
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shōya

住所 :

Minamiyawata, Ichikawa, 〒272-0023 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87777
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–11PM
Sunday 12–11PM
Monday 12–11PM
Tuesday 12–11PM
Wednesday 12–11PM
Thursday 12–11PM
Friday 12–11PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Minamiyawata, Ichikawa, 〒272-0023 Chiba,Japan
秋田太郎 on Google

スーパードライ大瓶 650円 なめろう 550円、とうもろこしのかき揚げ380円。 ビールは安くて良い(他店では中瓶が600円というのが標準的)。 料理もまじめに作ってる感じはある。 ただ今回のお通しの大根の煮物は、硬くてダメ。ほとんど食べられなかった。 嫌なところはBGMがすごくうるさい。 それにしても客が少ない。コロナのせいだけではないと思う。
Super dry large bottle 650 yen Namero 550 yen, fried corn 380 yen. Beer can be cheap (in other stores, the standard price for a medium bottle is 600 yen). I feel like I'm making food seriously. However, the simmered daikon radish this time is hard and useless. I could hardly eat it. BGM is very noisy where I don't like it. Even so, there are few customers. I don't think it's just Corona's fault.
Kazu K on Google

昼から呑めて便利。 感染防止策も行われていました。
Convenient to swallow from noon. Infection control measures were also taken.
島崎浩一 on Google

It was a nice store! The all-you-can-drink is good at 1,500 yen!
津野 裕司 on Google

I visited you on New Year's Day, but there weren't many customers and clerk, so I had to wait for a while, but the women on the floor were very pleasant and enjoyable.
石川雅澄 on Google

いっもはスルーして他の店でランチしてたので庄屋で定食出しているのに気がつきませんでした 何より定食の看板がテイクアウトの旗の裏に貼ってあるので…試しに刺し身定を頼んで大正解!6点盛りでしかも量が多い ご飯お味噌汁おかわりもでき 大満足でした
I went through all the time and had lunch at another store, so I didn't notice that the set meal was served at Shoya. Above all, the signboard for the set meal was pasted on the back of the take-out flag. Great answer! I was very satisfied with the 6-point assortment and a large amount of rice and miso soup.
さかな on Google

Facebookの全体公開に貼ってあったんだけど こちらの庄やさんかな? 大変そうだから近々飲みに行きます 一応顔は隠しといた まあ世界発信だからすぐに見つかると思うけど 今じゃ市川の飲食店店主になってるのにこんなことをされて庄やさんも可愛そう あ 一度お宅にいったけど元気で素晴らしいと思いますよ
It was posted on Facebook's public release Is this Shoya-san? It seems to be difficult so I'm going to drink soon I hid my face for the time being Well, it's from all over the world, so I think you'll find it soon. Now that I'm the owner of a restaurant in Ichikawa, Shoya-san seems to be cute because of this. Oh, I went to your house once, but I think it's fine and wonderful.
野村 on Google

ランチで利用。 刺身定食を注文。 お刺身は、美味しかったです。 ご飯がおかわり無料とのことでしたが、昨日の残り?なのかとても当日炊いたとは思えない味でした。たまたまかもしれませんが、そこが残念です。
Used for lunch. I ordered a sashimi set meal. The sashimi was delicious. It was said that the rice was refilled for free, but is it the rest of yesterday? It was a taste that I couldn't believe was cooked on the day. It may happen, but that's a shame.
yasuaki on Google

感染予防もしっかりしています。 頼んだ料理はとても美味しかったですが お通しは美味しくなかったです。 カットすれば良かったかな。
Infection prevention is also solid. The food I ordered was very delicious The sushi wasn't delicious. I should have cut it.

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