Soba-dokoro Takasawa - Kamiminochi District

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Soba-dokoro Takasawa

住所 :

2195-1 Nojiri, Shinano, Kamiminochi District, Nagano 389-1303, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 389-1303
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–4:30PM
Sunday 11AM–4:30PM
Monday 11AM–4:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–4:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–4:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–4:30PM

2195-1 Nojiri, Shinano, Kamiminochi District, Nagano 389-1303, Japan
かきくK子 on Google

(Translated by Google) In the afternoon, the jade soba disappeared ... I was a little disappointed (> <)www 普通のお蕎麦もコシがあって美味しかったです(*^^*)お通しで出されたそば団子もカリカリっとして、甘だれが絶妙なバランスで美味しかったです!
tuppin on Google

黒姫と言えば、霧下ソバで有名。 「そば処たかさわ」さんに入店。 お目当の数量限定黒姫産十割蕎麦の「黒姫そば大盛」を注文しました。程なくしてお通しの沢庵と蕎麦団子が運ばれてきます。 早速「蕎麦団子」を頂きます。 外はカリカリ中はシットリツルンとしていて、甘辛のタレが絡み旨い〜! そして真打登場〜 えっこれで大盛りですか?とチョット寂しい盛りです。 蕎麦を数本手繰ります。ほ〜良い蕎麦の香り。 コシもあり、ツルッとした喉越しも良いですね。 なんて思う間もなく完食。 これで1,500円オーバーはコスパ悪すぎますね。
Speaking of Kurohime, it is famous for the buckwheat in Kirisha. Entered “Soba restaurant Takasawa”. I ordered "Kurohime Soba Daimori" which is a limited amount of 100% buckwheat noodles from Kurohime. After a while, the regular Suan and soba dumplings will be brought in. You will immediately get a "soba dumpling". The outside is crispy and the inside is situritsurun and the sweet and spicy sauce is entwined ~! And a real hit ~ Is this a big deal? It's a lonely prime. I'll do some buckwheat noodles. A good soba scent. It has a lot of elasticity and it has a smooth throat. I ran out without thinking. With this, over 1,500 yen is too costly.
bbqreport sak on Google

100% soba is delicious. I am grateful that it is open all day.
平浩 on Google

I came to the store the day before Shinsoba and came back to eat Shinsoba. I had 100% buckwheat noodles and Nihachi jade soba. The compatibility between 100% buckwheat noodles and soba soup is outstandingly good. I've eaten a lot of soba, but not so much. I don't know if the sentence is correct at first glance, but I think I was deceived and come to the store to see it. Impressive level.
寿がきやジャスコ長野店 on Google

長野と新潟の県境の場所。 限定品・翡翠(ひすい)蕎麦おいしかった! 蕎麦にはあまり無いモチモチの食感が斬新、だけど蕎麦のコシもある! 天ぷらは地物産の野菜を使用、衣は厚めだけどカラっと揚がって良。 翡翠蕎麦と十割蕎麦は時間前に売り切れてしまう日もあるとの事で注意との事でした。 一品料理はお豆腐からお漬物まで全てお母さん達の手作り、そしてお持ち帰りできます(黒姫野尻湖産・わかさぎフライを持ち帰りました、冷めてもサクサクで美味しかった)。 先付けやセット物に出される小鉢も全て地物産の手作りで、優しい味jです。 窓際は寒いからとストーブの席を用意してくれたり気遣いのある接客でした☆ ※追記※ 再び店舗へ。 定番の二八蕎麦も美味しかったですが、やはり限定品・翡翠蕎麦がダントツで美味です! 蕎麦クレープや蕎麦おやきも良かった。 店内の壁側には沢山の訪れた有名人サインや写真が、 その中に安倍元・首相や俳優の緒形拳さんもあって驚きました!
The location of the prefectural border between Nagano and Niigata. Limited edition Hisui Soba was delicious! The chewy texture that is not so common in soba is novel, but there is also the elasticity of soba! The tempura uses local vegetables, and the batter is thick, but it's good to fried. It was noted that there are days when Jade Soba and 100% Soba are sold out before the hour. All the dishes, from tofu to pickles, are handmade by mothers and can be taken home (I brought back the fried smelt from Lake Kurohime Nojiri, which was crispy and delicious even when cold). The small bowls that are put out in advance and set are all handmade by local products and have a gentle taste. Because it was cold near the window, the stove seats were prepared and the customer service was caring ☆ ※postscript※ Return to the store. The classic 28 buckwheat noodles were also delicious, but the limited edition Hirai soba noodles are by far the best! Soba crepe and soba oyaki were also good. On the wall side of the store, there are many celebrity signs and photos that have been visited. I was surprised to see former Prime Minister Abe and actor Ken Ogata among them!
22 caddy on Google

ここは長野県上水内郡信濃町。新潟県妙高市から長野県に入ったところ。 人気の蕎麦を求めて来訪です。 妙高から向かいましたが、とても景色の良い山々を見上げながら向かいました。 高原の風と景色はとても心地よいです。 やがて見えて来た」「たかさわ」さんは駐車している車も多く、ヤバいなぁ・・・と思いながら駐車場に入りました。 砂利の駐車場ですので単車のスタンドを気を付けなければならず、慎重に単車を停めていると、後から来た都内ナンバーのポルシェのナイスガイ2名がサムズアップをくれながら店内へ向かっていきました。しまった・・・。先を越された(笑) 広い駐車場を歩き、お店へ向かうと、入口には何名かの方々がみえました。 ウェイティングシートに名前を記入して、待合テラス席でしばらく待たせてもらうことになりました。ここから見える店内は結構たくさんの方々が見えます。 さほど待たずしてご案内頂きました。 先程のサムズアップの外人さん2名とお隣さんです。 外人さんが日本の蕎麦を食べに東京からはるばる来てみえるて、日本人として誇りに思います。 自分は全く関係ありませんが・・・(笑) いそがしそうなスタッフさんは絶えず行き来しています。 なんとか呼び止めてオーダーを伝えます。 ●信州ひすい天ざるそば 2,310円 ●ノンアルコールビール 440円 おそらくみんな平等にお通しが付いてきます。 お漬物にお団子? このお団子のようなものが美味しかった。 おそらくそば団子に餡を掛けたようなもの。 正体は分かりません・・・。 ツルッとしていて、もっちりとした食感のお蕎麦です。長野S8号という希少な蕎麦粉を使用した数量限定のそばです。 お盆にのって提供されたのは、美味しそうなひすいそば、ボリュームたっぷりの天ぷら、小鉢はがんもの煮物、モロコ?のような小さな川魚の甘露煮。 薬味はネギとわさび。 ひすいそばの「ひすい」は薄い緑色からきているようです。 もっちりとした蕎麦はとても美味しい。 天ぷらはボリューミーで野菜と山菜。大きなしめじが美味しかったです。 小鉢もとても美味しく頂きました。 お隣のナイスガイも美味しそうに蕎麦を楽しんでみえました。 冷水、そばつゆ、蕎麦湯はカウンターに置いてあるので、セルフで頂くシステムです。 わさびをちょいとつまんで蕎麦湯を頂く。 安倍元首相も食べたという「たかさわ」さんのお蕎麦はとても美味しく頂きました。 高原で頂く蕎麦はやはり格別です。 美味しく頂きました。 ごちそうさまでした。
This is Shinano Town, Kamiminochi District, Nagano Prefecture. I entered Nagano prefecture from Myoko city in Niigata prefecture. I'm visiting for popular soba noodles. I headed from Myoko, but I headed while looking up at the very scenic mountains. The wind and scenery of the plateau are very comfortable. "I saw it soon." "Takasawa" had many parked cars, so I entered the parking lot thinking that it was dangerous. Since it is a gravel parking lot, you have to be careful about the stand of the motorcycle, and if you park the motorcycle carefully, two nice guys of Porsche who came later in Tokyo will go to the store while giving thumbs up. bottom. Oops···. Beyond (laughs) When I walked through the large parking lot and headed for the store, I saw several people at the entrance. I will write my name on the waiting sheet and have to wait for a while at the waiting terrace seat. You can see quite a lot of people in the store that you can see from here. I was guided without waiting too much. Two foreigners from Thumbs Up and their neighbors. I am proud as a Japanese person to see foreigners coming all the way from Tokyo to eat Japanese soba. I have nothing to do with it ... (laughs) The busy staff is constantly coming and going. I managed to stop and tell the order. ● Shinshu Jade Tenzaru Soba ¥ 2,310 ● Non-alcoholic beer 440 yen Perhaps everyone will come with equality. Dumplings for pickles? Something like this dumpling was delicious. Probably like bean paste on soba dumplings. I don't know what it is ... It is a soba noodle with a smooth and chewy texture. A limited quantity of buckwheat flour made from rare buckwheat flour called Nagano S8. What was served on the tray was delicious jade soba, hearty tempura, small bowls of simmered cancer, Moroko? Kanro-ni of small river fish like. The condiments are green onion and wasabi. "Jade" of jade soba seems to come from light green. The chewy soba is very delicious. Tempura is volumey with vegetables and wild plants. The big shimeji mushrooms were delicious. The small bowl was also very delicious. The nice guy next door also enjoyed the soba deliciously. Cold water, soba soup, and soba hot water are placed at the counter, so you can have them on your own. Pick up wasabi and have soba hot water. The soba noodles of Mr. Takasawa, who was also eaten by former Prime Minister Abe, were very delicious. The soba noodles you get on the plateau are exceptional. We had delicious. Thank you for the meal.
M 3619 on Google

It's better than usual on the way back from Myoko Suginohara Ski Resort. Tempura is delicious with only local vegetables. It may not be good for young people. Stir-fried mushrooms with butter are always delicious and recommended. Nozawana is also sold as a souvenir, but it takes some time to prepare, so it is better to order the souvenir Nozawana during the meal.
Yutai Mogi on Google

It's a bit expensive price but,there is tasty Soba and great view.

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