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Contact 藩訓秘伝の碑

住所 :

1, Ninomaru, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0032 Aichi,Japan

街 : 区画 Aichi

1, Ninomaru, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0032 Aichi,Japan
渡辺直治 on Google

There is an explanation board and a stone monument.
普通の霊夢 on Google

A monument to the clan's secret story on the grounds of Nagoya Castle. It says, "It depends on life."
Yuta Yokoi on Google

Japanese/English 尾張藩の藩祖徳川義直が残した言葉だそうで、石碑には「王命に依って催さるる事」と刻まれています。万が一、幕府と朝廷が争うようなことがあれば、尾張藩は朝廷に与せよという趣旨だそうです。 将軍家が絶えたときには後継者を出す資格を持つ尾張徳川家でこのような藩訓が相伝されていたというのは不思議な感じがしますが,家格の高い一門衆と本家との間に微妙な緊張関係が生じる例は,古くは源頼朝と他の源氏門葉との関係,足利将軍家と鎌倉公方足利家・斯波武衛家との関係等で見られたようです。実際,藩祖義直と三代将軍家光,第七代藩主宗春と八代将軍吉宗はあまり仲が良くなかったようで,義直の男系子孫が絶えて以降は,吉宗の系譜に連なる徳川将軍家・御三卿一橋家からの養子藩主が続くことになり,尾張藩内に幕府への反発が生じていたようです。 尾張藩支藩の高須藩出身だった幕末の藩主徳川慶勝は,時の大老井伊直弼と対立して隠居を命じられながらも国事に奔走し,青松葉事件で藩論を新政府支持に統一して,戊辰戦争で新政府側に与します。かつての同志であり主君でもあった徳川慶喜や,実の弟であった会津藩主松平容保・桑名藩主松平定敬を敵に回して戦う事への苦悩は計り知れないものだったと思いますが,藩訓に従って新政府を支持を明らかにするとともに,大阪城の受け取り役を務め,東海・東山道沿いの譜代・親藩を新政府に帰順するよう説得し,江戸城の受け取りにも携わります。その一方で慶勝は一橋家を継いだ弟の茂徳を通じて,容保や定敬の助命嘆願をしており,戊辰戦争を平和のうちに終結させることに腐心していたようです。 藩祖義直が残した藩訓や幕末の藩主慶勝の行動がクローズアップされることはあまりないようですが,日本中を大乱に巻き込むことなく江戸時代を終結させることに一役買った功績は見直されて良いのではないかと思います。 It is a word left by Ms. Yoshinao Tokugawa of Owari clan, and it is inscribed in the stone monument as "to be held according to the royal life". If there is anything that the Shogunate and the Imperial Court will compete, it is said that the purpose is to give it to the Imperial Court. It is strange that such a training is associated with the Owari Tokugawa family, who is qualified to give a successor when the shogun family is exhausted, but there is a subtle difference between a family with a tall family and the main family. An example of the development of a tense relationship seems to have been seen in old times in the relationship between Minamoto Yoritomo and the other Genji Gatea, the relationship between the Ashikaga Generals House and the Kamakura Kubo Ashikaga House and the Shiba Buei House. In fact, Aozora Yoshinao and the third Shogun Ikemitsu, the 7th Shogun Soshuharu and the 8 Sho Shogun Yoshimune seem to be indifferent, and after Tokugawa's male descendants died, Tokugawa Shogun house Mikoto The adoption lord from the Hitotsubashi family will continue, and it seems that there was a reaction to the Shogunate in Owari Pass. Yoshikatsu Tokugawa , who was from Takasu in the end of the Bakumatsu, was enshrined by Tokugawa , although he was ordered to reciprocate in conflict with the Great Ii Naosuke, and reconciled controversy to support the new government in the Aomatsuba case And give it to the new government in the war. I think it was immeasurable to struggle with the former comrade and lord Yoshinobui Tokugawa and the real younger brother Aizu master Katamori Matsudaira and Kuwana Sadatake Matsudaira, who turned against the enemy. In addition to clarifying the support of the new government according to the rule, as the receiving role of Osaka Castle, I persuaded Sa-cho and relatives along Tokai and To-san Road to be reordered to the new government, and also involved in the receiving of Edo Castle. On the other hand, it seems that Gyeongsang has made a plea for lifesaving and reverence through his brother Shigenori, who succeeded the Hitotsubashi family, and was committed to ending the war in peace. It seems that there isn't a lot of close-up on the actions of Choi Kun left by Aozora Yoshinao and the lord of Gakusho at the end of the Edo period, but the achievements that played a part in ending the Edo period without involving the whole country in Japan I think that is good.
Japanese / English It is a word left by Ms. Yoshinao Tokugawa of Owari clan, and it is inscribed in the stone monument as "to be held according to the royal life". If there is anything that the Shogunate and the Imperial Court will compete, it is said that the purpose is to give it to the Imperial Court. It is strange that such a training is associated with the Owari Tokugawa family, who is qualified to give a successor when the shogun family is exhausted, but there is a subtle difference between a family with a tall family and the main family. An example of the development of a tense relationship seems to have been seen in the past in the relationship between Minamoto Yoritomo and the other Genji Gateabas, the association between Ashikaga Shoguns and Kamakura Kokata Ashikaga and Shiba Takeshis. In fact, Aozora Yoshinao and the third Shogun Ikemitsu, the 7th Shogun Soshuharu and the 8 Sho Shogun Yoshimune seemed to be in a bad relationship, and after Tokugawa's male descendants died, the Tokugawa Shogun House Mikoto The adoption lord from the Hitotsubashi family continued, and it seems that there was a reaction to the Shogunate in Owari Pass. Okuwari Shoko, who was from Takasu in the end of the Bakumatsu, was enshrined by Tokugawa Tokugawa, although he was ordered to reciprocate in conflict with the Great Oioi Io Naoi, and reconciled controversy to support the new government in the Aomatsuba case And give it to the new government in the war. I think it was immeasurable to struggle with the former comrade and lord Youki Tokugawa and the real younger brother Aizu lord Ryohei Matsuhira and Haruna Ryohei Matsudaira as the enemy. In addition to clarifying the support of the new government according to the rule, as the receiving role of Osaka Castle, I persuaded Satsushiro and relatives along Tokai and Higashiyama Road to be reordered to the new government, and also involved in the receiving of Edo Castle. On the other hand, it seems that Gyeongsang has made a plea for lifesaving and reverence through his brother Shigenori, who succeeded the Hitotsubashi family, and was committed to ending the war in peace. It seems that there isn't a lot of close-up on the actions of Choi Kun left by Aozora Yoshinao and the lord of Gakusho at the end of the Edo period, but the achievements that played a part in ending the Edo period without involving the whole country in Japan I think that is good. It is a word left by Ms. Yoshinao Tokugawa of Owari clan, and it is noted in the stone monument as "to be held according to the royal life". If there is anything that the Shogunate and the Imperial Court will compete, it is Said that the purpose is to give it to the Imperial Court. It is strange that such a training is associated with the Owari Tokugawa family, who is qualified to give a successor when the shogun family is exhausted, but there is a subtle difference between a family with a tall family and the main family. The fact that the relationship between Minamoto Yoritomo and the other Genji Gatea, The relationship between the Ashikaga Generals House and the Kabakura House and the Shiba Buei House. In fact, Aozora Tokugawa Shogun Ikemitsu, The 7th Shogun Soshuharu and the 8 Sho Shogun Yoshimeune Seem to be indifferent, and after Tokugawa's male descendents died, Tokugawa Shogun house Mikoto The adoption lord from the Hitotsushi family will continue, and it appears to the Shogunate in Owari Pass. Yoshikatsu Tokugawa, who was from Takasu in the end of the Bakumatsu, was enshrined by Tokugawa, but he was ordered to reciprocate in conflict with the Great Ii Naosuke, and reconciled contraversy to support the new government in the Aomatsuba case new government in the war. I think it was immeasurable to struggle with the former comrade and lord Yoshinobui Tokugawa and the real younger brother Aizu master Katamori Matsudaira and Kuwana Sadatake Matsudaira, who turned against the enemy. Government according to the rule, as the receiving role of Osaka Castle, I persuade Sa-cho and relatives along Tokai and To-san Road to be reordered to the new government, and also involved in the receiving of Edo Castle. On the other hand , it seems that Gyeongsang has made a plea for life saving and reverence through his brother Shigenori, who succeeded the Hitotsubashi family, and was committed to ending the war in peace. It seems that there isn't a lot of close-up on the actions of Choi Kun left by Aozora Yoshinao and the lord of Gakusho at the end of the Edo period, but the achievements that played a part in the ending Edo period without involving the whole country in Japan I think that is good.
森昭二 on Google

これは尾張徳川家の初代藩主・徳川義直の著書『軍書合鑑』の巻末にある一節です。勤皇の精神を表しているといわれています。 それにしても尾張徳川家の初代藩主で御三家筆頭である義直はなぜ勤皇を藩訓としたのでしょうか?本家(将軍家)に対する分家(尾張家)の対抗意識か?母親が石清水八幡宮の祠官の娘だったからその影響か?それらもあったと思います。しかし私は儒学の影響も大きいと思います。義直は儒学に深く傾倒していました。そのため義直時代の二之丸庭園には孔子を始めとする儒学の五聖、七十二賢の金像を祀った金声玉振閣(聖堂)があったし、また今も瀬戸市定光寺に残る自身の墓も儒式で作らせるほどでした。儒学の大義名分論に従えば、日本の君主は将軍ではなく天皇であることは明らかです。しかし当時としてはそのようなことは公言できずそれであのような藩訓として密かに伝えたのだと思います。 儒学のことが少し気になって以前読んだ加藤徹著の「本当は危ない『論語』」という本を読み返してみました。そこには徳川御三家の中で水戸家が勤皇の役割を持たされたのは、もし徳川と朝廷がいくさになった時に水戸家に緩衝地帯の役割を期待したからだったのだが、徳川の太平が予想外に長く続いたために水戸家は水戸学の自家中毒症になってしまい、また西南雄藩の志士たちに倒幕のイデオロギー的根拠を与えてしまったとありました。そして実際、水戸藩は徳川斉昭の死後、藩内が天狗党(攘夷派)と諸生党(保守派)の真っ二つに割れて藩内で戊辰戦争のような状態になってしまい、数百人もの犠牲者を出すという大混乱になってしまいました。 それに対して鳥羽伏見の戦いにおける旧幕府軍の敗北の直後に尾張徳川家の徳川慶勝は逸早く勤皇を表明しました。それにより今まで日和見を決め込んでいた大名も一斉に勤皇を表明し、維新回天への大きな流れができました。また慶勝は東海地方に所領を持つ大名や旗本に新政府に恭順するようにと説得して回ったのでこの地方はさしたる混乱もなく、また東北のような戦火に見舞われることもなく新時代を迎えることができました。こうして見ると、義直がここまで予想して藩主の秘伝として藩訓を残したのかどうかは分かりませんが、完全に機能不全に陥った水戸家に変わって尾張家が水戸家の役割を果たしたと言えるかもしれませんね。 えらく長くなってしまいましたが、最後に一言。名古屋城春まつりに行ったら「徳川宗春を大河ドラマに」とのイベントが行われていました。私は宗春よりも徳川慶勝を大河ドラマにしてほしいと思います。慶勝には宗春のような派手さや話題性はないかもしれませんが、明治維新への大きな流れを作った人です。新時代への扉を大きく開いた人です。その事実をもっと多くの人に、特に名古屋の人に知ってほしいと思います。 薩摩長州だけではない。ここ尾張名古屋も維新回天への大きな流れを作ったのだということを!!
This is a passage at the end of the book "Gunsho Gokan" by Yoshinao Tokugawa, the first feudal lord of the Owari Tokugawa family. It is said to represent the spirit of the Emperor. Even so, why did Yoshinao, the first feudal lord of the Owari-Tokugawa family and the head of the three families, use the Emperor as a feudal lord? Is it the opposition of the branch family (Owari family) to the head family (general family)? Is it because my mother was the daughter of a shrine officer at Iwashimizu Hachimangu? I think they were there too. However, I think the influence of Confucianism is also great. Yoshinao was deeply devoted to Confucianism. Therefore, in the Ninomaru Garden during the Yoshinao era, there was a golden voice ball shrine (shrine) enshrining the gold statues of Confucius and other Confucian five saints, 72 Ken, and he still remains in Jokoji, Seto City. The grave was made in a Confucian style. According to the Confucian cause theory, it is clear that the Japanese monarch is not a shogun but an emperor. However, at that time, I couldn't profess such a thing, and I think I secretly told it as a clan lesson like that. I was a little worried about Confucianism, so I reread the book "Truly Dangerous'Theory'" by Toru Kato. The Mito family had the role of emperor among the Tokugawa Gosanke, because they expected the Mito family to play the role of a buffer zone when Tokugawa and the court were to go. It was said that the Mito family became self-addicted to Mito studies because Taihei continued unexpectedly for a long time, and also gave the scholars of the Southwestern Yuhan the ideological grounds for the defeat. And, in fact, after the death of Tokugawa Nariaki, the Mito clan was divided into two parties, the Tengu party (the sect) and the Morio party (the conservative sect), and the clan became like a Boshin War. It was a mess with hundreds of casualties. On the other hand, immediately after the defeat of the former Shogunate army in the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, Yoshikatsu Tokugawa of the Owari Tokugawa family quickly announced his emperor. As a result, the daimyo, who had decided opportunism until now, also announced the Emperor at the same time, and a big flow to the Restoration Kaiten was made. In addition, Yoshikatsu persuaded the daimyo and Hatamoto, who have territories in the Tokai region, to obey the new government, so there was no confusion in this region, and there was no war like the Tohoku region. I was able to welcome you. Looking at it in this way, I do not know whether Yoshinao expected so far and left the clan's lesson as a secret of the feudal lord, but it is said that the Owari family played the role of the Mito family instead of the completely dysfunctional Mito family. You may be able to say that. It's been a long time, but one last word. When I went to the Nagoya Castle Spring Festival, there was an event called "Tokugawa Muneharu as a Taiga Drama". I want Yoshikatsu Tokugawa to be a taiga drama rather than Muneharu. Yoshikatsu may not be as flashy or topical as Muneharu, but he is the one who made the big flow to the Meiji Restoration. A person who has opened the door to a new era. I would like more people to know this fact, especially those in Nagoya. It's not just Satsuma Choshu. That Owari Nagoya also made a big flow to the Restoration Kaiten! !!

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