壱角家 広島祇園店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 壱角家 広島祇園店

住所 :

Yamamoto, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0137 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://gardengroup.co.jp/brand/ikkakuya/
街 : Hiroshima

Yamamoto, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0137 Hiroshima,Japan
ジェイM my on Google

A ramen shop of a kind that has never been eaten in Hiroshima. It wasn't very good, but it was delicious. There are 3 parking spaces in the back of the store and 2 in front of the store. When the next store is closed, 5 cars can be stopped in front of the store. Customer service is round. I am also caring and comfortable. The order is self-service at the ticket machine. Seats are 12 counter seats? There are 12 tables and you can easily go with your children. Rich menu. If it is not crowded from order to offer, it takes about 5 minutes. The table can be topped with raw onions and chopped white ginger. You can choose the hardness of the surface, the thickness of the soup, the amount of oil, etc. so you can finish it to your liking. The noodles are thick and short but I personally like them. If you go 10 times, you can get a free ramen.
mamechiba on Google

広島にも増えつつある横浜家系ラーメンの一つ。 ネギ旨し。 でも、ここもキャベチャーはやってないんですよねぇ…
One of the Yokohama family ramen that is increasing in Hiroshima. Green onion. But I don't do cabbage here either ...
浅辺雅史 on Google

家系らーめん740円とご飯100円頂きました。スープは濃いめをチョイス。 自ら選んでおいてあれですが、自分にはちょい濃すぎかな~と思いましたが、刻みタマネギを投入すると、酸味と食感が足されてマジに最高になりました。 ご飯おかわり自由なのに漬物とかは無いのかな…と思いましたが、スープをちょいがけして、らーめんについてる海苔を巻いて食べると、これまた最高です。 麺も太麺で、脳にガツンと印象づけられます。 家系らーめんは食べた事無かったですが、美味しかったです。
Ramen 740 yen and rice 100 yen. For the soup, choose a thicker one. Although I chose it myself, I thought it was a bit too thick for me, but when I added the chopped onion, the sourness and texture were added, and it was really the best. I wondered if there would be no pickles even if you can change the rice, but it's best if you sprinkle the soup and roll the seaweed on the ramen. The noodles are also thick noodles, which gives the brain a strong impression. I had never eaten family Ramen, but it was delicious.
Spring March on Google

子供が好きで何度か来店しています。 入ったらすぐ券売機があり、そこで食券を買い席に座ります。 食券のお店の割にはお値段はそう安くもないです。 初回は定番の家系ラーメン(740円)を注文。 濃厚で濃い味。どろっとしたスープに結構な太麺です。 麺の硬さ・スープの濃さ・油の量が3段階から選べます。(席で食券を渡す時に聞かれます) スープの濃さ→薄め 油→少な目 を選びましたが「濃い!!」と思います。 家系…やはり、若者向けです。 小学生のうちの子には人気です。 ほうれん草が入っていたのですが、これが意外と合うなーと思いました。海苔も同様。麺と一緒に食べて美味しかったです。 2回目に行った時は、濃いの嫌だと思い「昔ながらの醤油ラーメン」を注文。 ですが、なんかイマイチだった記憶しかありません。 これなら、家系ラーメンの方がまだ良いかも…と思いました。 3度目、冒険で「明太子油そば」(860円)を頼んでみました。 こちらは味の濃さとかは聞かれませんでしたが、並盛りか大盛りか聞かれました!! 同じお値段で、大盛り(麺2倍)にも出来るそうです。ラーメンは大盛りに100円追加料金がかかるのに…びっくりですね。 油そば、食べた事がなくどんなんだろーとドキドキしましたが、汁無し坦々麺みたいな感じでした。 ミンチ肉ではなく明太子が乗り、 水菜や刻んだ白ネギ、メンマやカットされたチャーシューなどがトッピングされていました。 こちらも、濃い味で…まぁまぁな感じでした。 特別美味しくもないけど、悪くも無いかな。 結果、こちらのお店は…濃い味好きでコッテリ好きで、太麺のラーメンが好きな方にオススメします。 食券ですし、狭い店内ですので、女性のお1人様でも気軽に入れます。 子連れでも入りやすいです。
I like children and have been to the store several times. As soon as you enter, there is a ticket vending machine, where you sit at the seat for a meal ticket. The price is not so cheap for the shop of the meal ticket. The first time I ordered a standard family ramen (740 yen). Rich and intense taste. It is a thick noodle that is fine for thick soup. You can choose the hardness of the noodles, the depth of the soup, and the amount of oil from 3 levels. (You will be asked when you give your meal ticket at the table) I chose the thickness of the soup → thinner oil → a small amount, but I think it is “dense !!” Family… It is for young people. It is popular among children in elementary school. It had spinach in it, but I thought it wouldn't work. Nori is the same. It was delicious with noodles. When I went there for the second time, I thought it was dark and ordered "old-fashioned soy sauce ramen". However, I only remember what was not good enough. In this case, I wonder if family ramen is still better ... For the third time, I ordered "Mentaiko Soba" (860 yen) in my adventure. I didn't ask about the intensity of the flavor here, but I was asked if it was average or large! ! At the same price, you can do a large serving (twice the noodles). The ramen costs 100 yen extra for a large serving ... surprise. Oil soba, I had never ate it and I was thrilled, but it was like a noodle without juice. Mentaiko rides not minced meat, Mizuna, chopped white onion, menma and cut char siu were topped. This was also a strong taste ... It's not special, but it's not bad. As a result, this shop is recommended for those who like thick taste and coterie and who like ramen noodles. It is a meal ticket and it is a small shop, so even a single woman can easily enter it. It is easy to enter even with children.
natuko DX on Google

券売機にて食券を購入して着席しかし券売機は千円札・二千円札対応で五千円一万円は非対応… 店員さんに告げると両替はしてくれましたがね… 家系ラーメンとはこういう物なのかもしれませんが味濃い目・ボリューム多め・コッテリ(油)感満載・四十路半ばの自分には中々にキツい品物でした 炒飯も濃い目の味付けだったように思います(出来たて熱々を提供されたのは良かったです) 鶏の唐揚げ&餃子も注文しましたがそちらは普通の味でした。 店舗前に2台、店舗裏に3台ほど駐車場が有る様です。
I bought a meal ticket at the ticket vending machine and took a seat. However, the ticket vending machine supports 1,000 yen bills and 2,000 yen bills, but not 5,000 yen and 10,000 yen. Ramen may be something like this, but it has a strong taste, a lot of volume, a lot of coterie (oil) feeling, and it was a tough item for me in the middle of the forties. I think the fried rice was also heavily seasoned (it was good that it was served hot) I ordered fried chicken and dumplings, but it tasted normal. It seems that there are 2 parking lots in front of the store and 3 parking lots behind the store.
Hiro Agari on Google

昔ながらの広島醤油豚骨中華そばが大好きなので。。。 麺の太さと短さにびっくりしました。 麺固めで注文して後悔しました(^-^; 塩ラーメンのホウレン草は色が悪かったです。 茹ですぎ?
I love the traditional Hiroshima soy sauce pork bone Chinese soba noodles. . . I was surprised at the thickness and shortness of the noodles. I ordered noodles and regretted it (^-^; The salt ramen spinach was bad in color. Is it too boiled?

かなりコッテリしてて、ボリュームもあります。 お腹いっぱい食べたい方はオススメかなと思います。 ハイカロリー間違いないです。
It's pretty sloppy and has a lot of volume. I think it is recommended for those who want to eat full. There is no doubt that it is high in calories.
Takashi Ijiri on Google

It was one of the most delicious restaurants in Hiroshima that claims to be Iekei Ramen. The noodles are thick. I ate green onion ramen, but the seasoning of green onion is also ○. There are plenty of tabletop topping items, so you can fine-tune it to your liking.

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