治一郎 吉祥寺パルコ店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 治一郎 吉祥寺パルコ店

住所 :

Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, 〒180-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.jiichiro.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, 〒180-0004 Tokyo,Japan
shinta w on Google

Moist and soft! It's not too sweet, but I felt it was delicious. It's different from the Baum I've eaten so far, but it's definitely Baumkuchen.
wsm Chen on Google

The four small pieces of Baumkuchen are packed with a small fork and can be enjoyed after opening.
とりとり on Google

バームクーヘン買ってたな食べようか モグモグ...って何気なしに食べたのですが食べた時「うまっ!なんだこれは?」声が出てとパッケージを二度見しました。 しっとりとしてて甘さも程よくザラザラとした砂糖の食感、とても美味しい! 通りすがりに買ったので美味しいのだろうか...と思って買ったけど満足だったので次は誰かに送ろうと思います
I bought Baumkuchen, should I eat it? I ate it casually, but when I ate it, I saw the package twice when I heard a voice saying "Umm! What is this?" The moist and sweet texture of sugar is very delicious! I bought it as I passed by, so I wondered if it was delicious ... but I was satisfied, so I'll send it to someone next time.
SAKU NONKO on Google

If I ate Baumkuchen here, I would not be satisfied even if I eat other Baumkuchen. It is moist, is not sweet, it is the best. I buy it on the net or buy it when I go to Kichijoji ... I only have internet (laugh) It is delicious indeed. There are cut sales, so I would like you to eat it by all means. I often buy gifts such as friends, but everyone has become a repeater. Flowing stones ... (haha)
あんころもち on Google

以前は地下にありましたが1階に移動になり、売り場面積も拡大されました。 こちらのバウムクーヘンはしっとりととても美味しいので、時々自分に、時々ご進物様に利用させていただいてます。
It used to be in the basement, but it has been moved to the first floor and the sales floor area has been expanded. This Baumkuchen is moist and very delicious, so I sometimes use it for myself and sometimes for gifts.
美奈 on Google

吉祥寺PARCOに行く度に、1階に人気のバウムクーヘンのお店が有るなぁって気になってて? でも、バウムクーヘンにそんなに興味も無く? が、お友達に頂いてから家族で虜となり、今では手土産は治一郎のバウムクーヘンなので虜仲間増加中です? お薦めは やっぱり丸ごと8cm 2160円 ? 1度食べてみて下さい? 本当にしっとりして美味しいです✨ バウムクーヘンの箱も品が有るので贈答用に? カットバウムやプリンも有るので次回食べてみます?
Every time I go to Kichijoji PARCO, I'm worried that there is a popular Baumkuchen shop on the 1st floor ? But I'm not so interested in Baumkuchen ? However, since I got a friend, I became a captive with my family, and now my souvenir is Jiichiro's Baumkuchen, so the number of captives is increasing ? I recommend the whole 8cm 2160 yen ? Try it once ? It's really moist and delicious ✨ There is also a Baumkuchen box for gifts ? There are also cut baum and pudding so I will try it next time ?
iro coco on Google

柔らかしっとり甘すぎない✨ お土産としても大変喜ばれます? ご馳走様でした?
Soft, moist and not too sweet ✨ It will be very much appreciated as a souvenir ? It was a treat ?
pio pio on Google

やっと念願の治一郎さんのバームクーヘンを食べることができました。とってもしっとりふっくらでまとまりのある巻き具合で、お味も美味しかったです。 家族にも好評であっという間になくなりました。また、行きます!
Finally, I was able to eat the long-sought Baumkuchen of Mr. Jiichiro. It was very moist, plump and cohesive, and the taste was delicious. It was well received by my family and disappeared in no time. I will go again!

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