東大和ラーメン 大冬樹

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東大和ラーメン 大冬樹

住所 :

Central, Higashiyamato, 〒207-0015 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : https://twitter.com/daitohki
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9:30PM
Sunday 11AM–9:30PM
Monday 11AM–9:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–9:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–9:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Central, Higashiyamato, 〒207-0015 Tokyo,Japan
ハシビロコー on Google

煮干しスペシャル 肉味噌ご飯 煮干しの香りよく具も盛り沢山。 あっさりスープの表面には油膜をはっており熱々ですが、個人的には見た目のインパクトより味が薄い。もう少し醤油のエッジがキリッと効いてる方が好みでしたが、何はともあれクオリティの高い一杯。ご馳走様でした。
Niboshi special Meat miso rice The scent of dried sardines is good and there are plenty of ingredients. The surface of the soup is lightly covered with an oil film and it is hot, but personally, the taste is lighter than the visual impact. I preferred that the edge of the soy sauce worked a little more sharply, but anyway, it was a high quality cup. It was a treat.
e S on Google

お店の向かいに駐車場あり。 ☑︎煮干し中華そばスペシャル 1,050円 ☑︎海の塩中華そばスペシャル 1,050円 ☑︎マグロ白湯ラーメン 820円 ☑︎ローストビーフ丼 大390円 煮干し中華そばは濃いめの味なんだけど、後味さっぱりでスープまで飲み干せちゃいそうでした♡ 塩はあっさりでこれまた飲み干せちゃうほどスープまで美味しい? マグロ白湯ラーメンは口に入れた瞬間からマグロの風味がすごい⁉︎クセがあるかなぁ〜私は苦手な感じですが、マグロ好きの娘はご飯にスープかけて食べちゃいました? ローストビーフ丼は大中小とあって金額は同じ⁉︎ 大で少し大きめの茶碗。小さい丼ぶりって感じです。 残念ながら娘に全部食べられ味わからず…ですが、味にうるさい娘は美味しいとペロッと食べちゃいました? 乗ってるお肉はトロトロ? スペシャルと肉盛りのお肉は一緒かなー? ぜひまた来たいお店?
There is a parking lot opposite the shop. ☑︎ Niboshi Chinese noodles special 1,050 yen ☑︎ Sea salt Chinese noodle special 1,050 yen ☑︎ Tuna plain hot water ramen 820 yen ☑︎ Roast beef bowl large 390 yen Niboshi Chinese noodles have a strong taste, but it seems that you can drink up to the soup with a refreshing aftertaste ♡ The salt is so light that the soup is so delicious that you can drink it again ? The tuna plain hot water ramen has a great tuna flavor from the moment you put it in your mouth ⁉︎ I wonder if it has a habit ~ I'm not good at it, but my daughter who likes tuna ate it with soup on rice ? Roast beef bowls are large, medium and small, and the amount is the same ⁉︎ A large and slightly large bowl. It feels like a small bowl. Unfortunately, my daughter could eat everything and I couldn't taste it ... but my daughter, who was noisy about the taste, ate it because it was delicious ? The meat on board is Toro Toro ? Is the special and the meat of the heap the same? A shop you definitely want to visit again ?
Nobu Oka on Google

A delicious, well-studied ramen that is different from any other. Tuna plain hot water ramen may not be good for some people because it has a fishy smell of tuna, but if you sprinkle the black pepper on the table, it will change drastically and become delicious. The noodles that can be combined are smooth and chewy flat noodles reminiscent of Inaniwa udon. The service is refreshing and I like it. Great shop. It was a feast.
うるく on Google

仕事のエリア内の為、何度も訪問させて頂いております。 書いてなかったので今更ですがレビューします。 駐車場も広く、11時オープンなので現場仕事には助かります。 店内も1人で来やすい雰囲気です。 全てのメニュー試しましたが、ド煮干しまぜそばがオススメです。ド煮干しまぜそばとスープの食券を買い現金で100円用意し、中盛りにするのが良い感じなんですよね。 お酢が苦手でしたが、ここのまぜそばに入れてから美味しさに気づきました。 期間限定もたまに出るので頻繁に行く人も楽しめます。
Because it is in the work area, I have visited many times. I didn't write it, so I'll review it now. The parking lot is large and open at 11 o'clock, which is helpful for on-site work. The atmosphere inside the store is easy to come by alone. I tried all the menus, but I recommend the Niboshi Soba. It's a good idea to buy a meal ticket for dried sardines and soup, prepare 100 yen in cash, and fill it in the middle. I was not good at vinegar, but after putting it in the mixed soba here, I noticed it was delicious. It's only available for a limited time, so people who go there often can enjoy it.
H Tj on Google

「東大和ラーメン 大冬樹」はいつも並んでおり気になっていた。土曜12時過ぎに訪問、30分並ぶの覚悟していたが、奇跡的にすぐ入れる。券売機で「煮干し中華そばスペシャル」1,050円(税込)を買う。トッピングやサイドメニューも豊富で、「ローストビーフ丼」(390円税込)サイズは大・中・小 同じ金額⁉︎ しかし今回はラーメンに集中するために諦める。 「煮干し中華そばスペシャル」は意外とあっさりしている。最近は味濃いめが多いが、スープを飲み干せる優しい味。麺も博多ラーメンのように細麺で、これは好みが分かれるかもしれない。私は博多ラーメンを除けば太麺好きだが、この煮干しスープには細麺も合うかもしれない。 スペシャル(300円UP)は肉3枚と煮卵がのっており、多分肉2枚追加と煮卵分だろう。 次回は「マグロ白湯ラーメン」を頼んでみよう。 帰りは10人以上並んでいた。
"Higashiyamato Ramen Daifuyuki" was always lined up and I was curious. I visited after 12 o'clock on Saturday and was prepared to line up for 30 minutes, but miraculously I entered immediately. Buy "Niboshi Chinese noodles special" 1,050 yen (tax included) at the ticket vending machine. There are plenty of toppings and side menus, and the size of the "roast beef bowl" (390 yen including tax) is the same for large, medium, and small ⁉︎ But this time I give up to concentrate on ramen. "Niboshi Chinese noodles special" is surprisingly light. Recently, it has a strong taste, but it has a gentle taste that allows you to drink the soup. The noodles are also thin noodles like Hakata Ramen, which may have different tastes. I like thick noodles except Hakata ramen, but thin noodles may go well with this dried sardine soup. The special (up 300 yen) has 3 pieces of meat and boiled eggs, probably 2 pieces of meat and boiled eggs. Next time, let's order "tuna plain hot water ramen". There were more than 10 people on the way home.
たかけん on Google

この店は4回ほど訪問していますが、どのラーメンもレベルが高く満足させてくれます。 今回、ド煮干しまぜそばスペシャルをいただきました。食べごたえのある乱れた太麺に大きな具材と魚介ダレ。しあわせでした。大変おいしかったです! 世の中にはもはやオープン時の情熱は消えて現状維持に終始している飲食店と、いまも情熱の火を灯して挑戦と改善を続けている飲食店があります。この店は後者です。 PayPay使えます。駐車場あります。昼休憩もないので15時とかでも行けます。 ■このクチコミが役に立ったら下の親指ボタンを押してください。はげみになります!
I have visited this shop about 4 times, and all the ramen are of a high level and satisfy me. This time, I received a special Niboshi-dried soba noodles. Large ingredients and seafood sauce on the chewy and disordered thick noodles. I was happy. It was very delicious! There are restaurants in the world where the passion at the time of opening has disappeared and the status quo has been maintained, and there are restaurants that are still challenging and improving by lighting the fire of passion. This store is the latter. You can use PayPay. There's a parking lot. There is no lunch break, so you can go even at 15:00. ■ If you find this review useful, please press the thumb button below. It will be bald!
Anton Shimon on Google

8848 Tvx on Google

That was real taste of ramen, i had ever taste before.

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