Umeshin Karasumaru - Kyoto

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Umeshin Karasumaru

住所 :

102-2 Tsuchiyacho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8112, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 604-8112
Webサイト :

102-2 Tsuchiyacho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8112, Japan
大納言はぴ子 on Google

たまたまお昼のタイミングで通りかかり、牛ホルモン丼のポスターが目に入ってきたので即決して入りました。 カウンター席とテーブル席が2つ。 ランチだったので、他にも唐揚げ丼やカレーもありましたが浮気せずホルモン丼を注文。 何でもグランプリでも金賞を受賞しているだとかで期待大。 唐揚げのテイクアウトもされており、お店から肉への本気度が至る所に見える気が来ます。 そうこういってるまにホルモン丼が到着。 友達は大盛り注文してましたが、私は並サイズで。プリっと柔らかいホルモンがぎっしり、秘伝のタレと絡まるお米の美味しいこと! お味噌汁とキムチもついてきました。 ペロっと完食です。 お店の方も親切でした。 京都は遠いからなかなか行けませんがまた行きたいお店です。
I happened to pass by at noon, and I saw a poster of beef hormone bowl, so I never entered it immediately. There are two counter seats and two table seats. Since it was lunch, I also had fried chicken bowl and curry, but I ordered a hormone bowl without cheating. I have high expectations that he has won the gold medal at the Grand Prix. The fried chicken is also taken out, and you can see the seriousness of the meat from the shop everywhere. The hormone bowl arrived in the meantime. My friend ordered a large amount, but I am a medium size. The delicious rice is packed with soft hormones and entwined with the secret sauce! Miso soup and kimchi are also included. It's a complete meal. The shop was also kind. It's hard to go to Kyoto because it's far away, but I want to go there again.
Jun Lee on Google

Love the fried chicken and Cora cake!
Justin Montgomery on Google

Cheap! Delicious! Definitely check this place out
Karina Perlaza on Google

Great food and service. The waygu beef was really tender and tasty. Thanks guys!
Michael Fisher on Google

Good value. Tasty. Generous helpings by Japanese standards especially the karaage.
J D on Google

This place has the best karaage and croquettes! So much better than any convenience store and many restaurants.
お願いSenpai on Google

Not bad quality of food for what you pay. This is definitely easier on the wallet compared to most places and the staff were friendly and helpful
Sian Waller on Google

They didn't seem too keen on tourists but warmed to us when we could speak some Japanese... Making an effort counts. Awesome beef croquettes and karage (probably the touristy-est food we could have ordered on the menu given it's and offal restaurant so has innards mainly on the menu!)

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