Ozasa - Musashino

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ozasa

住所 :

1 Chome-1-8 Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 180-0004
Webサイト : https://www.ozasa.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7:30PM
Sunday 10AM–7:30PM
Monday 10AM–7:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–7:30PM
Thursday 10AM–7:30PM
Friday 10AM–7:30PM
Description : Popular confectioner's shop offering house-specialty yōkan red bean jelly & other Japanese sweets.

1 Chome-1-8 Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0004, Japan
N Kato on Google

During the azuki bean paste, the bean paste is light for a grain bean paste, but the sweetness seems to be strong. The skin is thin and moist, and it sticks to your mouth, making it difficult to eat.
39 39 on Google

上品な甘さ。 最中はあまり好きじゃなかったがこちらのを頂いてから食べれるようになったほど口当たり軽く甘すぎずで良し! しかも箱購入でもお手頃価格なのが今も昔も有り難い! TVで取り上げられて以降、早朝〜並んで整理券配布ですが、特に限定羊羹…確かに品の良い小豆の甘さで美味しいですが、5時〜並んで整理券貰って再び買いに行くほどでは私的にないかな?
Elegant sweetness. I didn't like it so much during the process, but it's okay if it's not too light and sweet enough to be eaten after I got this! Moreover, I am grateful that even if I buy a box, it is reasonably priced now and in the past! Since it was picked up on TV, numbered tickets have been distributed side by side from early morning, but especially limited yokan ... It is certainly delicious with the sweetness of good azuki beans, but it is enough to get numbered tickets side by side from 5 o'clock and go to buy again Isn't it private?
スバル大好き on Google

朝から行列です。 名前が店名と同じだったので、早朝から並んで購入しましたが、程よい上品な甘さで、一気に1本食べられるくらい美味しいです。
It's been a line from the morning. The name was the same as the store name, so I bought them side by side from early morning, but the sweetness is just right and it's delicious enough to eat one at a stretch.
A Hibari on Google

吉祥寺にある羊羹が有名な和菓子屋さん。メンチカツやコロッケが有名な行列店「さとう」の隣にあります。 お昼過ぎに訪れたので羊羹は既に売り切れ。最中の5個入り(あずき餡と白餡)を購入しました。 白餡の方は本当にさっぱりとした味わい。甘さも控えめ。 あずき餡の方はこし餡でこちらも甘さ控えめ。温かい緑茶と食べるとちょうどいい最中でした。 1週間ほど賞味期限まで日にちがあるのでお土産にちょうどいいと思います。
A Japanese sweets shop in Kichijoji that is famous for yokan. It is next to "Sato", a procession shop famous for menchi-katsu and croquettes. I visited there after noon, so the yokan is already sold out. I bought 5 pieces (azuki bean paste and white bean paste) in the middle. The white bean paste has a really refreshing taste. The sweetness is also modest. The azuki bean paste is a little sweet bean paste, and the sweetness is also modest. It was just right to eat with warm green tea. It has a date until the expiration date for about a week, so I think it's a good souvenir.
Kacho on Google

吉祥寺の商店街にある和菓子屋さん。 テレビの取材も度々受けている有名店です。 度々話題になる人気の羊羹は早朝に整理券を貰いに行かないと買えないので私は未だ購入できずにいるのですが、日中に行って整理券なしでも購入できる最中は度々購入しています。開店時間前から購入待ちの列はできますが、待てば買えます。 最中は小ぶりで食べやすいサイズ感で、後味もあっさり、とても美味しいです。 箱で買えますし、贈答用にも良さそうです。 こちらから指定しなければ小豆餡と白餡の両方が入りますが、「全部小豆にしてください」と注文している方も見かけたことがあります。
A Japanese sweets shop in the shopping district of Kichijoji. It is a famous store that is often interviewed on TV. I haven't been able to buy the popular sheep sardine, which is often talked about, unless I go to get a numbered ticket early in the morning, so I haven't been able to buy it yet. I am. You can wait in line for purchase before the store opens, but you can buy it if you wait. The size is small and easy to eat in the middle, and the aftertaste is light and very delicious. You can buy it in a box, and it looks good for gifts. If you do not specify from here, both red bean paste and white bean paste will be included, but I have seen some people who ordered "Please make all small beans".
t t on Google

最中 小豆と白 両方ともおいしい。 格安。コンビニ和菓子より安くて断然おいしい。 羊羹 大学生の頃早朝車で来る→整理券を貰う為に並ぶ→家に帰り寝る→ 電車で吉祥寺に戻り 羊羹を購入 私の舌が未熟だったのかな、そこまでする程のお味ではなかった。 小ざさどう?と知り合いに聞かれたら、最中、とてもおいしい、すぐ買える。お勧めよと伝えています。 2021/11/下旬 久しぶりに購入 相変わらず安いな~。 以前の様なおいしさ高めでなかった。 自分の味覚のせいかな、甘さ増したかな?! このお値段ですからね、贅沢は言えません。
Monaka Azuki and white are both delicious. Cheap. It's cheaper and definitely tastier than Japanese sweets at convenience stores. Yokan When I was a college student, I came by car early in the morning → lined up to get a numbered ticket → went home and went to bed → Return to Kichijoji by train and buy yokan Maybe my tongue was immature, it didn't taste like that. How about Ozasa? When asked by an acquaintance, it's very delicious and you can buy it right away. I'm telling you to recommend it. Late 2021/11 / Purchased after a long absence It's still cheap ~. It wasn't as delicious as it used to be. Maybe it's because of my taste, the sweetness has increased? !! At this price, I can't say luxury.
井上恵子 on Google

I wanted to try the famous yokan once, so I tried to get a numbered ticket. I arrived at Kichijoji at 6 o'clock in the early morning, got a numbered ticket, and was able to get the long-sought yokan. The sweetness is modest and I don't want to be heavy at all. It goes very well with coffee.
まな on Google

もなかで有名な、とても有名な和菓子屋さんです。 私は和菓子はあまり好きな方ではなく特にあんこの菓子は苦手。でもそんな私でも小ざささんのもなかは大好きで、何個でも食べたくなります。また買いに行きます(^^) 祖父母のお土産に渡したら祖父母もとても喜んでいました。手土産にもしやすくてとてもおすすめです。 吉祥寺駅北口を出てサンロードに入る手前の道を左にまがって少し行くとあります。お肉屋さんのさとうさんの、駅を背にして少し右側にあります。
During famous, very famous Japanese sweets shop. I sweets is not good, especially confectionery of red bean paste is not those who really like. But such I even small Zasaku's midst is love, you will want to eat any number. I will go to buy again (^ ^) Grandparents Once passed to the souvenir of the grandparents was also very pleased. It is very recommended and easy also to souvenir. The front of the road entering the Sun Road out of the Kichijoji Station North is bent to the left there a little go. Butcher's Sato, located slightly to the right and the station on the back.

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