Hakata-Gekijo Takenotsuka

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hakata-Gekijo Takenotsuka

住所 :

Takenotsuka, Adachi City, 〒121-0813 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://hakatagekijo.com/takenotsuka/
街 : Tokyo

Takenotsuka, Adachi City, 〒121-0813 Tokyo,Japan
T Nagaki on Google

A cheerful salesclerk will respond. The bright interior is always lively. For the birthday month, you will get free dumplings for the number of years (advance registration required).
shinzii (しん) on Google

鉄板餃子めちゃくちゃ旨かった、他の料理も大満足、飲み物大ジョッキall680円って言うのも魅力的だった 定員は皆必ず笑顔で注文取ってくれるし 料理の提供時間が少しかかってる感じも定員の笑顔でプラスマイナスはプラスにに思える最高でした。出来れば皆には行って欲しくない秘密にしたかったかな(笑)男性は皆イケメンだし女性は可愛いし本当に久しぶりにお酒が美味しいと思えた、普段は弱々なのでコップ一杯で気持ち悪く成ってしまう僕がお酒ってこんなに旨かったか❔って思えた良いお店です
Teppanyaki dumplings were really delicious, other dishes were also very satisfying, it was also attractive to say that drink big mugs all 680 yen All the seats will always take orders with a smile The feeling that it took a little time to serve food was also the best that seemed to be a plus with a smile of the capacity. I wanted to make it a secret I don't want everyone to go to if possible (laughs) All men are handsome, women are cute and it seems that alcohol is delicious after a long time, usually it is weak, so it becomes unpleasant with a full glass It ’s a good shop where I thought I was so good about alcohol
吉田正(たぁし) on Google

アプリ会員になって通う回数を重ねると、とてもお得な特典が受けられるのが嬉しいです。誕生日月には歳の数だけ餃子プレゼントもリアルに嬉しい! もちろん美味しいので何個でも食べれちゃう~
I'm glad I get a great deal of benefits when I become an application member repeatedly. In the birthday month, gyoza presents are also really nice as many as the age! Of course it ’s delicious so you can eat as many as you want
Gairaku凱洛 on Google

Wok dumplings are reasonably priced and delicious. If you are an app member, you can eat the appetizer of Korean cabbage unlimitedly, which is perfect for bringing your family together
Endy Warhol on Google

注文した物が出てこなかった⤵️ 注文が全て遅い⤵️ 他の客も飲み物が遅いので店員に文句を言っていた。 店員も迷惑を掛けている自覚が全く無い。 飲み物が来ても生ビールは泡が無くなっていた。 どれだけ放置してんだよ! 高い⤵️ 予約時間少し前に行ったら入店を断られた。 そもそも、店員達の掛け声システムが無駄。 店員が多い割には、注文したいときに店員が一人も居ない。 客が、帰っても全然テーブルを片付けない。 皿を下げる時に皿の中身を溢しながら下げるので毎回洋服が汚れる。 溢している自覚か全く無い。
I didn't get what I ordered All orders are slow ⤵️ Other customers complained to the clerk because the drinks were slow. Employees are not aware of any inconvenience. Draft beer was free of bubbles when drinks came. How much have you left! High ⤵️ When I went a little before the reservation time, I was refused entry. In the first place, the clerk's shout system is useless. Although there are many clerk, there is no clerk when you want to place an order. The customer doesn't clean up the table at all. When you lower the plate, it overflows the contents of the plate, so the clothes get dirty every time. There is no awareness of overflowing.
Toshimichi Taguchi on Google

つい先日行きましたが、簡単なおつまみ系から串焼き物まで、出てくるのが非常に遅かった。 特に焼き物は確実に30分~1時間は出てくるまで掛かる。 入店時に食べたいものをすべてオーダーしておかないといけない。 半年前、1年前に行った時も同じく焼き物が非常に遅かったので、調理がそもそも時間が掛かるのか、人が居ないのか、串物を焼くスペースが限られて時間当たりの焼ける本数が限られるのか。。。体制的な問題だと思います。
I just went there the other day, but it was very late to come out from simple snacks to skewers. Especially for pottery, it definitely takes 30 minutes to 1 hour until it comes out. You have to order everything you want to eat when you enter the store. When I went half a year ago or a year ago, the baking was also very slow, so it took a long time to cook, there were no people, the space for baking skewers was limited, and the number of pieces that could be baked per hour was limited. Can you do it? .. .. I think it's a systematic issue.
midoren-jah on Google

連れが日本酒をおでんの汁で割った出汁割りを呑みたくて来店。ほっこり温まりました♨️ 鉄鍋餃子は普通。1人客も多く、鍋を頼んでいる人が多かったです。1人分でも頼めるのはありがたいですね。
My companion came to the store to drink the soup stock made by dividing sake with oden soup. It warmed up warmly ♨️ Iron pot dumplings are normal. There were many single customers, and many were asking for a hot pot. I'm grateful that you can ask for even one person.
Jae Choi on Google


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