
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact きたかた食堂

住所 :

Minamiyawata, Ichikawa, 〒272-0023 Chiba,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–11PM
Sunday 11AM–11PM
Monday 11AM–11PM
Tuesday 11AM–11PM
Wednesday 11AM–11PM
Thursday 11AM–11PM
Friday 11AM–11PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Minamiyawata, Ichikawa, 〒272-0023 Chiba,Japan
0516 ryochin on Google

【訪問日 】平日 【訪問時間】11時頃 【待ち人数】なし 【待ち時間】なし 【 味 】★★★☆☆ 【 量 】★★★★☆ 【コスパ】★★★★☆ 【雰囲気】★★★☆☆ 【接 客】★★★★☆ 【総 合】★★★★☆ 【感 想】 本八幡南口からちょっとだけ歩いたところ 雑居ビルの1階に超シンプルな外観 いちに段階段を上がって入口なので車椅子は厳しい 入口は自動ドア 入るとすぐに大きめのタブレットのような画像付きの食券の券売機 画面が大きいのですごく見やすい お初のお店だし 喜多方ラーメンだし 醤油らーめん 食券を購入するとアルコール消毒を促され すぐ脇にあるアルコールでシュッシュッ! 同じところに紙エプロンも置いてある 消毒すると案内してくれるのでそのまま席へ 各テーブルに大きめのアクリル板 対面でも完全に飛沫は届かないだろうと思われるほどキッチリとアクリル板 席に着くとすぐに店員さんから 「まったり」か「あっさり」を聞かれる きっとコッテリ的な方が「まったり」だろうと思い「まったり」を選択 待つこと5分強 店員さんに運ばれてラーメンがきた 美味しそうな見た目 いい香り チャーシューと玉ねぎと背脂で麺が見えない まずはスープから 「まったり」なだけあって確かにまったり コッテリ感はあまり感じない 個人的には「あっさり」だと物足りなかったかもしれない 出汁もしっかりとれてるように感じた 喜多方ラーメンの旨味を感じるスープ 麺は太めの縮れ モチモチ感もほどほど 弾力がすごいわけではないが喜多方ラーメンといえばこれかなといった麺 若干麺がくっつき気味だったのは残念 パンチのあるラーメンではないし 普通っちゃ普通なのかもしれないけど 十分満足できる味だった お店もキレイだし 接客も丁寧だし ボリュームあるし 安いし また近くにきたら寄ってみようと思うお店 次は味噌かな ごちそうさまでした!
[Visit day] Weekdays [Visit time] Around 11:00 [Waiting number] None [Waiting time] None [Taste] ★★★ ☆☆ [Amount] ★★★★ ☆ [Cospa] ★★★★ ☆ [Atmosphere] ★★★ ☆☆ [Customer service] ★★★★ ☆ [Total] ★★★★ ☆ 【thoughts】 A short walk from the south exit of Hon Yawata Super simple appearance on the first floor of a multi-tenant building Wheelchairs are tough because it is an entrance that goes up one step The entrance is an automatic door Ticket vending machine for meal tickets with images like a large tablet as soon as you enter The large screen makes it very easy to see It's the first shop It's Kitakata ramen Soy sauce ramen When you buy a meal ticket, you will be prompted to disinfect with alcohol. Swoosh with the alcohol right next to you! There is also a paper apron in the same place It will guide you when you disinfect it, so go to your seat as it is Large acrylic plate on each table Acrylic board so tight that it seems that droplets will not reach completely even face-to-face As soon as you get to your seat, the clerk Asked "relaxing" or "lightly" I'm sure that the one who is coterie is "relaxing", so select "relaxing" Waiting over 5 minutes Ramen came after being carried by a clerk Looks delicious nice smell I can't see the noodles with char siu, onions and lard First from the soup It ’s just “relaxing” and it ’s definitely relaxing. I don't feel a lot of feeling Personally, it may not have been enough if it was "light" I felt that the soup stock was also firm Soup that feels the taste of Kitakata ramen The noodles are thick and curly Moderately chewy Noodles that are not very elastic, but Kitakata ramen is probably this It's a pity that the noodles were a little sticky It ’s not a punchy ramen It may be normal, but It was a satisfying taste The shop is also beautiful The customer service is also polite There is volume It's cheap A shop that I would like to stop by when I come near again Next is miso Thank you for the meal!
原達也 on Google

Loose choice and plenty of back oil. I wonder if the taste of the soup stock is a little weak. It looked delicious, so I added a large Toro rice. This is satisfactory. Ramen is neither good nor bad.
トドロキ on Google

There are only soy sauce and miso ramen, and you can choose between two types, mild and light (the photo is mild soy sauce). The taste is light, so if you like light taste, please do not miss it. In addition, there are multiple types of rice such as tuna pickles, and the size is about the size of a rice bowl.
まひまひ on Google

脂増し増しなコッテリしたラーメンが苦手な自分には最高でした! シンプルな優しい味わいで美味しかったです。飲み会の後とかさっぱりとした物が食べたい時にもいい感じです! あと、海鮮小丼がちょうどいい量で値段も500円以下と安くラーメンのお供にぴったりでした! お店の中は広くすごい作りが洒落ていてトイレとかもすごく綺麗でした!! ラーメンを普段あまり食べない女の子とか連れてきたいです。 個人的に野菜多めな喜多方ラーメンがあると嬉しいです! 本八幡来ることがあったらまた来ます〜!
It was great for me, who is not good at greasy and savory ramen! It was delicious with a simple and gentle taste. It's also good after a drinking party or when you want to eat something refreshing! Also, the seafood rice bowl was just the right amount and the price was less than 500 yen, which was cheap and perfect for ramen! The inside of the shop was large and stylish, and the toilets were very beautiful! !! I want to bring a girl who doesn't usually eat ramen. Personally, I would be happy if I had Kitakata ramen with a lot of vegetables! If there is a chance to come to Hon Yawata, I will come again!
ryusho shinozaki on Google

以前「肉玉そば」の店があった処です。味は醤油と味噌があり、醤油に。あと背脂のアリナシが選べアリに。 スープは出汁の旨味に乏しく醤油先行という感じ。でも悪くは無いと思えました。麺は喜多方らしいピロピロもちもち縮れ麺、これは非常に啜りがいがありました。チャーシューも標準レベル。 真鯛の昆布締丼は美味しいけど380円は鳥渡高いかな。セットで安くなると嬉しい、、、
This is where the "Meatball Soba" shop used to be. There are soy sauce and miso in the taste, and it is in soy sauce. Also, you can choose the backfat ants. The soup lacks the umami of the soup stock and is preceded by soy sauce. But I didn't think it was bad. The noodles are fluffy and crispy noodles that are typical of Kitakata, which was very savory. Char siu is also standard level. The red sea bream kelp bowl is delicious, but 380 yen is expensive for Toriwatari. I'm glad if it gets cheaper as a set ...
齊藤一 on Google

店内は清潔で店員さんの接客も良い 感染症対策も万全です 醤油ラーメンをチョイス さっぱりかコッテリかを選べるので さっぱりをいただきました 自分には味がちょっと濃い目と感じました 味の濃淡も選べると良いですね。
The inside of the store is clean and the staff are very good at serving customers. The measures against infectious diseases are perfect. You can choose soy sauce ramen, so you can choose between refreshing and coterie. nice one.
関英樹 on Google

きたかたラーメン 680円 鯛の昆布じめ丼 380円 ラーメンは背脂入りを選択 縮れ麺にスープが絡み美味い 鯛の丼は赤酢のシャリが良い味で 昆布締めも効いていて醤油を かけなくても美味しい!
Kitakata ramen 680 yen Sea bream kelp rice bowl 380 yen Select ramen with backfat The soup is entwined with the curly noodles and it is delicious The bowl of sea bream has a nice taste of red vinegar. The kelp tightening is also effective and soy sauce It's delicious without sprinkling!
ちょっとのいっぱい on Google

海鮮丼との組み合わせが魅力的な喜多方ラーメン店。 こってりの醤油ラーメンに切り落としのチャーシューをトッピングしました。 このお店はどこでも昇侍さんと朝倉海さんがyoutubeチャンネルで撮影してたお店ですよね。 喜多方ラーメンはあまり食べたことないのですが、美味しくいただきました。
Kitakata ramen shop with attractive combination with seafood bowl. The rich soy sauce ramen was topped with cut-off char siu. This shop was shot by Shoji Maruyama and Kai Asakura on the youtube channel everywhere. I haven't eaten Kitakata ramen so much, but it was delicious.

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