株式会社あぱねっと 所沢支店

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Contact 株式会社あぱねっと 所沢支店

住所 :

Kusunokidai, Tokorozawa, 〒359-0037 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : http://www.apa-net.co.jp/
街 : Saitama

Kusunokidai, Tokorozawa, 〒359-0037 Saitama,Japan
うち on Google

There are many defects in managed properties
あいすまんじゅう田中 on Google

I felt uncomfortable. I did not ask for the room.
kensuke sasaki on Google

とにかく最悪の会社、対応悪いし管理をしない そのくせ解約金はなんと六ヶ月もとる悪徳業者 絶対やめたほうが良い
Anyway, the worst company, poor response and no management That habit cancellation fee is a bad guy who takes 6 months You should definitely stop
E T on Google

希望の物件がなくて、あきらめかけていた所たどり着いたのがここ。…最初の物件は入居駄目になったが、スタッフさんが一生懸命次の物件をご紹介!! それには本当に感動しました✨ ありがとうございます❣
Here I arrived where I hadn't found the property I wanted. … The first property failed to move in, but the staff worked hard to introduce the next property !! I was really moved by that. Thank you.
なおちゃん on Google

仕事が遅く 管理も杜撰 電話対応も攻撃的で不愉快です。 もう二度と利用したくありません。
Work is slow and management is also poor Telephone correspondence is also aggressive and unpleasant. I don't want to use it again.
黄身 on Google

ここは仲介は関係ないだろうけど、管理物件は止めた方がいい。 以前住んでたけど、管理費を毎月何千円か取るくせに共有スペースとか全然清掃してくれない。 エントランスで月に1~2回、廊下なんて3~4ヶ月に1回くらいでずーっと綿埃やゴミが落ちっぱなしでとにかく汚かった。 書き忘れ、お風呂と、洗濯機の排水が頻繁に溢れてきた。 お風呂はシャワーのみの場合は問題なかったけど、湯船に溜めてたお湯を排水したら排水溝から溢れてきました。 洗濯機は使用時に排水時に溢れてきていました、使用してない時は問題なかったと思います。 原因はネットで調べただけですが、マンションの大元の排水管が詰まってる場合は自分の部屋の排水溝や排水管をいくら綺麗にしても無駄だそうです。 私は管理会社には言えずに退去するまで我慢しました、時間が経てば水も引いていたので。
Mediation may not be relevant here, but managed properties should be stopped. I used to live there, but even though it costs thousands of yen every month, it doesn't clean the shared space at all. The entrance was once or twice a month, and the corridor was once every three to four months. I forgot to write it, and the bath and the drainage of the washing machine frequently overflowed. There was no problem if the bath was only a shower, but when the hot water stored in the bathtub was drained, it overflowed from the drain. The washing machine was overflowing when it was drained when it was used, so I think there was no problem when it was not in use. I just searched online for the cause, but if the drainage pipe at the base of the apartment is clogged, it seems useless no matter how clean the drainage ditch or drainage pipe in my room. I couldn't tell the management company and put up with it until I moved out, as it was draining over time.
利沙 on Google

I will send it as soon as possible. I haven't received the documents I was told. Telephone correspondence is also aggressive. The public part is always dirty even though I pay the management fee. From the first day of moving, there are many inadequacies in the parts of the room that I use in my daily life, and even if I contact you, I just say "Please wait" and I can't solve it. It is the lowest rank ever.
みみ on Google

何年も前に訪れて、不快な思いをしたのにまだ変わっていないのは驚きましたw 特定されそうなので、細かな部分は伏せますが ・予約したのに後から来た人の相手ばかりする ・見当外れな物件ばかり紹介してくる ・内見なしで契約を進めようとする ・客を放置して何時間も店に拘束する などなど… 若いからなめられていたのかもしれないですね! もうあぱねっとは他店でも二度と利用しません。
I visited there many years ago and was surprised that it hadn't changed even though I felt uncomfortable. Since it seems to be identified, I will hide the details ・ Only people who come later even though they have made a reservation ・ Introducing only misplaced properties ・ Trying to proceed with the contract without thinking ・ Leave customers unattended and detain them in the store for hours etc… It may have been licked because he was young! I will never use Apanetto again at other stores.

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