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Contact 山縣有朋の第二無鄰菴跡

住所 :

489, Higashiikesucho, Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-0922 Kyoto,Japan

街 : Kyoto

489, Higashiikesucho, Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-0922 Kyoto,Japan
佳歩 on Google

skanamura on Google

I love gardens with water
T K on Google

It is located in the Kanko Takasegawa Nijo Pass store, but you can show it even if you are not using the store. You will be kind to those who just look, so avoid crowded hours.
丸尾彰彦 on Google

がんこ 高瀬川 二条苑 山縣有朋の第二無鄰(りん)菴跡にある 料亭の様な、がんこです。 素晴らしいお庭を眺めながら レトロな調度品の中で 平日980円からのランチが最高です、!
Ganko Takasegawa Nijoen Located in Yamagata Aritomo's second Rin 菴 菴 It's like a restaurant. While looking at the wonderful garden In retro furnishings Lunch from 980 yen on weekdays is the best!
やまたか on Google

2017-02-11 食事をすると、庭も見学出来ます。 イヤホンガイドで説明を聞くのと、お店の人が説明してくださるのと2パターンあります。 苔生した場所は、ズカズカ立ち入る観光客対策で柵で囲まれています。 南禅寺方面の無鄰菴は芝生がメインですが、こちらは苔がメインだそうです。
2017-02-11 If you eat, you can also visit the garden. There are two patterns, one for listening to the explanation in the earphone guide and one for the person in the shop. The moss-covered area is surrounded by a fence to prevent tourists from entering the area. The lawn is the main place for Nanzenji in the direction of Nanzenji, but it seems that moss is the main here.
jio leo on Google

現在は『がんこ高瀬川二条苑』敷地内。 店内従業員の方に申し出ると、庭園への入り口へとご案内いただけます。お店での飲食を利用しない場合でも無料で入園させていただけます。 山縣有朋~第二無鄰菴の以前は、豪商の角倉了以の別邸であったそうです。おおよそ400年前に了以により造られた庭苑はその後に山縣有朋の別邸となり、第三代日本銀行総裁の川田小一郎の別邸、阿倍市太郎の所有を経て現在は大岩邸として伝わり『がんこ二条苑 高瀬川源流庭園』となったそうです。 『高瀬川源流庭園』と称するように、みそそぎ川から分岐させ鉄格子を経て庭園に清流をもたらします。 こちらの敷地を経て、高瀬川は一之船入へ、木屋町へと続きます。 規模の大きな庭園ではありませんが、緑豊かで起伏も多少あります。 鴨川の向こう大文字山も間近に見ることが出来ます。 繁華街に程近いながらも、この地は大人の憩いの場として落ち着きある古の面影を色濃く感じることが出来ます。
Currently on the premises of "Ganko Takasegawa Nijoen". If you ask an employee in the store, you will be guided to the entrance to the garden. Even if you do not eat or drink at the store, you can enter the park free of charge. Before Yamagata Aritomo-No. 2 Murin-an, it was said that it was the villa of the wealthy merchant Suminokura Ryoi. The garden, which was built about 400 years ago, later became the villa of Aritomo Yamagata, and after being owned by Koichiro Kawada, the villa of the third governor of the Bank of Japan, and Ichitaro Abe, it is now known as the Oiwa residence. It is said that it became "Nijoen Takasegawa Headwaters Garden". As it is called "Takase River Headwaters Garden", it branches off from the Misosogi River and brings a clear stream to the garden via an iron grill. After passing through this site, the Takase River continues to Ichinofunairi and Kiyamachi. It's not a large garden, but it's lush and has some undulations. You can also see Mt. Okuribi over the Kamogawa up close. Although it is close to the downtown area, this place is a place of relaxation for adults, and you can feel the calm old-fashioned atmosphere.
規格外の旅食人 on Google

It was great because you can enjoy not only the food but also the garden!
Jiri Kropac on Google

Traditional Japanesse restaurant and beautiful original Japanesse garden located in quiet place in Kyoto. All was good, food, staff, service ??????

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