Zenbei - Sendai

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Zenbei

住所 :

ソレイユ・エスト名掛丁 2F 114 Nakakecho, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0864, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 983-0864
Webサイト : http://zenbei.owst.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30AM

ソレイユ・エスト名掛丁 2F 114 Nakakecho, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0864, Japan
靈華 on Google

價格雖不上便宜 但用料實在 好吃 牛舌更是一絕 我覺得比利久好吃 每道菜都用看到他的用心雖然小菜費不便宜(お通し)但我覺得是可以去吃的一間店 我推薦 煎餃 烤魚 牛舌 炸牡蠣
Although the price is not cheap, but the materials are really delicious beef tongue is a must. I think it is better to eat every dish than Lili. Although the food is not cheap (お通し), I think it is a meal that I can eat. Shop I recommend fried dumplings, grilled fish, beef tongue, fried oysters
おいしいおやさい on Google

外から店内まで階段と細い道が続いててワクワクします。 店内もにぎやかで素敵でした!そして個室があるのが嬉しいです! ランチで利用しましたが、1000円から3000円くらい、お肉も魚もヘルシーメニューもあります! サラダ、スープ、小鉢もり、メイン、デザートとコース料理のような提供で贅沢な気分になりました! 店員さんも面白くあったかいです。 通わなきゃ… 夜も利用したくなります。
The stairs and narrow roads continue from the outside to the inside of the store, and are exciting. The shop was lively and nice! And I'm happy to have a private room! I used it for lunch, but there are also meat, fish, and healthy menus for around 1000 to 3000 yen! Salads, soups, small bowls, main, desserts and course dishes made me feel luxurious! The clerk is also fun. I have to go ... I want to use it at night.
順子斎藤 on Google

職場の忘年会で行って来ました。 料理は美味しいし、なによりそれぞれの料理の器がもう楽しく、運ばれて来るたび、歓声が? この時期の限定料理、食べたかった。 コースでお腹いっぱいで、無理だったですが、セリのピザとか美味しそうだなぁと?
I went to a year-end party at work. The food is delicious, and above all, the vessels of each dish are already fun, and every time they are brought in, cheers ? I wanted to eat a limited edition dish of this time. I was so full on the course that I couldn't do it, but the auction pizza looks delicious ?

All were very delicious. I drank local sake as recommended, but it was the first time I drank it, but it was also delicious. I enjoyed the conversation slowly in the private room. I want to stop by again.
Boogieman 321 on Google

All lunch is 1000 yen (excluding tax). There are plenty of stylish food in small bowls. Aunt, it seems difficult to carry. It ’s hard to wash. Although there are many items, the volume is not so much, it may be suitable for women. The taste is good!
Yumi __ on Google

仙台旅行の機会に予約して訪問しました。 (土曜12時から9人) その日は予約でいっぱいのようでしたので、行くなら予約していくのが無難そうです。 ごはん、全部がとっっても美味しい。 私は季節のせり鍋膳(1800円くらい)、連れは通常メニューの定食(1000円)を頼みましたが、どちらもお値段以上すぎる美味体験でした。 品数多すぎ、独創的、どれも美味しい、言うことなし! せり鍋って、せりのしゃきしゃき感を楽しむ料理だったんですね。 お店の雰囲気もとってもよく、また仙台に行く機会があれば必ず訪れたい場所です。
I booked and visited on a Sendai trip opportunity. (9 people from 12:00 on Saturday) The day seemed to be full of reservations, so it seems safe to make a reservation if you go. Rice, everything is delicious. I ordered a seasonal set of pots (about 1800 yen) and my family ordered a regular menu set meal (1000 yen), but both were delicious experiences that were too expensive. Too many items, original, delicious, nothing to say! The auction pot was a dish where you could enjoy the crisp feeling of the auction. The atmosphere of the shop is good, and if you have a chance to visit Sendai, it is a must-visit place.
Яunxx xx on Google

昨年仙台へ訪れた際に伺いました。 どうしてもせり鍋が食べたくて。 善平さんのせり鍋は、鴨肉とせりのみ!!のシンプルなお鍋で。もうせりも鴨肉も食べるタイミング等も教えて頂けて嬉しかったです。 せりは根っこはごぼうに似てて、茎や葉の部分は春菊に似てます。 他にもお刺身の盛合せや生牡蠣等たらふく食べて地酒も嗜みました。 お通しでほややせりの炒めもの等、ご当地の食材を頂けるのも◎
I visited when I visited Sendai last year. I really want to eat a hot pot. Zenpei-san's auction pot is only duck meat and auction! !! In a simple pot. I was happy to know when to eat auction and duck meat. The roots of the auction resemble burdock, and the stems and leaves resemble garland chrysanthemum. Besides, I ate assorted sashimi and raw oysters and enjoyed local sake. You can also get local ingredients such as stir-fried auctions.
サトウタケル(私の主観口コミです) on Google

コスパ良すぎです。 コースのコスパが凄い。 値段以上の料理です。お腹パンパンです笑 6000円弱の飲み放題コースにしましたが、個室で呼び出しボタンもあり、接待やデートにおすすめです。 帰り際にはあたたかいゆで卵頂きほっこりしました。 素敵なお店です。久々いい気分です笑
Cospa is too good. The cost performance of the course is amazing. It's more than the price. I'm hungry lol We made it an all-you-can-drink course for less than 6000 yen, but there is also a call button in the private room, which is recommended for entertainment and dates. On my way home, I got a warm boiled egg and felt relaxed. It's a nice shop. I feel good after a long time lol

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