シャーメゾンショップ BEST HOUSING竹の塚店

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact シャーメゾンショップ BEST HOUSING竹の塚店

住所 :

Takenotsuka, Adachi City, 〒121-0813 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://takenotsuka.best-housing.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Takenotsuka, Adachi City, 〒121-0813 Tokyo,Japan
松本美帆 on Google

佐藤さんに対応頂きました。 真摯に対応いただき、スムーズな契約でした。
Thank you to Mr. Sato. It was a smooth contract with sincere support.
川山(ヨコハマン) on Google

The first rental contract. The person in charge responded very politely, and the easy-to-understand explanations were very helpful to me as a beginner. If you are looking for a property near Takenotsuka, please do.
T K on Google

The contract was from a distant place, but I was able to make a very smooth contract by contacting me diligently by e-mail or telephone. Thank you very much.
きつないゆか(ゆかちゃん) on Google

西野さんに担当して頂いて2回目になりますがとても親切で親身になって話も聞いてくれてとても助かっています! また引っ越しの時は西野さんにお願いしたいと思います!
This is the second time I have been in charge of Mr. Nishino, but he is very kind and kind and listens to me, which is very helpful! I would like to ask Mr. Nishino when I move again!
moco moco on Google

Mr. Nishino was very kind to me and I signed the contract here. It's a very nice shop.
レオンプー on Google

When I first came to the store, the person in charge was very friendly and pleasant, and after that, I was happy to exchange emails until the contract.
啓太 on Google

西野さんにプロの魂を感じました。 入居後もなにかありましたらよろしくお願いします。 ありがとうございました。 大事な日に印鑑忘れてすみませんでした。
I felt a professional soul in Mr. Nishino. If you have any questions after moving in, thank you. Thank you very much. I'm sorry I forgot my seal on an important day.
lody me on Google

佐藤さんという男性のスタッフさんに対応していただきました。 急な引っ越しで、内覧も急だったのですが、すぐにお部屋を見せていただけて、とっても助かりました。 どうしても入居したい物件でしたし、即入居希望でしたが、連絡もメールですぐに返していただけましたし、誠実な対応をしてきただき、安心出来ました!分からないことも全てわかりやすくお話頂けました。 スタッフの皆様も親切で、お店も明るい雰囲気でした。この度は大変お世話になりました。
We had a male staff member named Mr. Sato respond. Due to the sudden move, the preview was sudden, but it was very helpful to be able to see the room immediately. It was a property that I really wanted to move in, and I wanted to move in immediately, but I was relieved that I was able to contact you immediately by e-mail and responded in good faith! I was able to talk about everything I didn't understand in an easy-to-understand manner. The staff were kind and the shop had a bright atmosphere. Thank you very much for your help this time.

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