嘗 〜miso〜

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 嘗 〜miso〜

住所 :

Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-0005 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877898
Webサイト : http://sho-miso.com/
街 : Kyoto

Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-0005 Kyoto,Japan
y u on Google

寒い時に行くと心と体がぽっかりします!! 常連になると店主の女性と親しく話せるようになる感じがありました笑 日本酒より、焼酎が多い印象!
If you go when it's cold, your mind and body will be gaping! ! When I became a regular, there was a feeling that I was able to talk with the store owner's woman lol Impression with more shochu than sake!
tea oga on Google

A shop where you can fully enjoy Kyoto's oden x miso. Although it is a very beautiful interior and a pure Japanese style, it is difficult to express, but anyway, oden has a good affinity with miso. Each one is polite. The customer service and food were a little unbalanced.
Takaki Kuchinaka on Google

京都らしいオシャレなおでん屋さん。辛子ではなく白味噌で食べるおでん。白味噌のたれと出汁が相まって、なんとも上品な甘いけど甘すぎない味。他の一品もGood!お酒も日本酒、焼酎と充実している。店内も明るく心地良い。 京都らしい店に行きたかったら、思わず連れてきたくなる店。
A fashionable oden shop that is typical of Kyoto. Oden eaten with white miso instead of mustard. The combination of the white miso sauce and the soup stock makes it an elegant sweet but not too sweet taste. Other dishes are also good! Sake is also substantial, including sake and shochu. The inside of the store is bright and comfortable. If you want to go to a store that is typical of Kyoto, you will want to bring it with you.
przc _ on Google

野暮用でこの日はお昼が3時頃までだらだらと。 京都に着いてもまだお腹は空いていません。 しかし、食べないわけにもいかないので ちょっとおでんと一杯だけ軽くと思い入店。 いや、扉を開けてびっくりです。 白を基調とした店内に、綺麗な木のカウンター。 高級寿司店かな?と思う感じです。 なるほど、ちょっとお洒落なおでん屋さんです。 若いカップルや写真を撮るのに夢中の女性組。 普通のおでん屋さんとは狙っているところが違いますね。 雰囲気は良いですね。 あまりお腹が空いていないので3品だけの注文です。 定番の大根と半熟卵 そしてなめろう。 これに日本酒です。 日本酒はメニューリストの中から唯一まだ好きかなという春鹿を。 まず大根です。 お味噌がかかっているのがこちらの特徴ですが 酒飲みには少しインパクトが足りない感じです。 なめろうは味噌の味が効いていて美味しい。 半熟卵も大根と同じ感想。 一品一品は安くないのでこの辺りで退散。 女性を誘って行くおでん屋さんには最高だと思います。 帰る時に他の方と話しているのが聞こえたのですが ホールを切り盛りしていた女性(バイトかと思いました)がオーナーで 中学生の頃からこういうお店をやろうと思っていたらしく 今は実現して楽しそうです。 しかし、おじさんには少しハードル高めのお店ですね。 ワイワイ飲んでっというお店ではないです。
It's for wildlife, and on this day it's sloppy until around 3 o'clock. I'm not hungry yet when I arrive in Kyoto. But I can't help eating it I entered the store thinking that it was a little light with a cup of oden. No, I was surprised to open the door. A beautiful wooden counter inside the store, which is based on white. Is it a high-class sushi restaurant? I feel like. I see, it's a little fashionable oden shop. Young couples and women who are crazy about taking pictures. The aim is different from that of an ordinary oden shop. The atmosphere is good. I'm not very hungry so I only ordered 3 items. Classic radish and soft-boiled egg And let's lick it. This is sake. Haruka, who is the only one in the menu list who still likes sake. First is the radish. The feature here is that it is covered with miso. It feels like the impact is not enough for drinkers. Namero is delicious with the taste of miso. The soft-boiled egg has the same impression as the radish. Each item is not cheap, so it's gone around here. I think it's the best for an oden shop that invites women. I heard him talking to another person when he returned The owner is the woman who was cutting the hall (I thought it was a part-time job) It seems that I've been thinking about opening a store like this since I was in junior high school Now it seems to be realized and fun. However, it's a little hurdle for the uncle. It's not a shop where you can drink crazy.
Ero Sheeran on Google

賑わっています。コスパがいいです。半熟卵ともも肉となめろうは必須注文アイテムかと! 気になったのは、常連客っぽい人がいるんですが、食べるマナーが悪いです…くちゃくちゃぺちゃくちゃ鳴らしながら食べるので、食べる気を失いました… おでん野菜は薄味です。関東風に慣れている方は驚くのではないでしょうか?
It is crowded. Cospa is good. Namero with soft-boiled egg and thigh meat is a must-order item! I was curious about some people who seemed to be regular customers, but the manners of eating were bad ... I ate while messing around, so I lost the desire to eat ... Oden vegetables have a light taste. Isn't it surprising to those who are accustomed to the Kanto style?
Nao Hana on Google

ようやく、緊急事態宣言も解除されたので、前を通る度に気になっていた嘗さんにお邪魔してきました。 中は落ち着いた色調で統一された、和の空間。靴を脱いで上がるコの字型のカウンターと、四人掛けのテーブルが2つほど。たまたまオープン時間まもなくだったので予約なしでも入れましたが、予約のお客様もたくさんこられてあっという間に満席。 おばんざいで、烏賊と葱の辛味あえ、自家製糠漬けをいただいてみましたが、どれもとてもおいしい!期待値が高まるなか、名物のおでんをお願いしました。優しいお出汁に浮かぶ大根に、特製の白味噌ベースの餡が絡んで、たまりません。絶対に食べるべきは、わらじモモ。大きな鶏モモ肉を2日かけて箸で簡単に切れるほどホロホロに炊き込まれています。味噌の餡との相性も最高で、絶品です。 〆に、お味噌汁とにゅうめんをいただきましたが、これも美味しい。お酒もとてもリーズナブルによいものを出してくれますので、お酒を楽しみたい方にもオススメできます。 ご馳走さまでした!また伺います。
Finally, the state of emergency was lifted, so every time I passed in front of me, I visited Mr. Tadashi, who was worried about me. The interior is a Japanese space unified with calm tones. There is a U-shaped counter that you can take off your shoes and two tables for four people. It happened that the opening time was short, so I entered without a reservation, but many reservation customers came and it was full in no time. I tried obanzai, spicy squid and green onions, and homemade rice bran pickles, all of which are very delicious! As expectations increased, I asked for the famous oden. The daikon radish that floats in the gentle soup stock is entwined with the special white miso-based bean paste, which is irresistible. Straw peaches should definitely be eaten. Large chicken thighs are cooked in a horohoro so that they can be easily cut with chopsticks over 2 days. It goes great with miso bean paste and is excellent. I had miso soup and somen noodles, which are also delicious. It also serves good sake at a very reasonable price, so it is recommended for those who want to enjoy sake. It was a feast! I will visit you again.
しゅうたん on Google

寒い日にぴったりです☺️ 店内は掘りごたつのカウンター席とテーブル席二つ?で小さめのお店です。 普段は食べれないおでんのメニューがいっぱいあってたくさん頼んでしまいました。 二人で分けられるものも多いので一個をたくさん頼んでみてもいいかもです 割とお腹膨れます。 キッチン一人、ホール一人なので出てくるのはそんなに早くないです。 あと常連の方には愛想が良いという印象を受けました?
Perfect for cold days ☺️ Is there two counter seats and two table seats in the store? It's a small shop. There are many oden menus that I can't usually eat, so I ordered a lot. There are many things that can be divided by two people, so you may ask for a lot of one. I feel bloated. There is only one kitchen and one hall, so it's not so early to come out. Also, I got the impression that the regulars are friendly ?
Jes Scholz on Google

Food is tasty if a little pricy. But no English is spoken, so don't know why, but buying a drink was mandatory (water not an option).

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