Yakitori and Toritatsu - Shinjuku City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yakitori and Toritatsu

住所 :

1 Chome-19-12 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 160-0023

1 Chome-19-12 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan
Takashi Fujino on Google

串一本一本のボリュームがたっぷり。食べごたえがあります。 写真のしいたけは塩コショウがしっかり効いていて、お酒との相性が最高でした?
Plenty of volume on each skewer. I have a good meal. The shiitake mushrooms in the photo had salt and pepper that worked well and had the best compatibility with sake.
Hiroshi Oyama on Google

焼き鳥と言えばここ。 参考になればと思います。 【ボリューム】 ひとつひとつの串がかなりデカい。 【味】 焼き加減も文句なしでジューシー。 鳥好きには本当におすすめ。
Speaking of yakitori, here. I hope it will be helpful. 【volume】 Each skewer is quite big. 【taste】 The roasting is juicy without any complaints. Really recommended for bird lovers.
ロイパパ on Google

あまり人には教えたくない焼き鳥屋さん。界隈では文句なしに一番のお店だと思います。 店内は焼き鳥を焼く煙で充満していますが、旨い酒と焼き鳥があれば気にならないですね。出入り口の近くだから良かったのかな(笑) かなり大ぶりなので5本も食べると他のメニューが食べられなくなるかもしれません? 正肉 はさみ(ボンジリと首肉) つくね レバー 手羽先 しらすオムレツ モロキュウ レバー以外は全て塩でお願いしました。味付けは全体的にあっさりと。肉に自信があるからなんでしょうね。 また来ます、ご馳走さまでした?
A yakitori shop that I don't want to teach too many people. I think that it is the best shop in the neighborhood without complaints. The shop is filled with smoke that roasts yakitori, but if you have delicious sake and yakitori, you won't be bothered. I wonder if it was good because it was near the entrance (laugh) It is quite large so if you eat 5 bottles you may not be able to eat other menus ? Regular meat Scissors (bond and neck) Tsukune lever Chicken wings Whitebait omelet Morocou I asked for salt except for the liver. Seasoning is light on the whole. I guess the meat is confident. I will come again
Tomo on Google

ここの焼き鳥は美味しくてボリュームもあり、とても良いです。 焼き鳥好きには最高です。 好きな焼き鳥オーダーしたら、それだけでお腹いっぱいになります。1本1本がとても大きいからです。 かつどれも美味しいのでホントに良いです。 個人的には皮が一番オススメです。
The yakitori here is delicious and voluminous and is very good. Great for yakitori lovers. If you order your favorite yakitori, it will fill you up. Because each one is very big. Everything is delicious and really good. Personally, skin is the most recommended.
月海 on Google

いつも賑わってる人気の焼き鳥屋さん。どこか懐かしい店内、リーズナブルで美味しい料理、店内タバコも吸えます。(私は吸いませんが!) 狭いですがザ居酒屋って感じで、居心地良いです。
A popular yakitori restaurant that is always busy. You can smoke some nostalgic interior, reasonable and delicious food, and in-store cigarettes. (I don't smoke!) It's small, but it feels like the izakaya, and it's comfortable.
ぺんたろ会長 on Google

大きい串焼きが素晴らしい人気居酒屋さん♪ ドリンクもホッピーがあったりと、昔ながらの雰囲気がいいお店です♪
A popular izakaya with great skewers ♪ Drinks are also hoppy, and it has a nice old-fashioned atmosphere ♪
Reivax Teo on Google

Food was delicious. Even though I didn’t speak Japanese, the waitress was patient with my order. House sake was good and affordable.
Katie Hamilton on Google

So much food and so tasty for a very good price. All Japanese menu so we picked a bit blindly with help from google translate. Karage chicken then edemame some noodle dish with egg and garlic and skewers. The skewers were a 5 piece yakatori and we guessed where chicken, chicken liver, chicken cartilage, pork and question mark.

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