㈱アブレイズ・コーポレーション 池袋駅前支店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ㈱アブレイズ・コーポレーション 池袋駅前支店

住所 :

Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89888
Webサイト : https://www.ablaze.co.jp/ikebukuro/
街 : Tokyo

Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0022 Tokyo,Japan
irm 92 on Google

The customer service was polite and introduced us to a very good property. I was able to complete the procedure quickly and with peace of mind, such as replying to exchanges.
MEGUMI on Google

There were various conditions from here, but we asked them to look for us and propose various properties! We were grateful for the prompt response to the availability of each property and confirmation with the management company. Thank you very much.
サコン on Google

お世話になりました。 数件の仲介業者とやり取りをしましたが、アブレイズさんが1番レスポンスが早く、遅くまで対応していただきました。 管理会社にも積極的に交渉してくれました!! 忙しいビジネスマンには、特におすすめの仲介業者です!
thank you for helping me. I interacted with several intermediaries, but Mr. Abraise was the quickest to respond and responded until late. He also actively negotiated with the management company! !! Especially recommended for busy business people!
aki on Google

丁寧で、迅速にご対応頂きました。 仲介手数料も0.5ヶ月分など、初期費用もかなりお得になりました。 また引越しの際には、ぜひお願いしたいと思える不動産です!
Thank you for your polite and prompt response. The initial cost is also considerably reduced, such as the brokerage fee for 0.5 months. In addition, it is a real estate that you definitely want to ask when you move!
さちこ on Google

こだわりが多く、なかなか納得できる物件が見つからない私でしたが、ここの担当の方は催促することも嫌な顔をすることもなく、物件探しに付き合っていただきました。おかげでいい物件を見つけることができました。 スーモ等の表記で仲介手数料が安いとうたっておいて、いざ来店すると通常どおり1ヶ月分をとるような業者もある中、こちらは本当に半月分で良心的だと感じました。 次回の引っ越しでもまたお願いしたいです。
I was so particular about it that I couldn't find a property that I was satisfied with, but the person in charge here went out to find the property without urging me or making an unpleasant look. Thanks to you, I was able to find a good property. There are some companies that say that the brokerage fee is cheap in the notation such as SUMO, and when they come to the store, it takes one month's worth as usual, but I felt that this is really conscientious for half a month. I would like to ask you again when you move next time.
natsumi fukuda on Google

大変お世話になりました。 数件の仲介業者とやり取りをしましたが、ここが1番親切に対応していただきました。 内見の際も楽しく内見でき、夜遅くまで対応していただきました。 お陰様で、要望に合った物件が見つかりました。 ありがとうございます。 是非他の方にもオススメしたいです。 私達もまた、利用したいと思います。
Thank you for all the help you have given me. I interacted with several intermediaries, but this was the kindest response. I enjoyed the preview and had them respond until late at night. Thanks to you, we have found a property that meets your needs. Thank you very much. I definitely want to recommend it to other people. We also want to use it.
Tommy Satty on Google

以前東京支店にお世話になり、今回は池袋支店の方でお世話になりました。こちらのこだわりが強く難しい物件探しだったにも関わらず、最後まで付き合って頂き納得いく物件に決めることができました。基本的に借り手側からの仲介手数料はできるだけ少なくする方針をとられており、顧客目線のサービスで透明性が高く信頼できる仲介会社だと思います。 田中さん、ありがとうございました!
I was taken care of by the Tokyo branch before, and this time by the Ikebukuro branch. Even though I was very particular about searching for a difficult property, I was able to decide on a property that I was satisfied with by staying with me until the end. Basically, the policy is to reduce the brokerage fee from the borrower side as much as possible, and I think that it is a highly transparent and reliable brokerage company with customer-oriented services. Thank you, Mr. Tanaka!
渋谷大輔 on Google

Even though the number of days until moving is quite short, we will promptly respond and introduce you to a property that you are satisfied with, and the person in charge will come closer to your workplace because you do not have time to come to the store to create a contract etc. It really helped me. Also, when I visited the store, the customer service was polite and I visited many real estate agents, but I was personally happy that I could choose from three types of drinks. The brokerage fee is cheaper than other stores, and some properties have 0. I also liked the fact that I didn't make a certain call.

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