やきとり たまりば 本店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact やきとり たまりば 本店

住所 :

Yoyogi, Shibuya City, 〒151-0053 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://tori-inochi.com/freepage_8_1.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–2AM
Sunday 5PM–2AM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Yoyogi, Shibuya City, 〒151-0053 Tokyo,Japan
加納敏彦 on Google

ここの焼き鳥のレバーねぎ油が絶品!2本必ず頼みます。 あとの料理もお酒もとっても美味しいです。ただ、予約しておかないとなかなか入れません。 だから高評価の口コミも書きたくないけど、大好きなお店なので5です。
Yakitori liver onion oil is exquisite here! I will always ask for two. The rest of the dishes are also very delicious. However, it is difficult to enter unless you make a reservation. That's why I don't want to write highly rated reviews, but it's 5 because it's a favorite shop.
菅野寿人 on Google

【集団で食中毒になりました。】 会社の仲間達と複数で来店しました。 焼き鳥をある程度注文しました。 味は普通以下。 焼き鳥は中まで火が通ってない物もいくつか。 そういう焼き鳥屋もあるが、新鮮な鳥肉を使ってる高級店がやる事。 やっすい、焼き鳥の真似事のような店がやる事ではありません。 結果、3名が食中毒になりました。医者によるとカンピロバクターという生の鶏肉に含まれてるものでした。 カンピロバクター生の鶏肉を切った、まな板や包丁などにも付着しているみたいです。 厨房の中までは見ていないので何とも言えませんが、衛生面も気にせずにテキトーにやってそうな雰囲気でした。
I became food poisoning in a group. ] I visited the store with my colleagues. I ordered some yakitori. The taste is below normal. Some yakitori are not cooked to the inside. There are yakitori restaurants like that, but high-end restaurants that use fresh chicken meat do it. It's not something that a store like Yakitori imitates. As a result, 3 people became food poisoning. According to the doctor, it was contained in raw chicken called Campylobacter. Campylobacter It seems that it is also attached to cutting boards and kitchen knives made by cutting raw chicken. I can't say anything because I haven't seen the inside of the kitchen, but it seemed like I would go to the kitchen without worrying about hygiene.
うさぎと亀 on Google

This is the first yakitori restaurant that I wanted to visit again!
青木一敏 on Google

初代々木で来店。 レバーはぱさぱさ、口コミは高評価が多いがそんな事はなかった印象。 ただ雰囲気は良かった。
Visited the store in Yoyogi. Impression that lever was small and word of mouth was high evaluation, but there was not such a thing. Just the atmosphere was good.
加藤宏明 on Google

It is a repertoire that professionals also come to buy. It seems that Iris Ohyama has recently become a business owner. The unfriendly staff of Iris Ohyama, I went to buy a washing machine, but I didn't feel like buying it, so I bought it elsewhere.
ゆっきーもーりー on Google

もう5回くらいは来てますね^_^ 本当はあと5回くらいきてますが、満席で断念(T . T) 19時〜21時のゴールデンタイムはやはり入れない事が多いですが、21時過ぎはわりと入れるチャンスあります! 私はカリカリの鶏皮ポン酢が大好きです! あと、個人的には厚みのある豚バラ串が食べ応えあって空きっ腹に最高! 久しぶりにまた伺いましたが、やっぱり美味しい!!
I've been here about 5 times already ^ _ ^ Actually, I've been there about 5 more times, but I gave up because it was full (T. T) It is often not possible to enter the golden time from 19:00 to 21:00, but after 21:00 there is a chance to enter! I love crispy chicken skin ponzu! Also, personally, the thick pork skewers are the best for hungry! I visited again after a long time, but it's still delicious! !!
Yudai K on Google

Used for dinner. I've been worried for a long time, but I missed the opportunity to visit, but I finally visited. The more you want to come earlier, the more you can feel the secret, and the food is delicious. Yakitori, one-of-a-kind dishes, and 〆 are abundant, and it is an irresistible shop for liquor lovers.
N S on Google

Their skewed chicken was so fluffy... Yes, it's fluffy. They grill rare and won't become dry & hard! Every menu was so good! But if you go there before holiday, it's totally packed and serving time tend to be longer... We waited an hour for some dishes!! Lol

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