の十思公園に移されて、除夜の鐘に鳴り響かせていますが、鐘の来歴などは跡地に設けられている説明板でお分かりになれます。
Have you ever heard the melody of "sunset small burn" somehow at the scheduled time in the evening? The melody seems to be different depending on the area. Does this tell you a certain time? Are the children a sign to go home? In fact, it is said that the disaster prevention administrative radio is a test broadcast every day so that it can be used in an emergency. In this way, listening to a constant sound on a regular basis every day creates a break and consciousness in the life cycle, just like Pavlov's conditioned reflex. In the Edo period, it did not mean such disaster prevention, but for the purpose of purely "notifying the time", the bell was used to inform the three times of morning, noon, and evening. As a result, the gates of the nagaya were opened and closed on time, and people began to have a regular rhythmic idea of ​​time in their lives. It is said that there are 9 or 11 bells, but in any case, the first one to be struck was the bell in Nihonbashi-Ishimachi (Kokucho). According to Seiko's blog, ① Honishicho ② Ueno Kaneiji ③ Ichigaya Hachiman ④ Akasaka Tamachi Naruseji ⑤ Shiba Masueji ⑥ Mejiro Fudoson ⑦ Sensoji Temple ⑧ Honsho Yokobori ⑨ Yotsuya Tenryuji Temple, in this order He heard that he was ringing the bells in order. Currently, "Ishimachi no Tokinokane" has been moved to Jisshi Park in Kodenmacho and is ringing on the bell at night, but you can see the history of the bell on the explanation board on the site.
Tsutomu “benkeiji” on Google

江戸時代の一日は、明け六つを知らせる鐘の音から始まった。 最初に捨て鐘を三回鳴らして時を告げる合図をしたのち、時刻の数だけ鐘が撞かれた。 時の鐘は寛永三年(1626)に現在の日本橋石町(こくちょう)に設けられたのを皮切りに、幕末までに浅草寺・寛永寺・目黒不動など10か所以上に設置された。 人々に時刻を告げる方策として、江戸市中に「時の鐘」が設置された。 江戸城で太鼓が鳴ると、石町の時の鐘がまず撞かれ、その音を聞いた 近くの鐘楼が順次、鐘を撞いていった。
A day in the Edo era began with the sound of a bell signaling six dawns. After first ringing the bell three times and signaling the time, the bells were struck by the number of times. The bell of time was set up in the present Nihonbashi Ishimachi (Kokucho) in Kanei 3rd year (1626), and was installed in more than 10 places such as Sensoji, Kaneiji and Meguro Fudo by the end of the Tokugawa period. As a way to tell people the time, a bell of time was set up throughout Edo City. When a drum rang at Edo Castle, the bell of Ishimachi's time struck first, and I heard the sound The nearby belfry successively struck the bell.
直哉 on Google

The bell when the time was conveyed to the common people during the Edo period. The time bell has been abolished with the spread of watches since entering the Meiji era. It was said that things that were in Ishimachi, Nihonbashi were moved to this place Juju Park in the early Showa era. Currently, the bell is struck only on New Year's Eve.
山田万歳 on Google

ここは伝馬町であり、石町は神田の方にある。地図を見る。ここからおよそ800メートルは向こう側だ。どうやら区だか地元有志だかが向こうから、この十思小学校跡地に持ってきたのだろう。 まあよく現存していたものだ。この手の鐘は第二次世界大戦時に回収され、弾丸に変えられているものだと思っていたけれども。
This is Denmacho, and Ishimachi is near Kanda. View map. About 800 meters from here is the other side. Apparently, it was brought over to the site of this Jushi Elementary School from the other side, whether it was a ward or a local volunteer. Well well extant. Though I thought that this kind of bell was recovered during World War II and turned into a bullet.
Seiichi Ota on Google

公園の中にある鐘。初めて見た人は「なんで公園に鐘?」とびっくりします。とても貴重な鐘ですが、残念なことに少々見づらいです。もう少し見学する人の事を考えて鐘楼を作って欲しかったですね。因みに「石町」は「こくちょう」と読みます。 この石町の時の鐘は本石町三丁目(現在の本町四丁目・室町四丁目の一部)に設置されたもので、江戸で最初の時の鐘と言われています。昔は鐘の音が聞こえる範囲の町から「鐘楼銭」を集めて維持・運営が図られていたそうです。 石町の時の鐘は明治に廃止され、昭和五年に本石町から十思公園内に作られた鐘楼へ移設されたそうです。
Bell in the park. People who see it for the first time are surprised at "Why the bell in the park?" It's a very valuable bell, but unfortunately it's a bit hard to see. I wanted you to make a bell tower in consideration of the people who would visit it a little more. By the way, "Ishimachi" is read as "Kokucho". This bell at the time of Ishimachi was installed at Honishicho 3-chome (currently part of Honmachi 4-chome, Muromachi 4-chome) and is said to be the first bell in Edo. It seems that in the old days, "bell bell coins" were collected and maintained and operated from the town where the sound of bells could be heard. It is said that the bell at Ishimachi was abolished in the Meiji era and was moved from the main stone town to the bell tower built in Jushi Park in 1975.
神田橋 on Google

元は下町の中心日本橋石町にあった時刻を告げる鐘 この鐘が聞こえる範囲がいわゆる江戸 のちに江戸拡大により浅草など郊外にも鐘が出来たがそのエリアを場末と呼ぶ
A bell that tells the time when it was originally in Nihonbashi-Ishimachi, the center of downtown The area where you can hear this bell is the so-called Edo Later, due to the expansion of Edo, bells were created in the suburbs such as Asakusa, but that area is called the end of the field.
中松拓也 on Google

It was the first bell in the Edo period, and when it was the second shogun Hidetada, it was attached to the Nishimaru in Edo Castle. It originated from the fact that it was built and delivered, and it was damaged by fire three times in the 3rd year of the Meireki, the 6th year of Kanbun, and the 7th year of Enpo. be. The tone is called the sound of Nagahisa Huang Wataru. Ten years of Kyoho A bell tower was built on the land of the new road on the north side of 3-chome, Honbashi-cho, with a depth of 12 ken and a depth of 19 ken. Was collected and maintained from a total of 410 towns in Omachi Komachi Yokomachi, a commercial area. The role of the bell was hit by Genshichi Tsuji from the beginning, so it was also called the mirror of Tsuji. Under the bell tower, the poet Bashomura held a kukai called Yahantei and was famous with Bashoan in Fukagawa. At that time, there were time bells in nine places in Edo, Nihonbashi Ishimachi, Asakusa, Honjo, Yokogawa Town, Uenoshiba Kiridori, Ichigayahachiman, Meguro Fudo, Akasaka Tamachi, and Yotsuya Tenryuji Temple, but Ishimachi Toki Bell is the oldest. There was a Denmacho prison about two streets from Ishimachi Kyorodo. The prisoners would have heard the sound of this bell with all their thoughts, and the execution was executed with the sound of this bell as a signal, but it was delayed as if praying for the executioner's life extension. , It is said that it is a bell of compassion. After the abolition of the bell at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, it was a treasured item of the Ishimachi Matsuzawa family. After holding the ceremony, he donated to Tokyo.

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