Chushojima Station - Kyoto

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Contact Chushojima Station

住所 :

Yoshijima Yagurachō, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 612-8224, Japan

Postal code : 612-8224

Yoshijima Yagurachō, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 612-8224, Japan
woodbell 226 on Google

Chushojima is a popular name for the area that corresponds to the current Higashiyanagi-cho and Nishiyanagi-cho, and as the name implies, it was originally an island separated by the Uji River. It is said that the name Chushojima was the residence of Yasuharu Wakisaka, who was in the castle town of Fushimi, and that the Chinese name "Chusho" of Daisuke Chusho was established as a place name. Nakashojima Station opened at the same time as Keihan Electric Railway was founded in 1897. It will be the first station on the Uji Line in 1918. In the Edo period, Chushojima was a key point for the 30 stone ships that traveled on the Yodo River and the ships that traveled on the Ujigawa school, but in 1918, the Kyoto tram made Nakashojima Station a terminal. The place that was the cornerstone of boat transportation has been transformed into the cornerstone of land transportation. From 1993, the limited express train stopped during the morning rush hour, and in 2000, it became a full-day stop for the limited express train. The south ticket gate was opened in 2004, and the bus terminal was completed at the same time. It is a transportation hub in the southern part of Fushimi. There is a public bath with a retro atmosphere called "Shinchi-yu" on Nakashojima-dori. As the name "Shinchi" suggests, Chushojima was also a Yukaku district. Before the war, the big cities of Japan had a Yukaku district called the red line area at the end of the city, but Chushojima, which is the southern end of the big city Fushimi, was also a Yukaku district. You can still see the remnants of the old building. After the enforcement of the Prostitution Prevention Law, it was transformed into a snack town, but after the period of high economic miracle, the number of customers was decreasing. In the 1st digit of Heisei, it was a city with a swaying atmosphere that was clearly different from the ones in the vicinity of major sources. Due to the increase in population in the vicinity of major sources and the rise in real estate rents as they have begun to be recognized as tourist destinations, new private shops and restaurants have recently been located near Chushojima. The atmosphere of the city has become much brighter. I think there will be more condominiums in the vicinity in the future.
平野善信 on Google

古くは歴代天皇の熊野行幸の御座船の乗船場、江戸時代は三十石船の乗船場そして伏見の清酒の生産地として栄え、遠くは江戸迄下りものとして清酒が舟で運ばれた時代迄、水運の要衝として栄えた伏見の町に京都と大阪を結ぶ京阪電車の途中駅として1910年4月15日開業した駅。 現在は快速特急『洛楽』通過以外の列車種別停車駅で宇治線との乗換え駅でもあります。 もし、31歳の若さで暗殺された坂本龍馬が生き延びていたら、京阪電車の開業年75歳の時に「京阪のる人お京はん」とキャッチコピーを呟いていたかも知れませんね!
In the olden days, it prospered as a boarding place for the Gozabune of the successive emperors Yukiyuki Kumano, a boarding place for the 30 stone ships in the Edo period, and a production center for sake in Fushimi. A station that opened on April 15, 1910 as an intermediate station for the Keihan train that connects Kyoto and Osaka in the town of Fushimi, which prospered as a strategic point for water transportation. Currently, it is a stop station for each train type other than the rapid limited express "Rakuraku", and it is also a transfer station for the Uji line. If Ryoma Sakamoto, who was assassinated at the young age of 31, had survived, he might have muttered a catch phrase, "Keihan Ryojin Okyohan," when the Keihan Railway opened at the age of 75!
Kz Oku on Google

特急が停まる駅です。 中書島駅前には商店街があります。 立ち飲み屋やカラオケが歌えるスナック?もあり、夕方を過ぎるとどこからともなく懐かしの歌謡曲が聞こえてきます。 古き良き時代を感じられる雰囲気です。 徒歩数分のところに、風情がある銭湯(公衆浴場)があり、こちらもとても良い雰囲気です。
This is the station where the limited express stops. There is a shopping street in front of Nakashojima Station. A snack where you can sing a standing bar or karaoke? After the evening, you can hear nostalgic songs from nowhere. It is an atmosphere where you can feel the good old days. A few minutes' walk away, there is a tasteful public bath (public bath), which also has a very nice atmosphere.
Yoong san on Google

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ping yong on Google

starting station of keihan uji line train. the best way to visit uji
Ikutama Kingdom on Google

The end of the turbulent Edo period began in this town.
Annisa Karima on Google

Connect Keihan main line and Uji line. 1 day Kyoto City Bus also cover this area. In spring, you can find beautiful cherry blossom trees along the river.
Mohammed Hajjaj on Google

This station is one of the stations in the center of Kiehan line (almost) between Kyoto Demachiyanagi, and Osaka Yodoyabasi, or you can transfer here to Uji line. It is very crowded. Use Express, Limited, and Local, but not Rapid. There are some of the shops outside.

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