Tenkaippin - Hiroshima

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tenkaippin

住所 :

中筋Kビル 1F 1 Chome-3-10 Nakasuji, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0122, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88878
Postal code : 731-0122

中筋Kビル 1F 1 Chome-3-10 Nakasuji, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0122, Japan
KOKON RYO on Google

接客、提供スピードも良きです 昔はゆで卵が無料で取り放題だったらしいです。今はコロナのせいか取り放題が廃止された?のですが一個無料となっています。 コッテリしててたまに無性に食べたくなる味です
Customer service and provision speed are also good In the old days, it seems that boiled eggs were all-you-can-eat for free. Is all-you-can-eat abolished because of Corona now? However, one is free. It ’s a taste that makes you want to eat it once in a while.
K. I on Google

広島地区の天下一品はゆで卵サービスとオリジナルの丼、そして店ごとに異なる期間限定の定食が特徴です。 待ち時間、赤いバンダナ通信(各店の情報を載せた機関紙のようなやつ)を読むのもまた良し。
Tenkaippin in the Hiroshima area features a boiled egg service, an original bowl, and a limited-time set meal that varies from store to store. Waiting time, reading the red Bandana newsletter (like a bulletin with information about each store) is also good.
山本元気(旅人GENKIのぷらぷら日記) on Google

今日は広島市安佐南区にある「天下一品 中筋店」に行きました。 天下一品かなり久々です。 このドロドロこってりスープが無性に食べたくなるんですよね。 やっぱり基本の「こってりラーメン」ですよね。 ふと、テーブルの端を見るとラーメンの替え玉の代わりに替えライスみたいなニュアンスの広告がありました。 天下一品で御飯投入はやったことがなのですが、どう考えても美味しいに決まっていますよね。 炭水化物万歳!! そうそう、今日は仕事が休みなのでニンニクもしっかり入れてもらいました。 麺を食べた後にライスを投入!!! 雑炊のような感じですね。 こってりスープがライスにしっかりと絡まり、一気にレンゲで食べる。 はっきり言ってラーメンを食べるよりも美味しい。 これ、定番メニューにすればいいのにと思いました。
Today, I went to "Tenkaippin Nakasuji store" in Asaminami-ku, Hiroshima city. It's been a long time since Tenkaippin. You want to eat this muddy thick soup asexually. After all, it's the basic "rich ramen", isn't it? Suddenly, when I looked at the edge of the table, there was an advertisement with nuances like rice instead of ramen noodles. I've tried to put rice in Tenkaippin, but it's decided that it's delicious no matter how you think about it. Long live carbohydrates! !! Oh yeah, I'm off work today, so I asked him to put in garlic. Add rice after eating noodles! !! !! It feels like porridge. The thick soup is firmly entwined with the rice and eaten at once with a lotus. To be clear, it's better than eating ramen. I thought I should make this a standard menu.
wwwoowww1113 on Google

昔は毎週のようにこのお店に行ってたんだけど今回1~2年ぶりぐらいに行きました。 入店すると『いつもおおきに』って言ってくれるんだけど、もう久しぶりなので顔を忘れられてるかなと思ったけど、まだ覚えられてました(笑)なんかホッとしました。 コロナ過なんで店内がお通夜会場並に静か。 物凄い違和感です。飲食店って活気がこんなに大事なんだなって思わされたのは初めてでした。 入口はいって右側のカウンターの席が全て使用不可になってる状態なのはなぜなんでしょうか? コロナが理由?? 中筋店のラーメンはハズレなしなんで安心。 やっぱ旨いわ。 絶品MAX 並じゃちょっと物足らなかった。もっと食いて~
I used to go to this shop almost every week, but this time I went there for the first time in a year or two. When I entered the store, he said "always big", but I thought I had forgotten my face because it's been a while, but I still remembered it (laughs) I was relieved. The inside of the store is as quiet as the wake-up venue because of the corona. It's a terrible feeling of strangeness. It was the first time that I thought that the liveliness of a restaurant was so important. Why is it that all the seats on the counter on the right side of the entrance are unavailable? Is it because of corona? ?? The ramen at the Nakasuji store is safe because there is no loss. After all it is delicious. Exquisite MAX It was a little unsatisfactory at average. Eat more ~
-k ruby on Google

土曜の11時過ぎに来店。 週末というのと限定ラーメンイベントをされてる為か、外まで待ちがあるほど混んでいました。名前を書いて外で待ちました。 順番が来ると店内で席に案内されるまで少し待ちます。その際に注文。 スタッフさんが3人しかいない為か、なかなか厨房が回っていないように感じました。 このご時世なので仕方ないと待ちます。 席に順番に案内され、無料のゆで卵が1人一個づつ出てきました。 西日本限定「絶品MAX」を注文 ネギトッピングで。 天下一品はこの濃いスープがたまりません。 中筋店さんには数年ぶりに来ましたが… ラーメンどんぶりが小さくなってました。 いつから小さくなったんだろ… 今回「並ラーメン」を注文しましたが、スープまで完食できました。 どんぶりが小さくなる前は、スープを全部飲むとお腹いっぱいになったのに… でもまた食べたいと思える味と天下一品好きなので仕方ないです。
I came to the store after 11:00 on Saturday. It was so crowded that I had to wait outside, probably because it was a weekend and a limited ramen event. I wrote my name and waited outside. When it's your turn, wait for a while until you are guided to your seat in the store. Order at that time. I felt that the kitchen wasn't spinning, probably because there were only three staff members. It's this time of the year, so I'll wait. I was guided to the seats in order, and free boiled eggs came out one by one. Ordered "Exquisite MAX" limited to Western Japan With green onion topping. This thick soup is irresistible for Tenkaippin. I came to the Nakasuji store for the first time in a few years, but ... The ramen bowl has become smaller. When did it get smaller ... I ordered "normal ramen" this time, but I was able to finish the soup. Before the bowl became small, I was full when I drank all the soup ... But I can't help it because I like the taste and the best dish in the world that I want to eat again.
john michael destor on Google

Lugburz Mpad on Google

Place is okay. Staff is attentive. Food has quality but lacks in taste. The thick soup is not for everyone though.
Jason M on Google

Absolutely love coming here. It's by far one of my favorite ramen places to go. I'm a huge fan of their SUPER thick soup (an optional choice) loaded with a decent amount of garlic (also optional). I'm a fairly hardy guy, so the triple portion is perfect for me. You can see the size difference between the triple and the standard in my picture. Great staff, great flavors, and great atmosphere. I particularly love the beautiful Japanese shamisen music that they play for background atmosphere. It's a welcomed change from listening to ear grinding and completely out of place modern American pop in traditional Japanese themed establishments. Very enjoyable. They are very family/kid friendly too. They have a rack with kids toys and candies/snacks, as well as mint packs for adults (incase you have a meeting afterwards!) that can be purchased on the way out. They have kids utinsils and bowls. This is only my second time bringing my kids here, but we will all be back again for sure! Highly recommended.

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