Binbin - Hachioji

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Binbin

住所 :

1 Chome-8-17 Koyasumachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0904, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 192-0904
Webサイト :

1 Chome-8-17 Koyasumachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0904, Japan
村越正人 on Google

八王子まで電車で遠征して、びんびんで遅めのランチ。薬味(玉ねぎ)ラーメン700円をポチッ。長ネギは嫌いだが玉ねぎは大好物です。麺の上に鎮座した、まんまるの玉ねぎを崩してスープを吸わせ穴あきレンゲで啜る。最高です。 麺はストレートで硬めに茹であげ心地よい食感が味わえます。うーん、もう1杯食べたいと思わせる好みの味でした♬
Expedition to Hachioji by train and late lunch with a bottle. Click 700 yen for condiment (onion) ramen. I hate green onions, but I love onions. Crush the round onions that sit on the noodles, suck the soup, and sip with a perforated lotus. it's the best. The noodles are straight and hard, and you can enjoy a pleasant texture. Well, it was a favorite taste that made me want to eat another cup ♬
七面鳥放浪記 on Google

醤油ラーメンにきざみ玉ねぎをトッピングした八王子ラーメンの元祖を称するお店です。八王子ラーメンのお店の多くは早仕舞いだったり土日祝休みだったりする中、こちらのお店は支店ともども深夜の〇時ないしは二時までの営業なうえ、年末年始をのぞき年中無休という敷居の低さが魅力です。麺はしっかりとした食べごたえの細麺、スープは和そばのかけつゆのような甘みがあり、たっぷりのきざみ玉ねぎとよく合います。下品に美味い、そういうラーメンです。お店のおすすめは高額な「ねぎちゃーしゅーめん」か「ちゃーしゅーめん」のようですが、私としてはきざみ玉ねぎマシマシな「薬味らーめん」が断然のおすすめです。 八王子ラーメンのお店としては似たような名前の有名店が他にありますが、味でも利便性でもこちらが優るように思いました。
It is a shop that claims to be the originator of Hachioji ramen, which is a soy sauce ramen topped with chopped onions. Many of the Hachioji ramen shops are closed early or closed on weekends and holidays, but this shop is open until midnight or 2 o'clock at midnight, and it is open all year round except the year-end and New Year holidays. The lowness is attractive. The noodles are thin noodles with a firm texture, and the soup has a sweetness like Japanese soba kake soba, which goes well with plenty of chopped onions. It is such a ramen that is vulgar and delicious. The recommendation of the shop seems to be the expensive "Negi Chashumen" or "Chashumen", but for me, I definitely recommend the "Yakumi Ramen", which is a finely chopped onion. There are other famous Hachioji ramen shops with similar names, but I thought that this one was superior in terms of taste and convenience.
Moriyama Tatsuya on Google

初の八王子ラーメン ねぎチャーシューメンを食べましたが、醤油ベースのスープは甘めですが、コクがあって麺とよく絡み深い味わい 今まで食べた醤油ラーメンの中でもトップクラスの美味しさに感動しました。 ネギラーメンだけにとにかくネギの存在感がすごい、またみじん切りの玉ねぎもいい仕事しています。
The first Hachioji ramen I ate green onion char siu men, but the soy sauce-based soup is sweet, but it has a rich flavor that is often entwined with the noodles. I was impressed by the deliciousness of the top class soy sauce ramen I have ever eaten. The presence of green onions is amazing only for green onion ramen, and chopped onions are also a good job.
moto s on Google

冬休み2日目 昨日はちょっと飲みすぎてしまった、、、 馬車道にいてもやることないし、、、 実家帰るにはちょっと早い そうだ、「石和温泉」行こう(^^) 手軽に行けて、安くて、良い温泉 それが石和温泉で、昔から気に入ってます 関内→東神奈川→八王子→石和温泉 八王子でお昼食べて行くことに決定! 年末だからやってないお店も多いだろうなと思いつつ、 ポチポチ検索して、フラフラ歩いてこちらのお店にたどり着きました 八王子といえば、やっぱり「八王子ラーメン」(^^) 結局ラーメンにはしりがち 場所は八王子駅南口から歩いて3分くらいかな 野猿街道沿い 近くていいね 交差点に大きな看板も出ていたので、すぐにわかりました 「びんびん亭」って変わった店名だね どういう由来なんだろ? 元祖八王子らーめんて書いてある 楽しみ 八王子ラーメン食べたことないかも! いざ、店内! カウンターあり、テーブル席ありで広くて綺麗 創業30年て書いてあるから、リニューアルしたんだね 店員さんも気持ち良い接客 素晴らしい(^^) メニューは正攻法で【ラーメン】【味玉】【半ライス】に決定! 【ネギチャーシューメン】もおいしそうだったけど、 ちょっと控え目にしました 年末という事もあって、お昼時でもそんなに混んではいなかったけど、普段は混んでるんだろうなぁ そんな事を考えていると、お待ちかねの【ラーメン 味玉】【半ライス】到着! おぉぉぉ 醤油が濃いね これが八王子ラーメンか(^^) では、さっそくですがいただきまーす おぉ、美味い! 醤油はかなり濃いが、塩っぱいという感じではない 油の香りもいいね ラードだそうです スープ熱々でいい感じ 麺は細麺で固めでちょうど良い チャーシューはホロホロ 玉ねぎはシャキシャキでこの醤油スープと合うね ご飯もおいしかった 半ライスだけどボリュームもあったし スープ飲み干してペロリと完食です さすが元祖八王子ラーメン おいしかったです! また来ます ごちそうさまでした
2nd day of winter vacation I drank too much yesterday ... I have nothing to do even if I'm on the carriageway ... It's a little early to go home Yes, let's go to "Isawa Onsen" (^^) Easy to go, cheap and good hot springs That is Isawa Onsen, which I have always liked. Kannai → Higashi Kanagawa → Hachioji → Isawa Onsen Decided to go for lunch in Hachioji! While thinking that there are many shops that are not open because it is the end of the year, I searched for it and walked around to reach this shop. Speaking of Hachioji, after all "Hachioji ramen" (^^) After all, it tends to be a ramen The place is about 3 minutes on foot from the south exit of Hachioji station Along the Yaen Kaido It's nice to be close There was also a big sign at the intersection, so I knew it immediately. "Binbin-tei" is a strange store name. What is the origin? The original Hachioji Ramen is written fun You may have never eaten Hachioji ramen! Now, inside the store! There is a counter, there are table seats, it is spacious and beautiful It's been written 30 years since the company was founded, so it was renewed. The clerk also feels good to serve customers Great (^^) The menu is decided to be [ramen], [taste ball], and [half rice] in a straightforward manner! [Leek char siu noodles] It looked delicious, but I was a little conservative It wasn't so crowded even at noon because it was the end of the year, but it's usually crowded. With that in mind, the long-awaited [Ramen Ajitama] and [Half Rice] arrived! Ooooo The soy sauce is strong Is this Hachioji ramen (^^) Well then, let's get started. Oh, it ’s delicious! The soy sauce is quite thick, but not salty The scent of oil is also nice It ’s lard. The soup is hot and nice The noodles are thin and firm and just right Char siu is horohoro The onions are crispy and go well with this soy sauce soup The rice was also delicious It ’s half rice, but it ’s also voluminous. After drinking the soup, it ’s a complete meal. As expected, the original Hachioji ramen It was delicious! I'll come back later Thank you for the meal
林小馬 on Google

Good 醬油 ramen! Not the best, but good~??

Onions galore! Good but would only check it out if you are in the area.
Hiroshi Mau (毛菊島弘志) on Google

Nice place to get ramen or gyoza, cheap and very nice
Derrick Wong on Google

The best ramen shop in the area. I don't care what people say about the two Hyakumeiten nearby. This is by far, in my opinion, the best ramen shop in the area. Although their tsukemen is self-rated as number 4 on their menu, it should be number 1 because I think it is their best menu item. Highly recommend their tsukemen. Very good broth and noodles with a fantastic portion should you choose to upsize, and you should.

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