Satsumakko - Ichikawa

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Satsumakko

住所 :

1 Chome-22-8 Minamiyawata, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 272-0023
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM

1 Chome-22-8 Minamiyawata, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0023, Japan
広沢将之 on Google

土曜の14時に到着もやっておらず(涙) 営業時間が15時までとなっておりますが、 13時30分~14時までには 閉店してそうです。
I didn't arrive on Saturday at 14:00 (tears) Business hours are until 15:00, By 13:30 to 14:00 It seems to be closed.
岩田洋志 on Google

こんな時期に営業してるだけで嬉しいが、初めて行ったところだけど、客に不親切な気がする。消毒も奥に行かないと無いし(容器がひとつだけ、しかも分かりづらい)、調味料も表記が何も無いから、中身が何だか分からないし。 細麺、太麺選べるらしいけど、メニュー表に書いてるだけで何も聞かれないし。らーめんショップってのぼりには書いてあるけど、チェーン店のさつまっ子なのか分からないし。高校時代に違う場所のさつまっ子で食べた記憶があるが、当時に何を食べたか憶えてないけど、懐かしさも何も感じなかった。多分二度と行かないと思う。
I'm happy just to be open at this time, but I've been there for the first time, but I feel unfriendly to the customers. I have to go to the back for disinfection (only one container, and it's hard to understand), and there is no description of seasonings, so I don't know what the contents are. It seems that you can choose thin noodles or thick noodles, but you can't ask anything just by writing on the menu table. The ramen shop is written on the banner, but I don't know if it's a chain store Satsumakko. I remember eating at Satsumakko in a different place when I was in high school, but I don't remember what I ate at that time, but I didn't feel any nostalgia. I don't think I'll ever go there again.
Tachmos on Google

ラーメンと肉が食べたくなったら、ここのチャーシュー麺を食べにきています。とにかくチャーシューが分厚い。少食の人ならチャーシューとラーメン麺半分でお腹いっぱいになるかもしれません。ラーメン自体はそこまで脂っこくないので、万人受けする味です。 また、サイドメニューのネギチャーシューが絶品!お酒によく合います。黒酢ハイボールとネギチャーシュー、シメにラーメン☆ 駐車場は店の隣に3台分スペースがあります。
When I want to eat ramen and meat, I come here to try the char siu noodles. Anyway, the char siu is thick. If you're a fast eater, you may be full with half of char siu and ramen noodles. The ramen itself is not so greasy, so it's a taste that everyone will enjoy. Also, the side menu leek charshoo is exquisite! Works well with alcohol. Ramen with black vinegar highball, green onion pork and shime ☆ There is a space for three cars next to the store.
新谷和郎 on Google

昔はラーメンが旨かったが今はイマイチかなぁ… つけ麺はスープが薄くて残念でした⤵️ 麺は太,細麺が選べるみたいです。ツマミのネギチャーシューは大小あってこれは美味しいです。 飲み物はサワー類¥400~とちょっとお高め
Ramen used to be good in the past, but I don't like it now... The tsukemen was so disappointing that the soup was thin ⤵️ It seems that you can choose thick or thin noodles. The knob's green onion sauce is big and small, and it's delicious. Beverages are slightly higher than sour from ¥400
トドロキ on Google

Besides soy sauce, miso and salt, there are also pork bones. It's usually delicious. And for some reason I never get tired of it.
yoshikawa on Google

相変わらず餃子も美味しかったです! 駅の反対側にダンダダンができたけど、そこよりも私は美味しいと思う! 年に数回行けるかどうかだけど、常連さんが多いですね。 店内は昔ながらの店って感じ。 1.2年前くらいに行った時、若いお兄さんが作るチャーハンが絶品でした!! フレンチをやってたみたいでオリジナルで作ってくれるおつまみなども最高でした! マスターに聞いたら今は転職してて、たまにいるみたい。 久し振りに話したい!と思わせてくれる気さくな方々です。 喫煙する時は禁煙者の方には配慮が必要です…
The dumplings were delicious as usual! There was a Dandadan on the other side of the station, but I think it's better than that! I wonder if I can go there several times a year, but there are many regulars. The inside of the store feels like an old-fashioned store. When I went there about 1.2 years ago, the fried rice made by my younger brother was excellent! !! It seems that I was doing French, and the snacks that were made originally were also the best! When I asked the master, he changed jobs now, and he seems to be there once in a while. I want to talk for the first time in a long time! They are friendly people who make me think. Non-smokers need to be careful when smoking ...
影虎 on Google

2022.2月 3ヶ月ぶり、久々にまた再度お邪魔したました。 今回は半チャンラーメンを注文。 期待をしてたけど今回は少し酷かったなぁ スープは温くて味が薄すぎて醤油風味のお湯のようだった。 麺はもうクタクタに伸びてて歯応えも腰も全くなし。 チャーシューと半チャーハンは相変わらず美味い。 チャーハンのみしか食べに行っては行けないのかな?と思わせるほどの内容でした、残念・・・ コロナで暇になってやる気なくなっちゃったのかな・・・ 日によって出来に波があるので当たり外れが極端な感じです。 ちゃんとしたものが出てくれば美味しいお店なので、もし行ってみようと思う方が居るならスープ濃いめ麺硬めとお願いした方が良いかもしれない。 現状、残念だけど☆1つ落とします。 --------------------------------------------------------- 2021.11月 25年振りに食べたくなりお邪魔しました。 久々の印象は寂れて過疎ってるなぁって印象。 昔は活気があって賑わってたのにな。 コロナ対策は一応やっている感じでした。 喫煙可なのでタバコ吸う人には有難い。 いつも味噌でしたが今回は醤油で。 チャーシュー麺と半チャーハンを注文。 先にチャーハンが直ぐに出来てきた。 昔から美味しかったけど、相変わらず美味しい。 雑で焦げてたりするんだけど、なんか美味しいんだよな(笑) 次にチャーシュー麺。 味は薄めで脂も少なめ。 麺は太麺平打ち?もちもちした食感、ラーショ系だけあって化調は強め、今となっては特徴の無い普通のラーメンで通うほどの魅力は無くなりました。 若干麺が柔らかく、スープ温めだったのが残念でしたが、懐かしい味が嬉しくて美味しく頂きました。 特筆するならばチャーシュー。 ここのチャーシューは分厚くて本当に美味しい。 柔らかすぎず硬すぎず、絶妙なチャーシューだと思います。 昔はこのチャーシューを2本くらい買って帰ったものです。 チャーシュー麺は分厚いチャーシューが4枚入ってます。 むしろこのチャーシューだけでライス食えますね。 次は味噌チャーシュー麺とチャーハンと餃子で行こうかな? ぶためし、ネギチャーシューも美味しかったりします。 駐車場2台分復活してました。
2022.2 February It's been 3 months since I visited again after a long time. This time I ordered half-chan ramen. I was expecting it, but this time it was a little terrible. The soup was warm and too light to taste like soy sauce-flavored hot water. The noodles are already stretched out and have no texture or waist. The char siu and half fried rice are still delicious. Can I go to eat only fried rice? It was a content that made me think, sorry ... I wonder if I wasn't motivated because I was free in Corona ... There are waves in the result depending on the day, so it feels like an extreme hit or miss. It's a delicious restaurant if you can get the right ones, so if you're thinking of going there, you might want to ask for a thick soup and a hard noodle. Currently, I'm sorry, but I'll drop one. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ 2021.1 January I wanted to eat it for the first time in 25 years and bothered me. The impression after a long time is that it is lonely and depopulated. It used to be lively and lively. I felt like I was taking measures against corona. It is possible to smoke, so it is appreciated by those who smoke. It was always miso, but this time with soy sauce. I ordered char siu noodles and half fried rice. The fried rice was made immediately. It's been delicious for a long time, but it's still delicious. It's rough and burnt, but it's delicious (laughs) Next is char siu noodles. The taste is light and the fat is low. Is the noodles flat with thick noodles? It has a chewy texture and a rasho style, so it has a stronger chemical tone, and now it is no longer as attractive as going with ordinary ramen with no characteristics. It was a pity that the noodles were a little soft and the soup was warm, but the nostalgic taste was nice and delicious. Char siu is a special mention. The char siu here is thick and really delicious. I think it's an exquisite char siu, not too soft and not too hard. I used to buy about two of these char siu and went home. The char siu noodles contain 4 thick char siu. Rather, you can eat rice with just this char siu. Next, let's go with miso char siu noodles, fried rice and dumplings. The green onion char siu is also delicious. Two parking lots have been revived.
おやびん! on Google

久々に心配で店に駆けつけたら大将は元気で嬉しかったです。 今は時短の影響で中々店が開けれないみたいですが11時30分~14時迄は今までと変わらず美味しいラーメンを出してます☀️ 久々にラーメンを堪能しましたが相変わらず昔から変わらない味でとても美味しかったし、餃子は皮がモチモチでジューシーでめちゃ美味しかったです☀️ あとチャーシューめちゃ美味しくて最高です☀️ コロナに負けるな大将❕❕
Gen. When rushed to the store in a long time to worry was glad cheerful. Now I put a delicious ramen seems not open the middle people shop, but not the same as far up to 30 minutes to 14 o'clock 11 now under the influence of shorter working hours ☀️ It was we enjoy the noodles in a long time was very delicious in taste unchanged ever since ancient times, dumplings are skin was Mecha delicious juicy rice cake rice cake ☀️ Is the best delicious after barbecued pork Mecha ☀️ Do not lose to the corona General ❕❕

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