Noroshiya - Higashiyamato

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Noroshiya

住所 :

6 Chome-1257-17 Shimizu, Higashiyamato, Tokyo 207-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 207-0004
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM

6 Chome-1257-17 Shimizu, Higashiyamato, Tokyo 207-0004, Japan
K P on Google

味噌チャーシューを注文。チャーシューのボリュームが凄く、味噌のスープもとろみがあるのに濃すぎずかつしっかり煮込まれて魚介と鶏の旨みが出ていて好み。炊き込みご飯も美味しいです。 ランチタイムのピーク時間を外して14時ぐらいに来店したのですがひっきりなしにお客さんが来て凄い。
I ordered miso char siu. The volume of the char siu is great, and although the miso soup is thick, it is not too thick and is simmered firmly, and the taste of seafood and chicken comes out and I like it. The cooked rice is also delicious. I came to the store around 14:00 after the peak lunch time, but it was amazing that customers came all the time.
三条稔 on Google

何度か食べに行ってる狼煙屋さんです。 たまに食べたくなる味です。 魚介系のスープに中太麺はがよく絡まり美味しいです。 トッピングは味玉一個、厚みのある自家製チャーシュー一枚目、メンマ、海苔、ネギとなっています。 野菜ラーメンなどもありますが野菜(もやしが主に)の量が半端なです。 食べきれるか自信がないので注文はしませんが結構食べている方もいらっしゃいます。 店主が明るい方でよく話しかけてくれます。 券売機システムです。 席はカウンターのみ お店の向かい側に駐車場があります。 写真はつけ麺の大盛です。
It is a wolf smoke shop who has been going to eat several times. It's a taste you'll want to eat once in a while. Medium-thick noodles are often entwined with seafood-based soup and are delicious. The toppings are one taste ball, the first thick homemade char siu, menma, seaweed, and green onion. There are also vegetable ramen, but the amount of vegetables (mainly bean sprouts) is odd. I don't order because I'm not sure if I can eat it, but some people are eating it. The shop owner is a bright person and often talks to me. It is a ticket vending machine system. Seats are only at the counter There is a parking lot opposite the shop. The photo is a large serving of tsukemen.
A kuro on Google

料理→まぜそば 肉 値段→850円 東大和市のラーメン通りにあるお店。隣にはとんがら亭があります。どちらも駐車場あるけど間違えないようにしないと危ないです笑 どちらも人気店で待つことが多いですね。 狼煙屋さんは量が多いのが特徴的ですね。 今回はまぜそば。 前回坦々麺頼んでもやしの量が凄すぎて今回はまぜそばにしてみたけど、やはりすごい量笑 お値段以上のボリュームに完敗です。 今度は何にしようかな〜
Cooking → mixed soba meat Price → 850 yen A shop on Ramen Dori in Higashiyamato City. There is Tongaratei next door. Both have parking lots, but it's dangerous if you don't make a mistake. Both often wait at popular stores. It is characteristic that Noroshiya has a large amount. This time is mixed soba. Even if I asked for dandan noodles last time, the amount of bean sprouts was too great, so this time I tried to make mixed soba, but after all it is a great amount lol It is completely defeated by the volume over the price. What should I do next time ~
H Tj on Google

「らーめん・つけめん 狼煙屋」で久しぶりに食べてきた。オープン当初(2001年)は結構通ってた。確か西立川にあった「らーめん太陽堂」(鎌倉に移転済)の別れだったと思う。土曜日昼だけに4人待ちだが、待ち時間は5分強ほど。 自販機で今回の注文は「つけ麺大」(890円税込)を選んだ。 しばらくして運ばれてきた「つけ麺大」のスープのビジュアルや味が以前と違うような気がする。「らーめん太陽堂」と同じく「狼煙屋」も豚骨・鶏ガラ肉系と魚介ダブルスープ(Wスープ)だったと思うが、あまりにもコクがない。久しぶりだから味を忘れたのか、他ラーメン店の進化で物足りなく感じたのか...。どちらにしても美味くない。 チャーシューは太く柔らかいが味付けが濃ゆい。スープとチャーシューの味のバランスが悪い。 つけ麺大は420gだけに量は多く、味玉や大きめのチャーシューを考えるとコスパは高いとは思う。ただし、次回はないかな。
I ate it for the first time in a long time at "Ramen / Tsukemen Wolf Smoke Shop". At the beginning of the opening (2001), I went through quite a lot. I think it was a farewell to "Ramen Taiyo-do" (moved to Kamakura) in Nishi-Tachikawa. We are waiting for 4 people only on Saturday afternoon, but the waiting time is about 5 minutes. For this order, I chose "Tsukemen size" (890 yen including tax) from the vending machine. I feel that the visuals and taste of the "Tsukemen Dai" soup that was brought in after a while is different from before. Like "Ramen Taiyodo", "Wolf Smoke Shop" was also pork bone / chicken meat-based and seafood double soup (W soup), but it's not too rich. Did you forget the taste because it's been a long time, or did you feel unsatisfactory due to the evolution of other ramen shops? Either way, it's not delicious. The char siu is thick and soft, but the seasoning is strong. The taste of soup and char siu is not well balanced. The size of tsukemen is only 420g, which is a large amount, and considering the taste balls and large char siu, I think the cost performance is high. However, I wonder if there will be next time.
瘋癲のひろさん on Google

東大和市のラーメン狼煙屋。 ニンニク野菜肉ラーメン小をPayPayにて注文しました。 PayPayの場合画面を見せて店主に注文します。 PayPayで30%戻ってくるので今なら700円のラーメンがワンコイン以下。 食券機なので現金で注文ならそのまま購入です。 満席なので5〜10分ほど待って着席。 着席してから2〜3分でラーメン到着。早い。 二郎系ではありますが、あのパンチの強さとは違い、少しマイルドな感じです。 太麺でモチモチツルツルで二郎系のような弾力とはまた違いますがこれはこれで美味いです。 そして肉は鶏肉で、濃い味のスープが滲みて柔らかくて美味しいです。 ほかにも、豚骨+魚介スープのつけ麺、ラーメンがあり、まぜそばなどあります。 二郎のようなコールはないです。 カウンターにはニンニク、胡椒、一味、、魚粉などの薬味、レンゲとティッシュも常備。 道を挟んだところに専用駐車場がありますがハイエースや作業車などが停まっている横に並べて停めるとかなり出入りしづらいです。 昼時は結構混みそうです。
Ramen wolf smoke shop in Higashiyamato city. I ordered a small garlic vegetable meat ramen from PayPay. In the case of PayPay, show the screen and place an order with the shop owner. 30% will be returned with PayPay, so 700 yen ramen is now less than one coin. Since it is a ticket machine, if you order with cash, you can buy it as it is. It's full, so wait 5 to 10 minutes before you sit down. Ramen arrives in 2 to 3 minutes after sitting down. quick. It's a Jiro type, but unlike the strength of that punch, it feels a little mild. The thick noodles are chewy and smooth, which is different from the elasticity of Jiro, but this is delicious. And the meat is chicken, and the soup with a strong taste oozes and is soft and delicious. In addition, there are pork bone + seafood soup tsukemen, ramen, and mixed soba noodles. There is no call like Jiro. Garlic, pepper, gang, spices such as fishmeal, astragalus and tissue are always available at the counter. There is a private parking lot across the road, but it is quite difficult to get in and out if you park it side by side where Hiace and work vehicles are parked. It seems to be quite crowded at noon.
Zack Rides on Google

This is the best ramen I have had and I've been in Japan for 6 or 7 years total. They have an English menu, I recommend the Garlic and Vegetable Ramen (if you like garlic).
8848 Tvx on Google

Oh man! Fantastic one! ❤️ love ramen!
Corey Henderson on Google

I learned about Noroshi-Ya through local advertisement for Yokota Air Base. Claiming the title of "Best Ramen around Fussa", I had to go try it out for myself. Immediately upon arrival, the chef was extremely gracious, helpful, and elated to welcome local military crowd. Noroshi certainly lived up to their claim as The Best with their many options. Over 45 variations of the famous ramen noodle made in house. I enjoy the ability to customize noodle texture, oil measure, and heat level with your order. The real selling point was having chicken instead of broth for the meat. The chicken is very tender, juicy, and generous portion to the other Ingredients. Upon leaving, the chef was changing shifts and once again privately expressed his gratitude for our business and gave us cards to tell our friends. Check these guys out. You wont be disappointed.

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