らーめん大 烈 竹ノ塚店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact らーめん大 烈 竹ノ塚店

住所 :

Takenotsuka, Adachi City, 〒121-0813 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88877
街 : Tokyo

Takenotsuka, Adachi City, 〒121-0813 Tokyo,Japan
裕太高林 on Google

金曜夜に訪問しました。 烈ラーメン 少なめ 200g 850円でした。 普通 少なめ 半分 は値段が一緒ですが 少なめ 半分は 薬味が1品サービスで貰えます! 僕はゆで卵を頼みました!が連れが生卵を頼んでつけ麺のように食べてて美味しそうだなと思いました! ラーメンはチャーシューがとても大きい一枚ともやしが大量とニンニクも入って脂も絡んでいました! もやし ニンニク 脂は 量が選べるのも良いです! 僕は少なめで少し多かったので半分が1番楽しめる量じゃないかなと思いました!
I visited on Friday night. Retsu ramen was a little 200g for 850 yen. Usually, the price is the same for the lesser half, but you can get the condiment for the lesson half with one item service! I ordered a boiled egg! I thought that my companion asked for raw eggs and ate them like tsukemen and it looked delicious! The ramen has a very large char siu, and a large amount of bean sprouts, garlic, and fat are also involved! It is also good to choose the amount of bean sprout garlic fat! I was a little small and a little large, so I thought that half would be the most enjoyable amount!
230 230 on Google

単純に二郎系好きなので。 空いていてすぐ食べれらて助かりました。 ニンニクアブラ。
I just like Jiro. It was saved because it was vacant and I could eat it immediately. Garlic abra.
煉獄杏寿LAW on Google

いつもの大では無く、ベースはあれど独自に進化した見た目と味!! 大好きなら一度は食べてみる価値アリ♪
It's not the usual size, but the base looks and tastes uniquely evolved! !! If you love it, it's worth a try ♪
、。 on Google

お持ち帰りもやってます。 生麺での提供のみなのでご了承を? 小ラーメン持ち帰りはトッピング一つ選べます。 店員さんは丁寧で接客も良いですよ! ソーシャルディスタンスで、二郎系食べたいなら是非利用して下さい。 富士丸系に変わったらしいので食べるのが楽しみです! またテイクアウトします!
I also take it home. Please note that it is only served as raw noodles ? You can choose one topping to take out small ramen. The clerk is polite and the customer service is also good! If you want to eat Jiro with social distance, please use it. It seems that it has changed to the Fujimaru system, so I'm looking forward to eating it! I will take out again!
ルナセナ on Google

初訪問。 写真から二郎インスパイアかとお思い入店。 ヤサイというかモヤシのみの量を選べるだけで二郎系とは似て非なるものでした。 麺は中太でややちじれ麺。 テーブル上の見本に従い、ヤサイ増しにしたら…店主の意地なのかヤサイ盛る→アブラ増し増し乗せる→さらにヤサイ乗せて押し付ける! いや、あの…写真の増し増し以上ありますけど?といくらいの山盛り…ちょっと固めも相まって麺にたどり着くまで一苦労でした。 肝心のお味はうーん、普通の醤油らーめんにニンニク、ヤサイ、アブラと乗せた感じ。 可もなく不可もなくというか… 私的にはもう少しカエシのパンチというか醤油のキリッとしたかんじが欲しいかな。 ブタは二郎系みたいな分厚く塊!ではなく薄いスライスのものが2切れ。 残念この上なし。 美味しければ200円プラスでチャーシュー増しにしても良いがふつうらーめんのチャーシューなのでいらない…コスパ良くないし。
First visit. I thought it was Jiro's inspiration from the photo and entered the store. It was similar to the Jiro system, just because you could choose the amount of bean sprouts or bean sprouts. The noodles are medium-thick and slightly jerky. If you follow the sample on the table and add more yasai ... Is it the owner's intention? No, that ... there are more photos than that? It was a heap of noodles ... I had a hard time getting to the noodles with a little firmness. The essential taste is, hmm, it's like ordinary soy sauce ramen with garlic, yasai, and abra. It's neither good nor bad ... Personally, I'd like a little more punch of Kaesi or a crispy soy sauce. Pigs are thick and lumpy like Jiro! Not two thin slices. Unfortunately, it's the best. If it tastes good, you can add 200 yen to the char siu, but it's usually a ramen char siu so you don't need it ... Cospa is not good.
キャベツ大盛 on Google

When I went there recently, the price was high and it was 850 yen. The toppings have also increased and the charge has disappeared. The taste has changed and it won't go anymore. The price is too high! I don't know what I'm thinking even though it's almost moyashi even if I say more vegetables
月におみず on Google

2021/12/16「ラーメン大 烈」としてリニューアルしました。 写真は麺200g野菜多めニンニク少なめ脂普通生卵です。 基本の850円ラーメンが ・野菜多めまで無料、野菜マシ以上は追加料金 ・麺300gと麺200g(従来の量)が選べる ・麺200gの場合はオプションが選べる ・半身の茹で卵が追加された ・白脂でなく味付け脂になった ・チャーシューがデカくなった(嬉しい) 味もコクが出て、良い感じ。 野菜マシ以上が不要な人達にはメリット大きい。 メニューは大きくリニューアル、詳細は別の報告に任せます。
2021/12/16 Renewed as "Ramen Great". The photo shows a 200g noodle, a lot of vegetables, a little garlic, and a normal raw egg. The basic 850 yen ramen ・ Free up to a large amount of vegetables, additional charge for vegetables above ・ You can choose between 300g of noodles and 200g of noodles (conventional amount). ・ For 200g noodles, you can choose an option ・ Half-body boiled eggs have been added ・ It became seasoned fat instead of white fat ・ Char siu has become big (I'm happy) The taste is rich and it feels good. Great benefits for people who don't need more than vegetables. The menu has undergone a major renewal, and details will be left to another report.
だいどころ on Google

麺は太いちぢれ麺、モチモチより少し硬い感じ。スープは普通の二郎系つけ麺。アブラが味付きなので薄まることはないと思う。 最近リニューアルしたらしくメニューはコレとラーメンのみ。野菜増しは有料だけどかなり増されるので、初見は麺か野菜かどちらかマシにしておこう。 チャーシューは大きいのが一枚ドカンと。ややパサつきはあるが食いごたえがあって嬉しい。 ¥1150でこれなら妥当か。アツモリかヒヤモリか聞いてくれるの助かります。 店員さんが優しく教えてくれるので初心者も安心です!
The noodles are thick and slightly harder than the chewy noodles. The soup is ordinary Jiro-based tsukemen. I don't think it will fade because the abra is flavored. It seems to have been renewed recently, and the menu is only this and ramen. There is a charge for adding vegetables, but it will increase considerably, so let's try either noodles or vegetables for the first time. The big char siu is one piece. It's a little dry, but I'm glad that it's chewy. Is this reasonable at ¥ 1150? It helps to ask if it is Atsumori or Hiyamori. Beginners can rest assured that the clerk will kindly teach you!

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