Chibo Seibu Ikebukuro - Toshima City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chibo Seibu Ikebukuro

住所 :

西武池袋本店 8F 1 Chome-28-1 Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 171-0022
Webサイト :

西武池袋本店 8F 1 Chome-28-1 Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0022, Japan
新井節子 on Google

Please bake it in the kitchen and bring it with you. Make a cut and put mayonnaise on it. But at the end, do the dried bonito and green laver yourself. I felt like I made everything myself. It was delicious and fun.
Jin Funato on Google

お好み用コテを店員と客が共有しないといけないのが、不衛生でいや お好みができてテーブルに運ばれるとコテ貸してください。 焼きそばが届いてもコテ貸してください
It is unsanitary that customers have to share their favorite trowels with the clerk. Please lend me a trowel when you like it and bring it to the table. Please lend me a trowel even if you receive yakisoba
Q Hsiao on Google

由於這次是在疫情期間去的,所以東西是在廚房先做好了才端過來,儘管如此,桌上的鐵板仍是讓食物保有熱度,可以另外添加美乃滋、醬汁和柴魚等,自己調整口味。 午餐時間點了雙人套餐,包含沙拉、大阪燒、廣島燒和豚平燒,非常有飽足感。豚平燒熱呼呼的非常好吃。
Since I went this time during the epidemic, the things were prepared in the kitchen before they were brought. However, the iron plate on the table still keeps the food hot, and you can add mayonnaise, sauce, bonito, etc. Adjust the taste yourself. At lunch time, I ordered a set meal for two, including salad, Okonomiyaki, Hiroshima yaki and Tonhiriyaki. It was very satisfying. The dolphins are hot and delicious.
A Iizuka on Google

西武池袋本店8階レストランフロア―にあるお好み焼き/鉄板焼き屋。 人気メニューの一つだというミックスふわとろ焼をいただいてみた。 こちらは自分で焼くのではなく、すべて焼き上げてくれて運んできてくれるスタイルなので出来上がるまで約20分かかる。 事前に温められた鉄板の上にお好み焼を運んで来て、マヨネーズが必要か、切り分けるかどうか訊かれるのでお願いすると、マヨネーズをその場でかけ、6等分に切り分けてくれる。 マヨネーズをお好み焼きからはみ出さないように瞬時にかけるパフォーマンスは初めて見るとおおっ!となるかも。卓上にある鰹節と青海苔はお好みで 生地がふわっと柔らかく、甘酸っぱいお好み焼きソースとクリーミィ―なマヨネーズがお好み焼に合ってとても美味しかった。 えび、いかはちょうど良い火入れ加減、豚肉は少し火が入り過ぎていたかも。 夜利用だとセットメニューはなく、お好み焼(広島焼含む)が1,000~3,000円、焼そばは1,300~2,000円とややお値段高めだが、デパート内でもあるし、味は安定しているので妥当かと思う。 評価は3.5くらい。
Okonomiyaki / Teppanyaki restaurant on the 8th floor restaurant floor of Seibu Ikebukuro Main Store. I had a mixed fluffy grill that is one of the popular menus. This is a style in which you do not bake it yourself, but it will bake everything and carry it, so it will take about 20 minutes to complete. Bring the okonomiyaki on a pre-heated iron plate and ask if you need mayonnaise or if you want to cut it. If you ask, the mayonnaise will be sprinkled on the spot and cut into 6 equal parts. The first time you see the performance of applying mayonnaise instantly so that it doesn't stick out of the okonomiyaki! It may be. Katsuobushi and green laver on the table are your choice The dough was fluffy and soft, and the sweet and sour okonomiyaki sauce and creamy mayonnaise went well with the okonomiyaki and was very delicious. Shrimp, squid was just right, and the pork was a little overcooked. There is no set menu for night use, and okonomiyaki (including Hiroshima ware) is 1,000 to 3,000 yen, and yakisoba is 1,300 to 2,000 yen, which is a little expensive, but it is also in a department store and the taste is stable, so it is reasonable. I think. Evaluation is about 3.5.
茉莉 on Google

I ate Hiroshima-yaki for lunch only on weekdays. There was a lot of volume, and the degree of baking was just right and it was very delicious. Fried eggs and green onions can be added as toppings, although it will be charged separately. Cashless payments such as credit cards, ?????? are possible.
Brian Ho on Google

Had the opportunity to try this place after shopping at Seibu. We had the ox tail and a pork, squid and soba okonomiyaki. The first attempt at the ox tail was slightly disappointing, as it was cooked to very well done but the presentation on the menu was rare. Also it was probably very hard to chew because.of this. I'm not sure if it is normally cooked it this way but we weren't asked for our preference of rarity for the cook. fortunately the restaurant was happy to try again and second attempt was done much closer to the menu after we asked it to be cooked softer. the okonomiyaki was very good in my opinion. Overall I would recommend Chibo, but perhaps stick to the okonomiyaki because less things can go wrong.
Christian LY on Google

Very good moment in a really clean restaurant, the food was good.
Mark Ong on Google

Good place to fill your tummy if you are looking for quantity. Two person set meal are rather reasonable. Good amount of variety to choose from. Love its beef tougue. Love the individual table hot plate system that keep food warm. Friendly and skillful waitress that dresses up your okonoyaki for you. However be prepared to smell like a barbecue meal when you leave the restaurant due to the pan fried meal.

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