
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ラーメンがんことんこつ

住所 :

Minamiyawata, Ichikawa, 〒272-0023 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Webサイト : https://gankotonkotsu.jimdo.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 7:30PM–4AM
Sunday 7:30PM–2AM
Monday 7:30PM–4AM
Tuesday 7:30PM–4AM
Wednesday 7:30PM–4AM
Thursday 10PM–4AM
Friday 7:30PM–4AM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Minamiyawata, Ichikawa, 〒272-0023 Chiba,Japan
u yasamiz (yasamiz) on Google

I've been wondering for a long time, and I went with my wife for the first time today. My wife had ganko soy sauce, and I had a leek soy sauce tonkotsu. It was very delicious. I would be more grateful if it was a non-smoking shop with a little more cleanliness, but I think it would be wonderful if the shop could be a little cleaner, even if it is not possible. Anyway, the taste is delicious.
yoshikawa on Google

駐車場ないので路駐。 奥のテーブルにいる常連さん?がすごくうるさく食事に集中できません… スープベースは良い出汁だと思います。 しかし、前から思っていたことが確信に。 塩ラーメンは市販で売ってる様な化学調味料の味でした。 チャーシューは当然美味しいけど!
Since there is no parking lot, we parked at the road. A regular at the back table? I can't concentrate on my meal... I think the soup base is a good soup stock. However, I was convinced that I had been thinking for a long time. The salt ramen had the taste of a chemical seasoning that was sold on the market. Of course the pork is delicious!
Ken Okazaki on Google

夜勤明け、何となくラーメンを食べてから帰りたくなり調べてみたところ。 4時まで営業のこちら「ラーメンがんことんこつ」を見つけて初訪問。 お店についたのは平日金曜の3:00頃。 誰もいないだろうと思いきや、入店時すでに3組いらっしゃった。中でもテーブル席とカウンター席のかたは常連のようで、何だかちょっと安心。 ちなみにお店の造りは店内入ると右手に厨房と6席ほどのカウンター。奥にテーブル席が2つほど。 メニューは醤油とんこつ、塩、味噌、醤油とほぼすべてのスープでネギ、チャーシュー、ネギチャーシューといった組み合わせになっています。(記憶で書いているので誤りあったらスイマセン) 初訪問、何を食べようかな?と悩みながらメニューを見ていると、醤油とんこつの欄に「火山ラーメン」の文字を見つけ、とても気になってしまい。 厨房のご主人にどんなラーメンですかと尋ねると「辛いやつ」の回答で決まり、今回は火山ラーメンにしてみました。 そんなに待つことなく、火山ラーメン着丼。 ラーメンの上に赤唐辛子がまぶされた、まさしく見た目が火山。なるほどネーミングはこの見た目から来ているのかと納得。 少しだけ赤唐辛子をスープに混ぜ込む形でレンゲにひとすくい、まずはスープから。 醤油とんこつのコクと唐辛子の香りが程よく合っていて美味しい。 麺も、もっちりすぎず、かと言って細すぎずちょうど良くスープと絡んでくれます。 火山ラーメン、おすすめです。 ラーメンが700円〜と近頃にしては比較的お手頃で一般的お値段なのも嬉しいです。 メニューの質問とお会計時のやり取りのみだけれど、ご主人も気さくそうな雰囲気の方。深夜にラーメン食べたくなったら、またここに行こうと思った初訪問でした。
After the night shift, I somehow wanted to go home after eating ramen, so I looked it up. I found this "Ramen Tonkotsu" which is open until 4 o'clock and visited for the first time. I arrived at the shop around 3:00 on weekdays and Fridays. I thought there would be no one, but when I entered the store, there were already 3 groups. Above all, the table seats and counter seats seem to be regulars, so I feel a little relieved. By the way, when you enter the store, you will find a kitchen and a counter with about 6 seats on your right. There are about two table seats in the back. The menu is a combination of soy sauce tonkotsu, salt, miso, soy sauce and almost all soups such as green onion, char siu, and green onion char siu. (Since I wrote it in my memory, if there is an error, I'm sorry) What should I eat for my first visit? When I was looking at the menu while worrying, I found the word "volcano ramen" in the soy sauce tonkotsu column, and I was very worried. When I asked the owner of the kitchen what kind of ramen it was, the answer was "spicy", so this time I chose volcanic ramen. Don't wait so long, donburi volcanic ramen. The ramen is sprinkled with red pepper, and it looks like a volcano. I'm convinced that the naming comes from this appearance. Scoop the red pepper into the soup with a little red pepper, and start with the soup. The richness of soy sauce tonkotsu and the aroma of pepper are just right and delicious. The noodles aren't too chewy, but they're not too thin, and they just entwin with the soup. Volcano ramen is recommended. I'm glad that ramen starts at 700 yen, which is relatively reasonable and generally priced. Only questions on the menu and exchanges at the time of checkout, but the atmosphere that the husband seems to be friendly. It was my first visit to go here again if I wanted to eat ramen at midnight.
江戸川JDMおつつん on Google

臭いもきつくはなかったしお店もそこまで汚くはなかったです 味は美味しかったし☆4つ!
The smell wasn't too strong and the shop wasn't that dirty The taste was delicious ☆ 4!
D suzuki on Google

塩とんこつチャーシューめん! 味は濃いめで背脂が入ってて濃厚で旨い! ちぢれ麺も選べる!
Salt tonkotsu char siu noodles! The taste is strong and rich with lard and delicious! You can also choose small noodles!
橋広幸之助 on Google

深夜営業型ラーメン屋。老舗の名店中の名店。 本八幡には、終電後でも食べに行けるラーメン屋さんは多いです。 駅から離れたこの場所でも、深夜型の営業で長年人気があり、常連も多く需要がある。 ラーメンだけでも良し。飲み利用でも良しのお店。 全体的に値段が抑え目の印象が強い。 お酒を滅多に飲まない私でもお酒類が旨いお店。 マスターの一人営業ですが、混んでても仕事が早い。長年営業してきた職人芸。 ラーメンも安定感のある旨さ。ボリュームもあり食べ応えあり。 通えば通うほど、また行きたくなる謎の魅力がある。 深夜型の人達は通いたくなるお店。
A late night ramen shop. A famous store in a well-established store. There are many ramen restaurants in Motoyawata that you can go to eat even after the last train. Even at this location away from the station, it has been popular for many years with late-night sales, and there are many regular customers as well. Ramen alone is fine. Good shop for drinking. Overall, the price is low and the impression is strong. Even if I rarely drink alcohol, it's a good liquor shop. It's a master's one-person business, but the work is quick even if it's crowded. Craftsmanship that has been operating for many years. Ramen also has a sense of stability. There is also a volume and there is a response to eating. There is a mysterious charm that makes you want to go again the more you go. A shop where late-night type people want to visit.
小山内秀喜 on Google

飲んでから食べると丁度いいくらいの濃いめの味付けでおいしいです。 豚骨を丁寧に煮込んだ感じのスープです 冷蔵庫の上にバイクのカウルが置いてあったのでご主人はバイク好きかもしれませんね。
It is delicious with a strong seasoning that is just right when you eat it after drinking it. It's a soup that feels like pork bones are carefully simmered. The cowl of the motorcycle was placed on the refrigerator, so my husband may like motorcycles.
影虎 on Google

知人から紹介されてお邪魔してみました。 店内はカウンター数席と奥にテーブル席が1つ。 穏やかで優しそうなご主人がお一人でやってます。 今回は初めてなので、店名の入ったがんこ醤油をチョイス。 チャーハンも美味しいとのことなので頼んでみる。 食べ切れるかな?って感じだったので半チャーハンは出来るか聞いてみたけどダメでした(^^; 先にチャーハンが到着 町中華っぽい美味しそうなビジュアル。 チャーシューがゴロゴロ入っていて味も濃すぎず薄すぎずちょうど良くて美味しかった。 感じは、ちゃんとパラパラとはしているけどしっとり系かな? 量が多くてびっくり、頑張って完食しました(笑) これで650円はコスパ良すぎ! 程なくしてがんこ醤油も着丼。 真っ白な背脂の浮く透き通った綺麗なスープ。 ひと口啜るとダシの効いたほっとする味。 麺は太めの少し縮れてる感じ? コシがあり美味しい麺でわりと好み。 海苔がたくさん入っていて、厚めのチャーシューがホロホロでこれがまた美味しい。 これも600円とはコスパ良すぎて嬉しいお値段。 夜からしか営業してないのでタイミングが合えば通いたいお店、おすすめのお店です!
I was introduced by an acquaintance and tried to bother you. There are several counter seats and one table seat in the back. The gentle and kind husband is doing it alone. This is my first time, so I chose Ganko soy sauce with the store name. I heard that fried rice is also delicious, so I'll ask for it. Can you eat it up? I asked if I could do half fried rice, but it didn't work (^^; Fried rice arrives first A delicious visual that looks like Chinese food in the town. The char siu was lumpy and the taste was not too strong and not too thin and it was just right and delicious. It feels like it's fluffy, but is it moist? I was surprised at the large amount, and I tried my best to finish the meal (laughs) With this, 650 yen is too good for cospa! Shortly afterwards, Ganko soy sauce was also served. A clear and beautiful soup with pure white lard. A relaxing taste with a dashi stock when you take a bite. The noodles are thick and a little curly? I like the chewy and delicious noodles. It contains a lot of seaweed, and the thick char siu is horohoro, which is also delicious. This is also a nice price because the cost performance is too good at 600 yen. It's only open from night, so if the timing is right, it's a recommended shop!

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