Torii of Shiwahiko Shrine - Shiogama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Torii of Shiwahiko Shrine

住所 :

1-1 Ichimoriyama, Shiogama, Miyagi 985-0074, Japan

Postal code : 985-0074

1-1 Ichimoriyama, Shiogama, Miyagi 985-0074, Japan
中村光貴 on Google

心神 on Google

It is fine.
taku on Google

志波彦神社の鳥居。 見上げるほど大きく、とても綺麗です。
Torii of Shinamihiko Shrine. Big enough to look up and beautiful.
古鏡 on Google

奥の細道 第20の段 「塩竃明神」 この鳥居の左前の石碑が「奥の細道の石碑」です。近くで見ましたが字がかすれて読めませんでした。恐らく敷地内にある博物館に資料あると思いますが、今回は時間の都合で訪問できませんでした。 そもそも、芭蕉は奥の細道の旅で塩竈神社の桜を見ること望んでいました。しかし、年齢と体力を考慮した門下、支持者の説得により、冬の出発を断念します。これは、第16の段「武隈の松」の段で芭蕉の弟子でこの地の出身の挙白が「武隈の松みせ申せ遅桜」と選別句を詠んで餞別としています。(興味のある方は過去の投稿を参照下さい) この段は冒頭失礼な表現で始まる。結論から言えば江戸の人にとって、伊達家は不穏な空気が漂っている印象があったようで、敢えて失礼な言葉を選んでいるようにも思えます。さらにこの後、石巻への道のりで快くない仕打ちを受けていますので、文章が感情的になってしまうこともあり得るかと思います。余談ですが手前は芭蕉諜報員説を推しています。 いよいよここから話の中心が藤原実方から源義経に移って行きます。本文にある「和泉三郎」は藤原秀衡の三男忠衡を指します。芭蕉は忠衡を「勇義忠孝の士」と評しています。これは、父秀衡の遺命に従い、義経を守り兄泰衡と戦い自刃した行為を指しています。 さらに「人能(よ)く道を進め、義を守るべし。名もまた是に従う」(手前訳:人は正しい道理に従い、道義を守るべきである。そうすれば、名声が上がるというものである。)と韓退之「進学解」に加筆して引用しています。 正直手前は西行も義経も大嫌いなので、以降そういう人が解説しているということを予めご了承頂けますと幸甚です
The Narrow Road to the Deep North 20th stage "Shiogama Myojin" The left front of the stone monument of this torii is "The Narrow Road to the Deep North of the monument". But I saw in the vicinity could not be read hoarse character. I think that perhaps there is material to the museum on the grounds, but this time was not able to visit on account of time. First of all, Basho was not want to see the cherry blossoms of Shiogama shrine in the journey of The Narrow Road to the Deep North. However, disciple was taking into account the age and physical strength, by the persuasion of supporters, to abandon the winter of departure. This is ani white born of the land at the stage in the Basho disciple of the sixteenth stage "Takekuma of pine" is a farewell gift Read the selection clause as "pine showed Mose Ososakura of Takekuma". (There you are interested, please refer to the past posts) This stage begins at the beginning rude representation. For Edo people speaking from the conclusion, Dateie is like there is an impression that drifting is disturbing air, seems also to have chosen a dare rude words. After this addition, because it has received no pleasant disservice by road to Ishinomaki, sentences I think it is also possible to become emotional. As an aside before has press the Basho spy theory. This is finally the center of the story from here go moved from Fujiwara no Sanekata to Minamoto no Yoshitsune. There is in the body, "Saburo Izumi" refers to the third son Tadashi衡 of Fujiwara no Hidehira. Basho has called it "Judges of IsamuYoshi Zhongxiao" the Tadashi衡. This is, in accordance with the wishes of ChichiShigeru衡, and refers to the act that you own blade brother Tai 衡 and fight to protect the Yoshitsune. In addition, the "advance the human ability (good) clause road, shalt protect the righteous people are also subject to Shi." (Front translation:. People in accordance with right reason, should protect the moral That way, those that fame goes up a.) and has been cited by retouched to "go solution" Noriyuki Kanshisa. Because the honest front is a hate also Yoshitsune also westbound, is pleased beforehand acknowledgment can you and the fact that such a person or later explains
狩野将太 on Google

I visited in April 2021.
チャンチ on Google

子供が鳥居の絵を書いてました。 民度の高い子だった。
A child was writing a picture of a torii gate. He was a highly popular child.
VTEC MUGEN on Google

It is a torii that you can see when you come from the parking lot
はるのゆいたろう on Google

駐車場?️から上がってくると目につくのが志波彦神社の鳥居です。 どちらかと言うと脇になってしまう塩竃神社の鳥居よりもコチラの方が目立っています。
When you come up from the parking lot ?️, you will notice the torii gate of Shiogama Shrine. If anything, this one stands out more than the torii gate of Shiogama Shrine, which is aside.

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