油そば専門店 ムジコ

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 油そば専門店 ムジコ

住所 :

Jurakucho, Kamigyo Ward, 〒602-8156 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : https://twitter.com/musico645
街 : Kyoto

Jurakucho, Kamigyo Ward, 〒602-8156 Kyoto,Japan
R BTY on Google

京都で油そばを食べるならムジコさん。 定番の油そばは勿論、限定メニューがどれも美味しくて楽しませてくれます! サイドメニューの唐揚げも絶品。 有名店出身のオーナーさんの腕が光る京都の名店です!!
If you want to eat abura soba in Kyoto, Musico. Not to mention the classic abura soba, all the limited menus are delicious and entertaining! The fried chicken on the side menu is also excellent. It is a famous store in Kyoto where the owner from a famous store shines! !!
Hideki Kashio on Google

醤油ベースのシンプルめな油そば。麺は歯ごたえもよく小気味いい感じ。 メンマの仕込みは丁寧で、アンチメンマの自分でも美味しくいただけます。 麺は大盛りにするくらいが男性は丁度良いかも。
Simple soy sauce-based abura soba. The noodles are crunchy and have a nice texture. The preparation of Menma is polite, and you can enjoy it even by yourself as an anti-Menma. Men may be just right to make a large serving of noodles.
カイカイ on Google

If you dare to say it, it ’s delicious! Abura soba had a spicy image, but it has an exquisite taste and is easy to eat! Equal I think I've eaten abura soba so far! You can choose the amount of noodles for the same price, so it's a good value! Here when I went to Nijo! To put it simply, the taste is mild and easy to eat! You can change the taste even if it is spicy by yourself! I think it's the best abura soba in Kyoto
Janhee Lee on Google

お客様が…。 #油そば専門店 ムジコさん の 汁なしラーメンを 食べに行くために 京都へ来たんですと 言われてので 職場から歩いて行ってきました。 スープは 魚介類の濃厚なスープ。 麺は、太麺で手打ち。 乾燥を防ぐために平たいケースに 綺麗並べらビニールを被せてられるのを見る。 ジャージャー麺みたいに スープを絡めて ニンニクたっぶり入れていただく。 紫玉ねぎの薬味が…。 また、絶妙にマッチングして 旨い。 こんなところにあるなら もっと早く行けば良かったと思う。 ・駐車場なし。目の前のセブンイレブンを真っ直ぐ行くとJRの高架下にコインパーキングあるので車で行かれる方は、そこに停めて行かれるのがオススメ。 ・駐輪場なし。今日もバイクを停めたいですがと聞かれるお客様いらっしゃったけどないので、停められるならLIFE(スーパー)に停めて来られたら安心かもです。 ・テイクアウトあり おうちで茹でるようにされてるそうです。
Customer…. #Ayusoba specialty store Musico's Soupless ramen To go to eat When you came to Kyoto Because I was told I walked from my workplace. The soup Rich soup of fish and shellfish. The noodles are handmade with thick noodles. In a flat case to prevent drying I see them lined up neatly and covered with vinyl. Like jar jar noodles Entangled with soup Please add a lot of garlic. The condiments of purple onions ... Also, exquisite matching delicious. If it's in a place like this I wish I had gone earlier. ・ No parking lot. If you go straight on Seven-Eleven in front of you, there is a coin parking lot under the elevated JR line, so if you are going by car, it is recommended that you stop there. ・ There is no bicycle parking lot. There was no customer who asked me if I wanted to park my bike today, so if I could park it, it would be safe if I could park it at LIFE (supermarket). ・ There is takeout It seems that it is made to boil at home.
After all home-cooked curry on Google

以前から気になっていたので、ランチで伺いました。 土曜の12時台でしたが、タイミングが良かったのか待たずに席につけました。 初めてでしたので、ノーマルな味を楽しもうと思い、全部乗せの油そばスペシャル並とネットでの評判が高くて食べたかった唐揚げセットをお願いしました。 油そばは中太麺でスゴくモチモチして美味しかったです。トッピングのチャーシューやメンマ、白ネギとの相性も良かったです。 唐揚げは2個小皿に乗ってやってきました。 早速、かぶりつくと熱々で中は非常にジューシーでこちらも美味しかったです。 今回は途中で味変しませんでしたが、帰りにお店の人に味変するならどれがオススメか聞いてみるとラー油と米酢が定番との事でした。 次に来た時に試してみたいと思います。
I've been interested in it for a long time, so I visited for lunch. It was around 12 o'clock on Saturday, but I didn't have to wait for the timing to sit down. Since this was my first time, I wanted to enjoy the normal taste, so I asked for an abura soba special with all of them and a fried chicken set that was well received on the internet and I wanted to eat. The abura soba was medium-thick noodles and was very chewy and delicious. It went well with the toppings of char siu, menma, and white onion. The fried chicken came on two small plates. Immediately, it was hot when I bite it, and the inside was very juicy, which was also delicious. This time, the taste did not change on the way, but when I asked the shop staff which one to recommend, it was said that chili oil and rice vinegar were the standard. I would like to try it the next time I come.
ちび on Google

初訪問。平日夜20:30くらいに伺いましたが満席でした。店員さん(恐らく店長さん?)も雰囲気のいい方で気持ちの良い接客でした。味◎、コスパ◎、接客◎、立地◎ということでぜひまた伺います。 ・2021/11/23追記 再訪し、魚介油そばを食べました。魚介の方はスタンダードな油そばと麺が違う気がしました(平麺?)個人的にはスタンダードな太麺の方が好みです。
First visit. I visited around 20:30 on weekday nights, but it was full. The clerk (probably the store manager?) Also had a nice atmosphere and was a pleasant customer service. I will come back again because of the taste ◎, cospa ◎, customer service ◎, and location ◎. ・ Added 2021 / 11/23 I visited again and ate seafood abura soba. For seafood, I felt that the noodles were different from the standard abura soba (flat noodles?) Personally, I prefer the standard thick noodles.
郷間恵美(ごまさん) on Google

Abura soba for the first time in my life. The noodles were chewy and not so salty, and they were delicious. I made it a small size, but maybe a normal size was okay. It's my first time, so I simply made abura soba. A counter-type shop near my house.
伊藤亨人 on Google

京都二条駅近くにある『油そば専門店ムジコ』 京都では数少ない油そば専門店です。 注文したのは “ 煮干し油そば ” 以外にあっさり、煮干し強すぎず食べやすい。 途中卓上に置いてある山椒で味変。 あっという間に大盛り(麺300g)完食??? 撮影日??(2021.12.25)
"Mujiko, an oil soba specialty store" near Nijo Station in Kyoto It is one of the few abura soba specialty stores in Kyoto. I ordered "Niboshi Abura Soba" Besides, it is easy to eat without being too strong to boil. The taste changes with the Japanese pepper placed on the table on the way. A large serving (300g of noodles) is completed in no time ??? Shooting date ?? (2021.12.25)

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