Akegarasu - Higashine

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Akegarasu

住所 :

2-chome-18-28 Jinmachikita, Higashine, Yamagata 999-3762, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87778
Postal code : 999-3762
Webサイト : http://akegarasu.sakura.ne.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM

2-chome-18-28 Jinmachikita, Higashine, Yamagata 999-3762, Japan
松田博美 on Google

Soba restaurant for 2 days in a row ? I went there from the evening today. I received a geso heavenly colander. Lots of tempura, squid tempura was the most delicious ?
ヒロハレ on Google

The ramen was a delicious soup with bonito broth, which is typical of soba noodles. For meat soba, the soup stock is moderate and the noodles are disappointing. It's not strong, it's just hard thin noodles and you can't feel the flavor of buckwheat noodles. Moreover, the noodles were short, and I was surprised that a lot of 3-4 cm noodles had sunk after eating! When I'm eating, I don't cut it in the middle.
りす on Google

暑いので冷たい蕎麦「海藻とろとろ蕎麦」いただきました。わかめ、めかぶ、とろろ昆布に半熟玉子と具が沢山!!千切り生姜がアクセントで美味しかったです。 蕎麦、うどん、ラーメン、丼もの、定食、カレーライス。メニュー豊富なので大勢で行ってもお好みで注文できます。 調理の方は大変でしょうけど。 メニューの説明(写真とか)がないものもあり、県外から来店された方は困っていました。 来店して席に座るなり、厨房内からのバカデカイ笑い声にびっくり。それもなかなか止むでない?楽しく仕事するのは結構ですけど、お客様はそれを求めてないです。ゆっくり食事したいのですから。 女性の対応は迅速で良かったです。
It's hot, so I had cold soba "seaweed toro toro soba". Wakame seaweed, mekabu, tororo kelp, soft-boiled egg and lots of ingredients !! The shredded ginger was accented and delicious. Soba, udon, ramen, rice bowl, set meal, curry rice. The menu is abundant, so you can order as you like even if you go in large numbers. Cooking will be harder, though. Some of the menus did not have explanations (such as photos), so those who came from outside the prefecture were in trouble. As soon as I came to the store and sat down, I was surprised at the stupid laughter from inside the kitchen. It's hard to stop ? It's fine to work happily, but customers don't want it. I want to eat slowly. The response of the women was quick and good.
progreko kstyle on Google

十割小板そば(950円)とげそ天ざるそば十割大盛り(1,050円+150円)を食べました。 追記(肉そばの写真も追加で載せました(゚∀゚)/ ここの肉そばは一般的な二八蕎麦とは違うんですね) お蕎麦はここいら辺にしては珍しく細平麺の十割蕎麦でした。 太くてもぐもぐな田舎蕎麦が苦手な方にはいいんでしょうね。 このお店の売りは巨大海老天なんでしょうけど、あえてここは蕎麦ということで(´┐`)。。 元気で明るいお店でした(゚∀゚)/ 繁盛するのも頷けます。
I ate 100% small plate soba (950 yen) and 100% large serving of Togeso Tenzaru soba (1,050 yen + 150 yen). Postscript (I also added a photo of meat soba (゜ ∀ ゜) / The meat soba here is different from the general 28 soba noodles) Soba was 100% buckwheat noodles made from thin flat noodles, which is rare for this area. It's good for people who don't like thick but moody countryside soba. This shop sells huge shrimp heaven, but I dare to say that this is soba (´┐ `). .. It was a lively and cheerful shop (゜ ∀ ゜) / It is no wonder that it is prosperous.
M A on Google

A popular long-established store in the area. It's my first time to visit the store, but the noodles are wonderfully boiled. It is difficult to eat in combination with countryside soba. The serving that sticks out of the bamboo steamer and the taste of the noodle soup are also charming. The parent chicken near the meat is also hard and the teeth are strengthened.
勇者さま on Google

ゲソ天蕎麦 950円 山形ではお馴染みの、ゲソ天が付いたざる蕎麦です。 夏野菜の天ぷらも入ってて、サクサクして美味しいです。ゲソ天と蕎麦の相性も良いですね、蕎麦も香りとコシががシッカリしてます。 蕎麦が美味しいお店なので、新そばの時期に、また食べに来たいですね。 冷たい肉そばも、お勧めですので是非!
Geso Tensoba 950 yen Zaru soba with gesoten, which is familiar in Yamagata. It also contains summer vegetable tempura, which is crispy and delicious. The gesoten and soba go well together, and the aroma and elasticity of the soba are crisp. The soba is delicious, so I would like to come back to eat it during the new soba season. Cold soba noodles are also recommended, so be sure to check them out!
K Nabe 3 on Google

大海老が食べたくて初来店です。 駐車場は2ヶ所あって店内も広々! 店員さんもめっちゃ親切! 十割蕎麦があったので、チョイス。 細麺でしたが、コシがあって美味しい! 山形は本当に蕎麦が旨い。 肝心の海老ですが、うーん。 ちょっと期待と違ったかなあ。 見た目は大きくて天ぷらもサクサクなんですが、海老の食感が残念かな。 ノーマル天ざるなら星5!
This is my first visit to the store because I want to eat big shrimp. There are two parking lots and the inside of the store is spacious! The clerk is also very kind! There was 100% buckwheat noodles, so I chose it. It was thin noodles, but it was chewy and delicious! Soba is really delicious in Yamagata. It's the essential shrimp, but hmm. I wonder if it was a little different from what I expected. The appearance is big and the tempura is crispy, but the texture of the shrimp is disappointing. If it's a normal heaven, 5 stars!
Ilham Hakiki on Google

delicious Japanese food.. it's call tendon (天丼)

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