Yamatomi - Kyoto

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamatomi

住所 :

421 Izutsuyacho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-0961, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 604-0961
Webサイト : https://kyoto-yamatomi.com/

421 Izutsuyacho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-0961, Japan
柳川侍従 on Google

Fried skewers on oden and delicious seafood.
松本英夫 on Google

I had a peaceful time. The food was delicious and I enjoyed talking with familiar customers.
黒川達夫 on Google

先斗町山とみが一月末に閉店したあとこの6月に新たに開店。旧先斗町山とみ大女将の長男がご主人、若女将の長女が女将。 とても美味しい料理が手頃な値段で食べられます。大変良心的なお店でこれからが楽しみなお店。暫く宣伝しないで隠れ里にしようかなあ?と思いましたが友人達に宣伝してます。 鉄瓶揚げも具材が旧山とみよりボリューム感あり満足。ちょっとしたお番菜もひと工夫あって新鮮。美味しいお店です。 上って二条川端に行けば大好きな赤垣屋さん、下ると三条めなみさんに挟まれ、美味しい居酒屋さんが誕生。 みなさんご贔屓に。 旧山とみの大女将は(お母さん)は柳馬場六角下る井筒屋町で新生山とみを7月に開店しました。どちらもご贔屓に。 東京でも宣伝します。 居酒屋と言えば太田和彦さん。赤垣屋さんと、めなみさんの真ん中にもう一軒、木屋町御池山とみさんにもお寄り頂きたいお店です。
Opened in June after Tomomi Pontomachiyama closed at the end of January. The eldest son of Tomicho Yamato is the master, and the eldest daughter is the landlady. You can eat very good food at an affordable price. This is a very conscientious shop that you can enjoy in the future. Would you like to hide behind without advertising for a while? I thought but I advertise to friends. The iron-boiler fried food is more voluminous and satisfying than Tomiyama. A little bansai is also fresh and has some ideas. Delicious shop. If you go up to Nijo Kawabata, you will be sandwiched by your favorite Akagaya, and if you go down, Sanjo Menami will be born. To everyone. Former Mt. Toyama of Tomiyama (Mom) opened Shinmiyama Tomi in Izutsuya-cho, Yanagibaba hexagonal, in July. Both are rice cakes. I will advertise in Tokyo. Speaking of pubs, Kazuhiko Ota. Another store in the middle of Akagaya-san and Menami-san, this is a store that you would like to visit to Kiike-cho Oikeyama and Tomi-san.
へんみあきら on Google

たまたま入ったお店です。お酒を飲めないのですが、食べるものがいっぱいあり、全て美味しく頂きました。また行きたいお店です。 女将さん、いつまでもお元気で!
It's a shop that happened to be in. I can't drink alcohol, but there are many things to eat and they were all delicious. This is the shop I want to visit again. Landlady, stay tuned!
山田太郎 on Google

The deep-fried skewers were delicious, and I was confused as to whether the taste of oden was too light and the taste was strange.
中野祐華 on Google

たまたま入れました。常連さんがたくさん! ダシの効いたあっさりおでんにビールは合いますね!
I happened to put it in. Lots of regulars! Beer goes well with the dashi-based light oden!
Yuko Fujii on Google

Oden and skewers were very delicious. Although there are many locals, both the wolf and the shop were kind and very cozy. Also, when I came to Kyoto, it became one of the shops I wanted to visit.
Priscilla, Tzuyu Lin on Google

Nice meals!

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