HERMÈS at SEIBU Ikebukuro - Toshima City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact HERMÈS at SEIBU Ikebukuro

住所 :

1 Chome-28-1 Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-8569, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 171-8569
Webサイト : https://www.hermes.com/jp/ja/find-store/japan/tokyo/hermes-ikebukuro-seibu-59ZSZEBN/
Description : High-end retailer carrying the luxury brand's apparel, handbags, scarves & other accessories.

1 Chome-28-1 Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-8569, Japan
岸田けんじ on Google

確かに口コミ通り、店員により明らかに当たり外れがあります。買わない?と見込まれると、態度があからさまに変わります。 今は整理券で入店制限をしていますが、お得意様だと裏口から顔パスで入れます。 すごく嫌な気分になりますね。
Certainly, according to the word of mouth, there is a clear hit or miss depending on the clerk. Not buy? When it is expected, the attitude will change overtly. Currently, entry is restricted with a numbered ticket, but if you are a customer, you can enter with a face pass from the back door. It makes me feel very unpleasant.
トム on Google

終始不愉快でした。 まず電話で来店予約をし、その旨を伝えて並んでいたのにも関わらず整理番号の券を渡して下さいと何回も言われ、、、スタッフ同士の連絡はしていないんでしょうか? 他の方も書かれてる通りスタッフの当たり外れがあります。 高額商品を買う買わないで態度を変えている人が多くて驚きます。 こちらの店舗に行くのは初めてでしたが もう二度と行かないと思います。
It was unpleasant from beginning to end. First of all, I made a reservation for visiting the store by phone, and even though I was lined up to that effect, I was repeatedly asked to hand over the reference number ticket, and I wonder if the staff are not in contact with each other ? As other people have written, there is a hit or miss of the staff. I'm surprised that many people change their attitudes without buying expensive products. It was my first time to go to this store I don't think I'll go there again.
外塚重喜 on Google

ビッグメゾンなだけあって、接客が素晴らしいです。 バーキンはありませんが、シャツの品揃え、スニーカーは多いです。
As it is a big maison, the customer service is wonderful. There is no Birkin, but there are many shirts and sneakers.
謎のしゅうたろう on Google

There was a wristwatch event, and I went to see if there was something I was interested in, but in the daytime I had to wait for 30 minutes without a reservation, so I gave up once, but after 20:30 When I went there, I couldn't line up and put it in. & I was told various stories, and even after 21:00 when the store closed, I felt comfortable. (It was so good that I just bought it ... ?)
りんごパン on Google

普通にしてるだけなのに、男性店員から冷たい態度を取られて意味が分かりませんでした。レディースの品揃えが悪いです。バッグを見ようと思ったら4つくらいしかありませんでした。聞いたらそっけなく色違いもないって調べもせず被せてくるように即答、お詫びの言葉もなし、接客中は終始一切笑顔なし、いくらなんでもそれはないでしょとは言いませんでしたが。別のフロアの店員さんはにこやかに気持ち良く接客をしてくださったので、その落差がより際立っていました。やる気あるのだろうかと思いました。客と店員って対等じゃないんですか?何で一方的に偉そうなのか、こんな接客されたら誰だって不愉快な気持ちになります。スタッフはどのような接客をするよう教育を受けてるんだろう?敢えてそっけなく、横柄な冷たい態度を取るようにとでも指示されてるんですか?何だかなぁと、モヤっとした感情が残ります。 メンズの物が多かったので、メンズ物の売れ行きが特に良い店舗なのだろうかと思いました。コロナ禍のため予約していないとすごく待たされます。
Even though I was just doing it normally, I couldn't understand the meaning because the male clerk took a cold attitude. The ladies' assortment is poor. When I tried to look at the bag, there were only about four. When I heard it, I immediately answered that it wasn't different in color and I didn't check it, I didn't apologize, I didn't smile at all during the customer service, and I didn't say that it wasn't there. The clerk on the other floor was smiling and pleasantly serving customers, so the difference was even more pronounced. I wondered if I was motivated. Isn't the customer and the clerk equal? Everyone feels uncomfortable when they serve customers like this, wondering why they seem to be unilaterally great. What kind of customer service are the staff trained to do? Are you instructed to take a arrogant and cold attitude? I wonder what it is, and I still have a moody feeling. There were many men's items, so I wondered if the store was particularly good at selling men's items. If you don't make a reservation because of the corona, you will have to wait a long time.
wataru on Google

服のコレクションよりも、小物が充実してるイメージです。 広い店内に、ゆったりと商品を陳列する贅沢なショップだなーとつくづく思います。 エルメスのプレゼントや、お土産を購入するにはとても良い店かと思いますが。 もしシーズンのコレクション物が欲しければ他の店舗をお薦めします。 今はコロナの影響もあり、入場制限をしています。
It is an image that has more accessories than a collection of clothes. I think it's a luxurious shop where you can relax and display your products in a large store. I think it's a very good store to buy Hermes gifts and souvenirs. If you want a seasonal collection, we recommend other stores. Now, due to the influence of Corona, admission is restricted.
ミジンコ太郎 on Google

店員さんによって質が本当に分かれる。 今の担当さんは少し天然入っていて嫌いではないが(むしろ好き)、人によっては四角四面な対応で「大丈夫か?」と思わされる事がある。 満足のいく接客を受けたいのであれば、銀座店の比較的年配の男性に接客されることをお勧めする(品揃えも10倍以上違うので)
The quality really depends on the clerk. I don't hate the person in charge now because he's a little natural (I like it), but some people may think "Is it okay?" If you want to receive satisfactory customer service, we recommend that you serve a relatively elderly man at the Ginza store (because the product lineup is more than 10 times different).
aco on Google

人数制限での接客のため、店内に入るため一組の客が対応されるのを待ち、店内へ入りました。 対応した男性スタッフは、志願が夕方のため、足が疲れたのか、スカーフを購入希望の客に対して、面倒臭そうに対応してくれました。女性スタッフに変えてほしいと希望したら、変えてもらったので安心しました。 対応してくれたスタッフは、丁寧にアドバイスしてくれて、気持ちよく買い物ができました。また、ボーナスが出たら、伺おうと思います。
Due to the limited number of customers, we waited for a pair of customers to enter the store before entering the store. The male staff who responded seemed to be annoyed to the customer who wanted to buy a scarf, probably because his legs were tired because he applied for it in the evening. When I asked the female staff to change it, I was relieved that they changed it. The staff who responded politely gave me advice and I was able to shop comfortably. Also, if a bonus comes out, I will ask.

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